She took back her eyes and looked at Lancang again. He was still so overcast, as if facing her, his smile was less pitiful.

"President, let's go."

Nie Jingjing walks forward on her own. This is the top garden of Fang's group. There are many unknown flowers on both sides of the road. Now it's the blooming season. There is a faint fragrance of flowers floating in the air, and butterflies are flying in the air. Lancang built a beautiful place at the beginning. When employees come out for a walk to see such a beautiful scenery, they will feel much better.

She didn't know that Lancang had done all this for him.

Although the scenery is beautiful, Nie Jingjing doesn't have the heart to watch it carefully. So is Lancang behind her.

"Nie Jingjing, what else do you want to say? I have eyes. I can see. "

Lancang thought that he would be angry with Nie Jingjing, and even torture her again. But when they really calm down, his anger also slowly dissipated.

"President, what do you think our acquaintance is to you?"

Nie Jingjing has been holding on to this problem for a long time. For Nie Jingjing, this encounter was like a grand catastrophe.

Nie Jingjing recalled every step she took during this period, tears are always more than laughter, pain is always more than happiness. It seems that since she stepped into the entanglement with Lancang, she was doomed.

She would like to ask Lancang what it means to him?

Is it just a game designed by him, or a way to revenge her later? Did he really not give a little sincerity?

After Lancang did not speak, Nie Jingjing knew that he was thinking about how to answer, she was not worried, patiently waiting for Lancang's answer.

She has been fully prepared, no matter what the answer he gives, she chooses to accept it.

Lancang did not expect that Nie Jingjing would raise such questions, and even he never thought about them himself.

"I know you, for me, is a kind of guardian. It just seems that you don't need it. "

Lancang was silent for a long time, and finally answered Nie Jingjing.

I want to be by her side all the time. I don't want to let her be bullied by others. I don't want to see her cry again. I hope her every day is full of sunshine because of his company.

But now it seems that such a guard is not rare for Nie Jingjing. Perhaps, she prefers a man like Li Hao, who will say touching love words and treat her tenderly and considerately. And he can't do that.

Nie Jingjing thought that a man like Lancang would tell the truth. This marriage is just a business transaction. There is nothing else.

Unexpectedly, he gave such an answer. guard? Lancang, are you still acting? You are the one who says that you never like me, and you are the one who says that you and I don't even deserve to fight.

Is this what you call guardian? It's ridiculous.

Nie Jingjing feels that her chest is very stuffy. When does this man want to cheat her? What kind of ferocious face is under this false veil. Nie Jingjing suddenly felt sick, to the world, to the person in front of her.

"Maybe, Mr. President, let me go."

Nie Jingjing turns her back to Lancang. She says this with her eyes closed. She exhausted all her courage to finally say that if everything is his means, his revenge, then now he has succeeded.

Is it not enough that she is bruised and scarred?

Lancang suddenly pulls Nie Jingjing's body like crazy, forcing her to look at herself. His emotional, holding Nie Jingjing shoulder hand Qingjin burst, Nie Jingjing was a burst of pain. She could not help but clench her lips and bear the great pain silently.

"Let it go? Nie Jingjing, I tell you, I will never let you go. I will leave you beside me and torture you slowly. I will be happy when I see your pain. "

Lancang sent out a sneer, because of anger, his expression has been completely distorted, ferocious and terrible, so he, and the devil what is the difference.

That's what he was. He finally said what he really meant. He just wanted to torture her and watch her suffer, feel sad and struggle. People like him are always happy to trample on others. She knew it when they met on the first day.

When Nie Jingjing looks at Lancang, she suddenly laughs and tears slide down the corner of her eyes. Lancang looked at her in a daze, and his strength relaxed.

Nie Jingjing steps back. Her shoulder hurts badly. She is not too embarrassed in front of him.

She looked at Lancang's foggy eyes with hatred.

"Lancang, you are a devil."

Nie Jingjing's every word is full of her strong hatred.

Her eyes were red, so she was staring at Lancang, as if to engrave his appearance in her mind forever.

Under such eyes, Lancang had a trace of fear. He had never seen Nie Jingjing like this. It is clear that she and other men are not clear. It is clear that she has done something wrong. She should take it for granted. It seems that the person who has done something wrong has become herself.She said he was a devil, and she said he was a devil. The word "devil" can be said by everyone else, but she can't. Nie Jingjing is not qualified to say that.

He was tolerant enough, patient enough, and even gave her all the tenderness he could give. In the end, he didn't get a word of affirmation or thanks from her, instead, he became a devil. It's ridiculous and ironic.

"The devil? Nie Jingjing, I will let you know what the real devil is. "

Without saying a word, Lancang took out his mobile phone and made a call.

Only then did Nie Jingjing really realize the seriousness of the situation, and everything was developing in an irreversible direction. She and Lancang have no room for maneuver.

She can't help but be afraid. She has learned Lancang's method. What does he want to do now? Do you want to torture yourself like before? Nie Jingjing retreats subconsciously and shakes her head.

"Lancang, what do you want to do?"

Her voice could not stop shaking, fear spread from every corner of her body, like a wild vine, quickly wrapped her heart, so that she could not breathe.

Waiting for the bodyguard to come, Lancang light mouth, "young lady living outside tired, help me to send her home."

Nie Jingjing's face changed as soon as she heard this. She rushed to Lancang and grasped his arm. She felt pain even in Lancang because of her strength.

"Lancang, I will not go back. I will never go back. "

Nie Jingjing pleads with Lancang. Her tears are like a lake breaking a dike. She is like a fish on a dry river. She falls into deep darkness and despair, without any hope.

Lancang didn't seem to hear her plea at all. He stood with his hand down and didn't look at her.

The two bodyguards looked at each other and were in a dilemma. They didn't know who to listen to.

"Didn't you hear me? Send the young lady back! Tell Uncle Qin to lock her in the room. No one is allowed to open the door for her without my permission. "

Lancang roared, and several people were surprised. Nie Jingjing's eyes are dull and her whole body is shivering, as if she has been greatly stimulated.

Two bodyguards dare not neglect, they go to Nie Jingjing's front, bend down, stretch out a hand.

"Young lady, please."

Nie Jingjing stood in the same place, and the two sides were so deadlocked. The bodyguard was even more embarrassed and looked at them helplessly.

Nie Jingjing suddenly looks at Lancang, her eyes burning with hatred, "Lancang, I will never forgive you in my life!"