Fang Lancang accompanied Nie Qingqing to find a job in the afternoon, but no unit was willing to admit Nie Qingqing, so he had to go home. There is no food at home, so we have to make do with it.

In the afternoon of the next day, Nie Qingqing was finally accepted, and her salary was paid once every half a month. Nie Qingqing was happy that she finally had a job and didn't have to be hungry.

Fang Lancang thinks that Nie Qingqing can't find a job because of his father's obstruction, so he goes to the company to ask his father why he should freeze his card and let Qingqing look like this.

"Why do you do that?" Fang Lancang broke in.

"I said, you'll regret it." Fang Lancang's father was stunned for a moment, and the other Lancang said.

"I don't regret it. I just came to ask you why Qingqing couldn't find a job!"

"Nie Qingqing is looking for a job?" Fang Lancang's father asked suspiciously.

"Yes, aren't you interfering with it?" Fang Lancang knew from his father's tone that Nie Qingqing couldn't find a job because of his father's means.

"I just make you regret, not her! How do I know Nie Qingqing is out looking for a job! " Fang Lancang's father said seriously.

"Really?" Fang Lancang's dubious way.

"I won't admit what I haven't done." Fang Lancang's father firmly said that Fang Lancang believed it was not his father's business.

"By the way, I haven't asked you why you started a company!" Fang Lancang's father suddenly thought.

"Nothing. I just asked you if you did what happened to Nie Qingqing. I haven't seen you for so many days. I'll see you by the way. " Fang Lancang said.

"You know I've frozen your card." Fang Lancang's father said.

"I don't need to know!" Fang Lancang said seriously.

"As long as you divorce Nie Qingqing, I will give you everything you have, including this company." Fang Lancang's father stretched out his hands and said.

"I told you that it's impossible to divorce Qingqing and me!" Fang Lancang rejected his father.

"You'll regret it. You'll come to me." Fang Lancang's father said.

"No, I won't regret it, and I won't come to you! If this company is not good, I can spend more time with Qingqing. " Fang Lancang looked around.

"You are so dazzled by love. Can you be more rational?" Fang Lancang's father clapped his hands on the table.

"I've always been rational. It's you who should be!" Fang Lancang yelled at his father.

"What kind of soul soup did she give you? It made you like this!" Fang Lancang's father said.

"Qingqing loves me very much, and I love her very much, so I won't give up on her!" Fang Lancang made a firm statement.

"I'm saying that once you divorce her, this family, this company, everything here is yours!" Fang Lancang's father said to him.

"Don't worry about these things. I just want to be with Qingqing." Fang Lancang turned and left.

"So, are you really worth it?" Fang Lancang's father still doesn't give up and wants to persuade Fang Lancang, but Fang Lancang doesn't want to give up Qingqing. Even without these things, he can live well.

"For her, it's worth it." Fang Lancang smiles and opens the door.

As soon as Fang Lancang left, his father sighed: "Lancang, even for her, it's really not worth it! Alas It's not worth it for Fang Lancang.

Then Fang Lancang's father called a man: "Hey, follow Fang Lancang and find where he lives now. What do you want? I don't have to Then he hung up.

After Fang Lancang left, he went to find Nie Qingqing. Nie Qingqing works very hard. Fang Lancang doesn't have the heart to disturb her. After a while, he goes home.

Fang Lancang has been looking for a job outside. He works in a small company, and his salary is good.

This kind of day lasted for half a month, Nie Qingqing got his salary and was ready to go home. The landlord is moving out all his things in his rental house.

"Landlord, what are you doing?" Nie Qingqing runs to stop the landlord.

"You can't live here now. You can go to other places." The landlord continues to move Nie Qingqing's and Fang Lancang's things. Fang Lancang is not at home yet. Nie Qingqing has no way to move these things.

"Why? I paid the rent on time. Besides, the contract hasn't expired yet! Why should we be driven away! " Nie Qingqing holds the landlord's hand.

"This place has been bought, so you can't rent it." The landlord explained.

"Sold! We have already signed the contract Nie Qingqing looks at the luggage around him and Fang Lancang and roars.

"It's a big deal. I'll give you the rest!" The landlord said quietly.

"It's not a matter of paying back the money, it's a matter of principle!" Nie Qingqing roared.

"What's the principle? I have no principle. Anyway, now that the house has been sold, you will still be driven out by another owner. Do you think it's better to be driven out by me or by other people you don't know? " The landlord stops carrying luggage and says to Nie Qingqing."The contract says that if we buy the house before the rent is full, we have to make an agreement with us in advance. We can't let us out until we find the house!" Nie Qingqing goes to the room and takes out the contract.

"Well This is not an emergency! I forgot to tell you The landlord said to Nie Qingqing vaguely.

"Then we can't move now!" Nie Qingqing put down the contract.

"No, you still have to move out. The other director will move in tomorrow." Said the landlord.

"You..." Nie Qingqing didn't know how to scold the landlord. After all, she had rented her house. It's not her anymore.

"Come on, move your things. The new owner will come to see the house later." The landlord pointed to the luggage inside.

"No, you have to give me a statement. It's a matter of principle!" Nie Qingqing doesn't give up because she hasn't found a house yet. If she moves out, where will she and Fang Lancang live at night? My salary is not enough to live in a hotel. There are so many things that two people can't move!

"There's no saying. Move! It's a big deal. I'll give you more money for breaking the contract and I'll pay you the rent at all. " The landlord wants Nie Qingqing to leave quickly.

Nie Qingqing didn't understand the landlord's practice. Why didn't he tell us and buy the house! Is it aimed at us on purpose?

Nie Qingqing and the landlord argued at the door for a long time. Nie Qingqing has been emphasizing the principle, but the landlord didn't give Nie Qingqing a reasonable explanation. The only explanation is that the house won't belong to her.