Chapter 207 - Pay For Their Sins

"Tell me who did this to you, baby!?" Burt Liang interrogated while gnashing his teeth against each other.

He had been in an important meeting with a client from a foreign country and had given his phone to his assistant so that he might watch over it.

When he was finally done with his 5-hour long meeting, he was informed about a call from his trusted and faithful butler.

Burt had thrown a fit soon after he heard about the news regarding Jeanette's injury.

He had almost bitten his assistant's head off in his fury but stopped himself when he realized that the man had just been following the orders that were given to him.

But that did not stop him from throwing a burning glare at the shivering assistant before he left the office.

'I should never have instructed him to not disturb me under any circumstances! Jeanie is not a circumstance, she is my absolute top priority!' He growled in his head as he urged the driver to take him home at the earliest.

Upon reaching home, he rushed inside and found his beloved daughter sitting on the large couch before the TV, watching her favorite daily soap opera.

He took off his tie and sat next to her in silence, waiting for the commercial break so as to not disturb his daughter's entertainment time.

Now, his heart ached as he continued staring at her elevated leg that was resting on the table.

Jeanette finally switched the TV off after she was done with the show and only then did she notice her father's presence.

Her eyes darted to the place where his eyes were aimed at and gleamed when she saw her 'injured' feet wrapped up in a pink bandage, laying on a pillow upon the table.

'It's a good thing that I kept my leg up on the table and not folded it like I always do.' She rejoiced and let out a sigh in relief, pleased with her smart brain.

However, she swiftly changed her expressions and turned to face her father.

"Welcome home, daddy." She greeted him with a smile but pouted when he did not reply.

On hearing her usual welcoming words, Burt shifted his gaze from her injured ankle towards her pouting face.

"How did you injure yourself, Jeanie baby?" He questioned with the softest and most patient voice he could speak in.

His keen eyes observed how Jeanette did her best to form a forced smile before she looked away from him, avoiding his gaze.

"It's alright, daddy. It wasn't on purpose and I'm sure she feels bad about pushing me." She answered in a vague and roundabout way.

Burt was not a fool and quickly caught onto the fact that his daughter was trying to hide something from him.

'Someone pushed her so hard that she sprained her ankle yet she is so kind to speak up in their defense. How blessed I am to have her as my daughter!' He thanked the Gods for this lovely gift they had bestowed onto him as he looked up and his sights reached the ceiling.

Nonetheless, this did not mean that he was pleased with the outcome and would take this attack on his child without retaliating.

'My baby was harmed and I need to know exactly who that was who dared to do it!' He narrowed his eyes and a deadly determination to catch the culprit took root in his mind.

"Who did this to you?" He asked and tried his best not to frighten his timid and meek daughter.

Jeanette looked back at him and this time there was a certain fear in her eyes that was noticeable to Burt.

'Why is she so scared to reveal who it was? Did this person threaten her? I am going to kill that person!' His anger rose when this thought popped up in his mind.

This was not the first time that some jealous socialite or crazy stalker had tried to attack her and like every other time, he was willing to make that person who threatened the safety of his only child pay for their sins.

Looking at his seething face, Jeanette was beyond pleased as this was exactly how she had expected him to react.

But she did not let her contentment with these results appear on her face. Instead, a worried panic emerged in her eyes.

"No... No, daddy! I am sure that she did not push with the intention of hurting me! It was a pure accident, I swear!" She repeated her words once again and Burt's conviction about his doubts was deepening.

"You don't have to worry about it, Jeanie baby. Just tell daddy who it was and he will take care of it for you." He reassured her while patting her on the head.

Jeanette smiled genuinely when she felt his comforting actions and then after a few seconds of contemplation she nodded her head.

"You know that I will always protect you and stand by your side even if I have to go against the entire city all by myself." He continued to let her know just how precious she was to him.

The smile on her face strained for a moment before she nodded once again.

"I know, daddy." She mumbled as she lowered her head.

