Chapter 380 - Were All Connected

Valerie groaned at her doubtful sister who could not trust her with such a simple task but she decided to calm her worries.

"I followed the exact instructions I received from you and made sure that I was not being watched or followed as I made my way over to you." She revealed what her sister needed to hear.

Just as she had thought, the doubt on Talia's face faded along with the creases on her forehead which had formed due to the worries she had regarding this matter.

This reassurance elicited a sigh of relief to escape her lips as she let out a sheepish chuckle for not trusting her sister.

'What else can I do when you keep messing things up even after I give out clear instructions?' She muttered in her head in defense of her suspecting actions.

She was well aware of her clumsy sister who might cause troubles without even realizing where she had gone wrong.

"What about the man at the…" Talia began again but was cut off by her sister's loud sigh.

Valerie rose from her seat and stepped towards her sister while pointing at the outfit she was wearing right now.

The black jeans and peach sweater vest was crisp and looked fresh out of the stores.

"Stop worrying, Jie! I'm pretty sure that even that man could not have recognized me with all the layers I was wearing back then." She coaxed Talia to stop with her worrisome thoughts.

The sister, in reply, nodded her head and lowered it to gaze at her lap.

"I just hope that this matter doesn't lead back to us." The elder sister whispered the reason for her repeated questions which was valid in the sights of the younger one.

However, seeing how Valerie was confident in herself, was beginning to instill some confidence in her sister's heart as well.

"I was careful and nothing of that sort will ever happen." She assured her elder sister one last time before extending her hand towards the woman who was seated on the chair.

Talia accepted her hand and rose from her seat with a smile, following which the two sisters exited the hotel room.

The hotel staff bowed when they met the two famous socialites and gazed at their backs in awe while the ladies stepped out of the establishment with grace and a slight tinge of pride and arrogance that was in their blood.

"Jie, I brought my car over so you can leave in yours while I drive mine." Valerie suggested they were outside the restaurant.

Talia gazed at the red convertible which was brand new, something their mother had bought for the younger daughter, and nodded in acceptance of her proposal.

"Let us meet back at home then. Drive safe!" She reminded her younger sister who grinned at her and hopped over to her car.

The Queen of the socialites watched as the convertible zoomed away from where she was standing and only then did she turn towards her car which was parked nearby.

There were a lot of thoughts swarming her mind and this young woman decided to take the longer route back home to help her sort out the various thoughts she had today.

Entering her car, she glanced at the purse, her purse, which now had the USB drive she had received from her sister.

A wide smile appeared on her face as she recalled what exactly might be inside the USB drive.

'I can't wait to take a look inside!' She exclaimed and turned the ignition of the car on.

Soon the Zheng family's elder daughter was seen driving on the busy streets and if one were to catch a glimpse of her then they might be able to witness the blooming smile on her face.

The glow on her face was due to one simple reason and that was regarding the conversation she had with her sister and the flash drive she was now in possession of.

After all the conversation they just had inside the private room, the flash drive in the purse, the smile on Talia's face were all connected to one and only one thing.

Which was… The destruction of one such woman named Lina Yang.

The weapon she needed was present in the USB drive that she now had in her possession, her biggest weapon solely meant to destroy Lina's reputation.

This tiny piece of technology was going to aid her in expelling the evil woman who had snatched her Brother Reuben away from her.

'Don't blame me for being vicious, you can only blame yourself for interfering in something that you had no business in!' She sneered at the woman who dared to act arrogant before her.

With this weapon in her hand, she could get her Brother Reuben back and she was sure that he would be grateful to her for doing so.

Thinking of the one who had helped her to secure and obtain this weapon against Lina Yang, Talia felt complacent with what she had managed to achieve through her own means.

After all, the one who had helped her procure this weapon against Lina was her dearly beloved younger sister Valerie Zheng.

Not only was she willing to do the dirty work for Talia she was also happy while doing so.

Recalling Valerie's encounter of how she had come into possession of this valuable item meant to be used in her great plan against Lina, a victorious smile materialized on her face.

Talia's eyes were quick to focus on the road and frowned when she realized that she was already close to Zheng Villa.

Now that she had subconsciously driven back to her home without taking the longer route, she decided that she might as well head back and rest her weary body.

'Reading those files surely exhausted me.' She complained as she thought of that sweating man who was assigned as her superior in the project with Ming Enterprises.

However, she was willing to put aside her scruples with that Director if she would be getting the opportunity to work in close contact with the man of her dreams.

Talia drove the car into her family's estate as a soft smile graced her face when she remembered an important detail about this project.

'Two days from now, our company has the first meeting with the CEO after the signing of the contract.' She recollected this matter and excitement bubbled up in her chest.

She did not care about the repeated reminders from Director Peter Wang because there was no way that she would miss this golden chance to meet Reuben while at work.

"I am sure that Brother Reuben looks sexy while he works!" She squealed like a schoolgirl at the thought of this.

The gardener tending to the flower bed outside the main entrance of Zheng Villa was frightened when he heard her screech and he patted his chest to calm himself down.

Talia, on the other hand, was unconcerned about the old man as she had a lot to prepare for the days to come.

'I need to kick Lina away and stick to Brother Reuben at the same time…' She decided and was determined to succeed in her future endeavors.