Chapter 37 - Interfere

"Looks like someone is becoming famous." Lina turned back and saw a familiar face standing there.

"Hey! Noah! What a pleasant surprise." Lina got up and gave him a side hug.

"Hey, I was passing by and noticed you sitting here. I like the blue hair." Noah nodded as he complimented her.

'Well technically it's not a lie, I was gonna pass by.' He thought as he sat down with Lina.

Noah Jin was having a meeting with a couple of colleagues in the restaurant opposite the cafe and had seen Lina entering the cafe. He wanted to go meet her but only now did he manage to get rid of his colleagues.

"Thanks." She blushed at the compliment from the cute guy.

Today Noah looked all mature and sexy with his grey suit and his curly hair combed properly.

'Woah.. I never noticed that Noah actually is so fit. Look at those muscles bulging out of his sleeves.' Lina ogled at his arms.

Noah noticed her gaze and gave a charming smile.

"Wanna touch them?" He teased her.


She immediately moved her eyes away from his arms and her line of sight fell on the guy and his friends.

Noah followed her eyes and saw the boys that had approached her earlier. Seeing Noah looking at them, they hurriedly paid their bill and got up to leave.

'Weird.. Why does it look like they are running away?' But Lina still waved at the shy guy who spoke to her. His eyes trailed from Noah back to Lina, he then waved at her and left the cafe.

"Your friends?" Noah asked.

"Nah.. Just met them. But they seem nice." Lina said.

She asked him about Baby Ian and how he was doing.

"The little troublemaker is fine. He's having a blast , making spit bubbles and running around the house."  Noah's joke caused Lina to remember the little cutie and she laughed.

"I'm sure he's having fun." She nodded her head and looked at the window.

"It's starting to get dark, I better leave now. It was nice seeing you again." Seeing the sun begin to set, Lina decided it was time to go back home.

'I spent a lot of time here and I wasn't even aware of it. I like this place.' She picked up her bag and looked around the cafe.

"So soon..? Okay.. I'll call you some other time." Said Noah as he too got up to walk out with her.

"For Ian of course." He added when Lina looked at him.

Lina giggled and just nodded her head.

Derek who had seen Lina getting up, hurriedly brought the car over and opened the door for her. Lina waved goodbye to Noah and boarded the car.

After closing the door for her, Derek glared at Noah and walked back to his seat. He started the car and sped off.

'Huh? What did I do? Mr Driver sure seems mean!' Noah just scratched his head and walked across the street to the restaurant where his car was parked.


Inside the cafe, 

Getting up from his booth, Mathew Kim hurriedly clicked a secret picture of Noah and then made a call.

"Hello? Yeah, it's me. I have a job for you…" He spoke.

He waited for the other person to speak and then answered.

"I've sent you the photos…. Do it immediately." He then hung up.

He looked around to see if someone had heard his conversation and then picking up the take away pack, he walked out.


On his way back home, he recalled what had happened.

He had come to this cafe because his pregnant wife was craving their caramel pudding and he decided to buy them for her.

He had just placed his order and sat down in his booth when the entire cafe was silenced for a moment. He too looked at the direction that the others were looking and he found a young lady entering the cafe.

'I remember that bag from somewhere.. Where was it?? Right! It's that Sargi....No. Sergei's bag that baby was talking about. She said it wasn't sold here anyway so I couldn't buy her one. Maybe I'll ask this lady where she bought it from?' 

So typical of Mathew Kim, that the first thing he noticed in the woman was the bag that his wife had wanted.

When Mathew Kim looked at the lady's face, she was looking down at the book in her hand.

She only lifted her head when the waitress came to take her order. 

'Fuck! That's the little girl that boss likes!' Mathew made it sound like his boss had already developed feelings for her.

'She changed her look. No wonder my hawk eyes couldn't recognize her.' He placed the menu in front of him and spied on her.

He saw the young man come up to her.

'Let's test how she behaves. Is she a white lotus like most of the girls that are around boss or is she actually nice? I can't just push the Emperor to anyone just because I want him to stay away from that witch Priscilla Lin!' He then strained his ears to listen in on their conversation. 