'I'm sorry for taking advantage of you in this way, daddy but you need to know exactly what type of nasty woman Lina is before you fall for her any further!' She clenched her fists that were placed on her lap.

"Lina Yang pushed me after she started a fight with me." She revealed while looking him straight in the eyes.

Those series of words resounded in Burt Liang's ears multiple times causing his whole body to freeze.

"Lina… Yang…" He muttered and withdrew his hand which had been patting his daughter's head.

Jeanette frowned when she saw her father taking his hand away and then blankly stare at her face.

Burt's eyes stayed at his daughter's face for a couple of seconds before he shook his head.

"I'm sure you have been mistaken. It cannot be Lina Yang who hurt you." He firmly rejected her words with an unshakeable conviction.

'Cecilia's daughter would never do such a thing!' He concluded his verdict regarding this issue and there was nothing Jeanette could say that would make him change his mind.

This time it was Jeanette's turn to feel the pain and hurt when a family member, someone so close to her chose to believe a stranger over her.

The trick she had played on Lina to distance her from Wayne had come back to bite her in the ass.

Her heart felt like someone had gripped it in a tight hold and her face contorted in a mixture of surprise and anger.

This was something that had never happened to her before and hence she was stumped on what to do next.

Her father who had always believed her words even when she was spouting obvious lies to take revenge on her rival socialites was now standing against her and the reason for this was another woman.

Just the thought of that woman coming between the strong bond she shared with her father was driving Jeanette insane.

'Did daddy just refute my words because of that bitch?' She snapped out of her daze and glared at her father.

Burt was surprised to notice the intense stare she had directed towards him before it reverted to her usual sweet and innocent expression.

'I'm starting to see things due to exhaustion.' He reckoned and rubbed his eyes.

He convinced his brain that it was just his optical hallucination since there was no way that his sweet child was capable of showing such hostility.

Jeanette knew that she had almost revealed her true self and was quick to do some damage control.

"What do you mean by those words, daddy?" She polled with her head tilted to the side.

Burt's heart melted after looking at her cute and childlike actions.

He took her hands in his and gently caressed her palm with his thumbs.

"Look, baby… You were saying earlier that the person did not mean to injure you on purpose so maybe what you said is the truth and it was nothing but an accident." He explained what his earlier words meant.

The blood in her body ran cold when she heard the words he had uttered in Lina's favor but Burt was unaware of the changes that she was undergoing as he continued speaking.

"How much I am aware of Miss Yang…" He paused to find the right words.

'How much do you even know about her?' Jeanette scowled as her hatred for Lina rose.

"She wouldn't hurt a fly. She is that kind!" He completed his sentence and patted her hand.

'Poor girl was terrified when I lost control of my emotions at the auction.' He shook his head in disapproval at his previous actions.

"Since she was not trying to harm you with malicious intentions it is only right that you forgive her and forget about this incident." He suggested with his same old fatherly smile.

But that same smile was pricking Jeanette's eyes like thorns at the moment.

She pulled her hands away which he had been holding and got to her feet.

'So this is how far they have come in their secret relationship? He is willing to stand up for her even if it means going against me?' She gritted her teeth and stared at her father who was cluelessly looking at her face.

"So you believe her more than me?" She accused him, pointing out his prejudiced treatment and stomped her feet before striding away.

'I don't want to talk to the man who chose his lover over his family!' She snarled and wiped her tears as she left the room.

Sitting in the same spot, Burt was confused as to how he had managed to incur his daughter's wrath.

"She was the one who said that it was an accident. I just agreed with her words so why is she so angry?" He muttered to himself while scratching his head.

However, the answer to his question soon popped up in his mind when he realized that Jeanette had just stomped the same foot that she was supposed to be injured in.

'Was she playing a prank on me?' He sighed when he recalled that she also had no limp as she walked away.

The loving father shook his head and contributed everything that had happened as a prank that his sweet yet bratty daughter had orchestrated to fool him.

The thought that she might have done so to target Lina Yang had never even crossed his mind.

"But I hope she stays far away from the Yang family." He whispered while clenching his fists.