Chapter 205 - A Possible Explanation...

Lina entered her room and jumped on the bed once again.

"He is starting to piss me off now! He did not say a word about being sorry, instead, he was still mad at me!" She growled while punching the teddy bear all over again.

The pitiable stuffed toy endured all of her strikes in perfect silence until she had tired herself out.

Gasping to catch her breath, she plopped onto the same blue teddy bear and nuzzled her face into its big round belly.

"Does he like her? Like 'like' her?" She wondered out loud.

Somehow, the very thought of having Jeanette Liang as her sister-in-law did not sit well with her.

"We haven't sorted out the matter with Mandy and her mother. I don't want another trouble seeking white lotus to be added into my family life!" She grumbled as this would mean that she would have to wave her peace at home goodbye.

Her groaning thoughts were interrupted when she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in." She yelled and turned towards the door to see who it was.

'Did he follow me here?' She sat up straight, excited at who it might be.

However, her heart sank when she saw that it was not the person she had been subconsciously hoping it to be.

'Why was I expecting it to be Wayne?' She questioned herself while shaking her head.

Wade had been watching her silly actions ever since he entered the room and sighed when he realized what the reason for her silliness might be.

"Were you expecting it to be the other twin?" He inquired, successfully making Lina choke in surprise.

'This guy certainly has no subtle bone in his body!' She scowled at him when he pointed out the inner feelings hidden in her heart without an ounce of subtlety or caring about giving her some face.

Though he had poked her right on her wound, she was not willing to accept  that she was waiting for Wayne to come here and try to coax her.

"Were you waiting for him to come and try to win you over? Maybe bribe you by promising to take you on a shopping spree?" Once again, Wade opened his mouth and managed to piss Lina off so effortlessly.

Wade tilted his head to the side, unable to comprehend why he was being glared at with such intense and hateful eyes.

"What? Did I make a mistake something here and misunderstand what you were thinking about?" He asked as a confused expression materialized on his face.

He scratched his head and tried to think of where he had gone wrong yet could not come up with a proper explanation for her anger.

"Why have you appeared here?" Lina muttered in exasperation while rubbing her throbbing temples.

'He just exposed everything that I was thinking about!' She sighed and gestured for him to take a seat on her bed.

Wade was not shy in front of her and immediately pounced on her larger than life bed.

Settling down after bouncing on it for a few times, he folded his legs and sat opposite her.

"I would suggest you do what I always do when it comes to Wayne." He whispered and leaned forward.

Following his actions, Lina too leaned forward and brought her ear close to his face.

"Just ignore him when he is in this stage." He revealed and sat back straight.

Lina went back to her original position and frowned after hearing his words.

"What stage?" She asked and received an eye roll in response.

"The stage he is in right now! The pussy-whipped stage!" He exaggerated by waving his hands around.

Lina once again choked before she burst out in peals of laughter.

"What kind of stage is that!?" She wheezed and struggled to get her words out.

"Well, he's trying to get into her pants or he's trying to stay inside her pants." Wade shrugged after disclosing what he thought was going on with his brother.

Lina nodded to show that she too had the same thoughts.

'But I think this is more than just the usual flings he has. He may be serious about this one.' She theorized and then cringed, fearing that her thoughts might come true.

"Whatever it is, I want you to just ignore him. He'll eventually come back to his senses and when he does… Let's not forgive him easily and torture him first!" Wade cackled like an evil genius after announcing his plans.

Lina shook her head while looking at his childish behavior but he had managed to get a smile on her face.

"Gege…" She called out to him after a few moments of silence.

"Hmm?" He looked at her with his head tilted to the side.

Lina kept her gaze fixed on her folded legs and after a few more seconds, she finally looked up.

"You believe me, right?" She inquired and received a puzzled look from Wade.

"That I did not push Miss Liang on purpose?" She explained further as a pensive look graced her face.

Wade was stunned when he saw the sad smile that she had given him which in return made his brows furrow.

"Lina Yang, I was there when everything happened! So I know as a matter of fact that you did nothing wrong!" He reassured her as his hands held onto her shoulders in a tight grip.

"You were trying to pull your hand away. That is all! She fell because of those monster hells she was wearing." He continued and his hands tightened their grip.

"Let us not forget that she was holding your injured hand. So you shrugged her hand away to release yours." He completed and shook her shoulders to put some sense into her doubting mind.

The strength he used on her shoulders and the sincerity of his words were enough to bring her back to her senses.

"You are right, Gege!" She nodded her head with renewed vigor.

She then decided to reveal to him about the sight she had seen just as Wayne had turned around the corner with Jeanette resting in his arms.

Wade's brows scrunched up with each word he heard from Lina's mouth.

"So you think she did that on purpose? But why?" He contemplated out loud while rubbing his chin.

"Mandy…" Lina whispered but Wade had caught onto it.

"You think Mandy set you up? But why there? In an abandoned corridor? That doesn't make sense, Nana." Wade dismissed her suspicion since that was not a logical scheme to begin with.

"That may be the case… However, the conflict did begin with Mandy being the main cause for it." She divulged the happenings before the three men had arrived.

"We may just be thinking too much and she is just Mandy's friend who is hitting on Wayne." He guessed in hopes of finding a proper explanation for their little tiff.

Lina firmly shook her head and vetoed his speculation.

"If she wanted to get on Wayne's good books then the best route for her would be to get closer to his family members and not to piss them off." She explained and this also seemed reasonable to Wade.

"True. Then why do you think she messed with you when there are no other connecting links between you two if we cross Mandy and Wayne out of the equation?" Wade analyzed the situation along with Lina.

'Is she still mad at me for the appointment she was denied at Cecilia's?' Lina frowned when that thought crossed her mind but she declined it as no one was that petty.

"Let's talk about this some other time, Nana. You should take your meds and get some rest." He suggested when he observed her actions just now.

Lina had been subconsciously massaging her injured wrist while trying to think of a possible explanation for being targeted by Jeanette Liang.

She looked down at her hand after noticing his line of sight and this was when she realized what she had been doing.

She sheepishly smiled at him and then nodded her head.

The doctor had prescribed a simple painkiller in case her pain escalated later in the day.

'That Liang lady twisted my hand too hard!' She cursed as now she was feeling the pinch of that woman's evil actions.

Nevertheless, she had planned on not taking them since she disliked consuming pills and feared that she would get addicted to them.

'The MC in one novel got so addicted to sleeping pills that she couldn't sleep a day without those and once she took them she had no clue about what happens to her afterward.' She shook her head, refusing to let such a thing ever happen to her.

She had just nodded her head to let Wade not have any worries about her but she was certainly going to skip on taking the meds.

Ignorant to her rebellious thoughts, Wade smiled and patted her head.

"I'll take my leave then. Good night." He wished and then walked out of the door.

Lina sat in silence after she was left alone and gently untied the bandage wrapped around her wrist.

The swelling had reduced and there was just a slight redness that she was sure would soon subside.

She then picked up her phone and sighed when she noticed that Reuben had not yet replied to her texts.

'He is a busy man after all.' She pouted while coming up with a reason for his late reply.

Jumping off the bed, she decided to hit the showers to get rid of all the thoughts of what had occurred during the day.


While Lina was taking her own sweet time, singing off-tuned songs from all her favorite singers in the shower, the man whose texts she had been waiting for had just stepped out of his bathtub.

'I need to check my phone!' Was the first thought that passed his mind.