He said angrily, "Nie Qingqing, you are a woman. Sooner or later, I will pull you down from Lancang. Oh, do you still want to be a rich lady all your life? Don't even think about it. Lancang can only be mine. What if you have a daughter, then..." With that, Zhang Jiaming burst into laughter regardless of the image: "ha ha ha..."

After laughing for a while, Zhang Jiaming suddenly remembered a thing. Zhang Mingjia took out her mobile phone and contacted the private detective she had invited to investigate the matter.

A few minutes later, a man ran to the hospital in a hurry to find Zhang Mingjia and said, "Zhang Miss Zhang, I found it! "

Zhang Mingjia looked at the surrounding environment, still a little uneasy, then said to the man: "wait a minute." Then they went to a nearby coffee shop.

Zhang Mingjia sat down and said eagerly, "what's the result of the investigation?"

The man said: "Miss Zhang, maybe the result of the investigation is different from what you think. You should be prepared."

Zhang Mingjia had no bottom in his heart and sighed, "say it, sooner or later you will know."

"Miss Zhang, the driver, is a drunkard. He doesn't have a regular job. He knows to go to the street shop all day long to get drunk. At that time, he bumped into Miss Fang and miss Nie without looking at anything. No one told him. Besides, he's crazy. He doesn't understand these things at all. Sometimes he scares people away. I went to ask the neighbors around him and said he's mentally ill." He said it with a pause.

"Oh, by the way, it is said that he had a wife, but later he left him for no reason, and then he was alone."

I heard that Zhang Jiaming's face changed greatly. His left eyelid jumped a few times. He tapped his finger on the table and whispered to himself: "it turned out that the driver was a drunk, but if he was a drunk, then..."

Looking up at him, he said, "you said that the man who was driving came over without looking at anything, and he was also mentally ill, but how could it be a bit strange? So by chance? Although Fang Lancang has some influence here and no one dares to count on him, there are many people who hate him. If it's a coincidence, then no way.

"Go and check again. If you have any new information, please contact me immediately."

The man looked at Zhang Mingjia, and then said, "OK, Miss Zhang, don't worry. I have new news." well, I'll go first. Excuse me. " After that, the man got up and left the cafe.

Looking at the figure of the man leaving, Zhang Mingjia is still a little nervous. She pursed her thin lips and frowned slightly. The more she thought about it, the more uneasy she was. After a long time of consideration, she finally decided to report to the police station.

After arriving at the police station, Zhang Mingjia explained the source to the serious looking policeman. The policeman took notes and sent other policemen to arrest the driver of the car. He said to Zhang Jiaming, "according to your testimony, the driver of the car on that day should be this man. That's right."

Zhang Mingjia looked at the driver who hit him. He was really crazy. It seemed that he was really insane.

Zhang Mingjia came forward and asked the man who hit the car, "Hello, can I ask you a question? That day you hit the car, someone told you, right? Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you. As long as you tell the truth, I'll give you a living, and you don't need to pay for it. As long as you are willing to tell who is behind the scenes. "

The man driving the car is crazy. It seems that he can't say anything, let alone what's behind the scenes.

Zhang Mingjia felt helpless and didn't know what to do, but she was very sad at the thought of Fang Lancang lying in the hospital, so she must find the person behind the scenes.

The police suddenly came to Zhang Mingjia and said that the parents of the person in the crash had both died, and they didn't have any money on them. Zhang Mingjia became very confused again. Isn't he a drunk? Where did the money come from that day? And where did his car come from?

Things are getting more and more complicated. Zhang Mingjia just feels helpless and irritable, thinking about who is the real behind the scenes. Then she asked the person who had crashed, but he was still crazy. Zhang Mingjia gave up and was ready to leave.

As soon as he raised his foot, the man in the crash was suddenly very happy and said madly, "Hey, hey, I actually stole the car." He seemed a little proud.

Zhang Mingjia thought, steal? Is it really stealing? Isn't it really someone who ordered him? Zhang Mingjia thought that he must be calm and can't easily believe anything. Zhang Mingjia drove to the place where Fang Lancang and Nie Qingqing were on the day of the car crash. Then he sat in the car and looked at the place with some blood left. It must be Fang Lancang and Nie Qingqing.

The more Zhang Mingjia thought about it, the more flustered he was. He looked at the surrounding environment and thought to himself: This is a dead corner. What can I do? The camera can't get it!

Zhang Mingjia got out of the car after looking at it. She boldly went to the location where they had a car accident that day, fixed her eyes on that location, looked up and looked around. Then she saw the convenience stores nearby. She asked them one by one, but Zhang Mingjia didn't get anything. Then she came to the last convenience store and walked in.

Zhang Mingjia said to the boss, "Hello, boss, can your camera capture the opposite corner?"Zhang Mingjia looks at the boss with nervous and hopeful eyes. Suddenly, the boss is surprised and drops the cigarette that is going to be placed on the counter. Then Zhang Mingjia helps the boss pick it up and finds the boss's nervousness.

"Well Miss, what are you asking about this? I don't know if I can get it or not. It should be impossible to get it. So go back. There's no information you're looking for here. "

Zhang Mingjia became more and more curious. She looked at the boss with a suspicious look. "Boss, I didn't say what I was looking for. How do you know what I was looking for? How can you know that you can't get there? You might as well show me the monitoring records."

Zhang Mingjia picked his eyebrows, looked around, and then said: "boss, if you know some facts, but deliberately do not say, deliberately hide, then if you touch a place that violates the law, the consequences will be very serious. You are also a businessman, and you must know it. Then call the police. When the neighbors see you, what do you think your convenience store has done When it comes to illegal things, let alone illegal ones, the reputation of convenience stores will not be very good, and the reputation of the owners will be certain Cough, boss, we are all smart people, right? "