"We can't have only one daughter in our family. Now that the child is gone, we have to aggrieve Nie Qingqing and work harder." Fang Lancang's parents feel that they can have more children without them

"no, Qingqing can't be pregnant now." Fang Lancang loves Nie Qingqing's hard work

"carry on the family line! If Nie Qingqing wants to stay in this family, he can only have one son! " Fang Lancang's parents give Fang Lancang this idea

"no way!" Fang Lancang has been refusing

"please come in." When Fang Lancang heard the knock on the door, he called the doctor outside to come in

"doctor, what's the matter?" When Fang Lancang's parents saw what the doctor thought had happened, they immediately asked

"nothing. I just want to let you know. Miss NIE is out of danger now. You don't have to worry! " The doctor

"since he is out of danger, when can he be discharged?" Fang Lancang's parents asked anxiously

"why?" Fang Lancang's parents asked suspiciously, "we can provide the best care workers at home to take care of her!" Fang Lancang's parents don't want Nie Qingqing to go home in the hospital and try to persuade Nie Qingqing to get pregnant again

"Miss Nie has just miscarried. Although she is out of danger, she still needs to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days to confirm that there is no internal bleeding before she can be transferred to the general ward for nurses to take care of." The doctor explained

"can't I go home after discharge?" Fang Lancang's parents asked

"I suggest that the nurses in the hospital are much better than those you hire outside. In case Nie Qingqing has an emergency, the hospital can also give timely treatment. " The doctor can only persuade Fang Lancang's parents to let Nie Qingqing stay in the hospital

although the doctor has heard that they still want Nie Qingqing to have a baby outside, he is still shocked: "now? You are crazy

"why!" Fang Lancang had some doubts about the doctor's shock

"Nie Qingqing's current physical condition is absolutely impossible to have a baby!" The doctor told Fang Lancang's parents about Nie Qingqing's current situation

"why?" Fang Lancang's parents said suspiciously,

"Miss Nie has just experienced a massive hemorrhage. Although she is out of danger now, she can't get pregnant again because of the massive hemorrhage." The doctor explained to Lancang's parents

"that's it!" Fang Lancang's parents are obviously disappointed with Nie Qingqing

"how can I tell you that Miss Nie's body can never be pregnant again!" The doctor is worried about what Fang Lancang's parents will do to Nie Qingqing

"then... When can I get pregnant?" Fang Lancang's parents asked tentatively

the doctor shook his head: "Miss Nie's massive bleeding has led to a 70% probability that she will not be pregnant."

"what! Seventy percent! " Fang Lancang's parents said

"it's still possible to conceive, but the probability is relatively small." Said the doctor

"well, thank you, doctor." Fang Lancang's parents said in disappointment

"well, if it's OK, I'll go first." The doctor turned and left the room

"what are you talking about?" Fang Lancang was surprised to hear that his parents had made a decision

"let's find another one and give up Nie Qingqing. Now that she's not pregnant, it's no use to us. " Fang Lancang's parents said to each other

"you want me to give up Nie Qingqing! impossible! I said at the beginning that I only want Nie Qingqing. " Fang Lancang was angry with his parents' demands

"now that things have become like this, what else do you want to do! Want to make our Fang family have no back then! " Fang Lancang's parents yelled at each other

"I said that I would not give up Nie Qingqing, even without children." Fang Lancang firmly said to his parents

"it's not your problem, it's the family's problem! Nie Qingqing has only one daughter in this family now. Do you know that she will inherit the family Fang Lancang's parents said to each other."I know! Can't you break your old ideas? " Fang Lancang yelled at his parents.

"What old ideas? This is what every family needs!" Fang Lancang's parents said.

Fang Lancang is very angry with his parents' demands. He can't give up Nie Qingqing.

"Can Nie Qingqing's daughter inherit our Nie family? Unless she gives birth to a son for me now! " Fang Lancang's mother said.

"Now! You must be crazy. Now who gave birth to you! Qingqing is lying on the hospital bed suffering for my children. How about you! Thinking about children all day long, have you thought about other people's feelings? " Fang Lancang yelled at his parents.

"If you don't carry on the family, who will carry on the family?" Fang Lancang's parents have never thought of how painful Nie Qingqing is now in the hospital bed.

"Mom, you have had children, don't you know how painful it is for Qingqing to lose her children now?" Fang Lancang said to his mother.

"What's important now is the succession of our family, she! It's just a tool for our family to have children. Now she can't do it any more. She can only help you find one again. " Fang Lancang's mother said.

"You are hopeless!" Fang Lancang is very angry with his parents' demands. What he is worried about now is Nie Qingqing in the hospital bed, not the family succession. Now his parents are forcing him to find a child he doesn't love. Fang Lancang can't accept it! I'm even more sorry for Nie Qingqing who is lying on the hospital bed for his children.