Finding nothing wrong with what they spoke, he heaved a sigh of relief. His parcel was ready and the waitress had brought it to him.

'Wow she looks hungry!' He saw how Lina stuffed the sandwiches in her mouth and how she choked when that girl came up to her.

'She's so clumsy! Oh how I wish my baby and Mrs Ming were here to see this!!' He covered his mouth to stop the laughter.

'I was right! That is that Sergei whatever's bag!' He celebrated his victory and saw them clicking pictures.  

'See this..! A face must be expressive like this, not like that iceberg face that I see everyday in the office!' He made a hmph and touched the pudding.

'It's getting warm, I better leave before they melt.' He had just gotten up when he saw a new guy walk up to her. She even willingly gave him a hug.

'That's the curly haired guy from the airport! Are they dating?' He sat back down and decided to wait for a while.

'What was that look he just gave those students? No wonder they ran away. He looks like an innocent puppy but just now his eyes were like a predator!' Mathew was amused by his behaviour.

Soon he saw her getting up to leave.

'Looks like Emperor still has a chance. No that guy won't do anything at all. I must do something to help him out!' He made plans of being their matchmaker.

He saw them walk out and heard that the guy would call her soon.

'Not if I do something about it first!' He pulled out his phone while still looking at them.

'Yes Driver-san, don't let that pervert come near your Miss!' He appreciated the driver's glare and clicked a picture of Noah after the car left.


Mathew Kim's house was nearby and it only needed a few minutes' walk for him to reach home.

As soon as he entered he quickly put the soft pudding back in the fridge to cool before he served them to his wife.

"Baby? I have some news!" He walked to his wife who sat on the couch eating fries dipped in pickle juice.

'Pregnancy sure makes women have weird cravings.. Eeshh!' He kissed his wife and sat beside her, rubbing her bulging stomach.

"Let me video call Mrs. Ming, then I'll tell you what I just saw at the cafe." He put a comfortable pillow behind her back and called Mrs. Ming.

'Baby is my lucky star! Because of her craving I was at the cafe today.' He leaned towards her to kiss her.

"Did you call me to feed me your dog food? I have my own husband here to kiss!" Mrs. Ming, who had just answered the call and saw the Kim couple in a compromising situation, pulled her husband who was reading next to her and kissed him hard.

"Woohoo…. Go Godmommy!" Yelled Mahew Kim's wife, Olive Kim.

Mathew covered her eyes and turned the laptop away to give the elderly couple a little privacy.

"I can call you later.." He said in an embarrassed tone.

'Not only did I not get to kiss my baby, I even was fed dog food by Mrs. Ming.' Mathew lamented.

"That's what you get for being lovey-dovey in front of me."  Renee Ming huffed and pushed her husband away who was kissing her neck.

She muted the call and turned to her husband.

"I know you miss me but don't start something that you can't end now. We need to have dinner with dad in an hour. We'll continue after that." She bit his ear and nibbled on it.

"This is so unfair!" Growled an unhappy Daddy Ming and he walked to the bathroom.

Facing the laptop again she unmuted them and spoke again.

"So why did you call?" She asked in an annoyed voice.

"He saw something interesting and wanted to tell us together." Answered Olive.

Renee smiled at her and then glaring at Mathew, she nodded.

Mathew retold everything that had happened and waited for them to speak.

"Hmmm.. Did she show any interest in Reuben?" Renee asked the main question.

"Well.. No. But the Boss did stop to stare at her. TWICE!" He reminded them.

"As much as I am happy that glacier I call my son has shown interest in someone else, we can't do anything unless she reciprocates that interest." Though she was unhappy to not do anything, that was the right thing to do.

"If Reuben can arouse her interest then we can surely interfere. Until then, Mathew, you can't do anything." Renee advised him.

'What if I have already interfered?' He thought of the call he made and decided that it was best if he did not mention it now.

"Yea Matt, Godmommy is right. Let's just hope that Brother Reuben can do it!" Her positivity was responded by dejected heads shaking.

They then spoke about other things till Daddy Ming came to fetch Renee for an early dinner that he convinced his dad for.