Chapter 403 - Looking For Someone

When Lina was done washing her body, she did not call for Reuben like he had asked her to.

Instead, she rose and wiped her body then dressed herself in a comfortable pair of pajamas as she exited the bathroom.

'He isn't here.' She remarked when she found the room empty.

Wiping her hair once again, she felt a sense of deja vu as she had done these same actions just earlier before she had met him.

Lina chuckled while blushing as she walked out of the room and into the Main Hall of the suite.

Taking her seat on the couch, she guessed that he must have returned to his suite to shower.

She then turned on the TV and picked up her phone which had been switched off since she started work this morning.

"Mommy's missed calls?" She muttered while looking at the call logs and decided to call her mother back once she left this hotel.

'She will yell at me if I call her back now.' She surmised as no one in her family liked her cultivation period.

Anyway, she wasn't too anxious as she knew that her mother must have contacted Benji once her call couldn't be connected.

Lina was right to think in this way as Mrs. Yang had indeed called Benji to ask about her daughter's whereabouts.

While she continued to check her notifications, she also found that Steph had sent her a few texts.

'Aww… He misses me!' She smiled at the text from her cute puppy.

Stephen was told that she was leaving town for business purposes so he did not wish to disturb her by calling her and hence had sent a text, reminding her that he missed her and also inquired when she would return.

'I never left town, just in seclusion.' She sighed that she had to lie to so many people due to her hidden identity as LY, the star designer of Obsidia Designs.

Other than her mother and Stephen, no one else had contacted her as there were just a few people in this city who had her number and all of them were aware of her busy schedule.

While she was in her thoughts, there was a soft sound of the click of a door unlocking.

Lina looked up and frowned when she realized that the sound had come from within the suite and not from the front door which she had expected due to her boyfriend who must have exited the suite.

Therefore, she vigilantly stared at the corridor which led to her study room where she had heard the sound originating from.

However, her cautious attitude and alert nature faded away when she saw the face of the person who had emerged from the corridor.

Reuben, in a sky blue silk pair of pajamas with damp hair, was seen walking out while frowning as he stared at his phone.

He was deep in his thoughts that he had failed to notice the hazel eyes which were following his every move.

Amusement was clear on Lina's face as she watched how he walked towards the bedroom without glimpsing in her direction.

Reuben pushed the door open and looked up, inside the bedroom only to find it empty.

"Looking for someone there, Mr. Ming?" An amused voice rang from behind which made him turn around in a hurry.

Lina sat on the couch with her feet folded as she raised her brows at him.

Reuben displayed his most gentle smile as he shut the door he had just opened and walked towards her.

'Can he not show me that gorgeous appearance with that smile!?' She lamented as this was a deadly combination that he did not seem to realize he had.

However, his nightwear that clung to his slightly damp body, his hair which was still wet and his flushed face due to the bath were what she was doomed to witness right now.

Accompanying that deadly combination of his perfect body was the smile he was sporting as he now took his seat next to her.

"Come here." He uttered and pulled her closer before she could respond.

'What's the use of telling me to come when you will do it anyway?' She sulked but did not voice out her complaints.

Reuben turned to his side and pulling the towel away from her hands began wiping her hair dry.

Lina had to lower her head to let him work his magic and sadly, what came into her field of view was his lap.

'I was sitting on that…' She recalled the moments of their passionate escapade just earlier.

Shaking her head profusely, she tried to shake away the lewd thoughts which were making her cheeks burn once again.

"Sit still, Kitten." Reuben commanded when she began moving about, making things difficult for him.

Once again, Lina sat still as she waited for him to finish what he wished to do.

He smiled at her obedient behavior and wiped her hair as well as gently massaged her scalp.

"I met Benji today." He muttered offhandedly without stopping his actions.

Lina was about to raise her head to look at his face but recalling his chiding words, she did not continue and sat in the same position.

"Why?" She retorted, curious to know what the reason for their meeting was.

There were multiple reasons for this meeting and Reuben did not hide anything from her.

"Your assistant decided to hack into my apartment's security system. Do you have any idea why?" He disclosed without any hesitation.

He also raised his brows when he noticed that she froze for a split second when he had mentioned this.

'That idiot had to get caught!?' Lina sneered at Benji for getting her in trouble.

While she was wondering what he might have told Reuben about this, she heard him speaking once again.

"Your assistant did not speak a word about the reason and only answered that he was following your orders." He added when he noticed her silence.

'Pushing all the blame on me like that!' She growled once again and decided that she would have to deal with him once she ended her seclusion period.

"Done." Reuben then announced as his hands stopped wiping her hair.

Hooking her chin with his fingers, he raised her head so that she might look him in the eyes.

"Have something to say?" He quizzed with a sarcastic smile.

'I know you have some strange plan in your head so spill it.' His expression was becoming easier for her to decipher the more time she spent with him.

Sighing, she pouted adorably and nodded her head in reply to his inquiry.

"I asked him to find a certain CCTV footage for me. Don't be mad at him!" She pleaded as she confessed her crimes before the great Emperor.

'There, Benji said the same thing when he admitted that he had hacked into the system.' He recalled the incident that occurred after their lunch together.

Reuben rolled his eyes at her over-dramatic actions and lowered his head to peck her lips.

"Just ask me the next time. My team thought that we were under a malicious attack by some hacker." He revealed the reason for the disarray in the office this morning.

Lina nodded her head but then froze when a certain thought popped up in her mind.

"Why did Benji hack into your company's system when I asked him to hack into the Apartment's security system?" She questioned with suspicion apparent in her words and her tone.

Reuben, in answer, revealed a mysterious smile as he leaned closer to her ear.

"Why would that be any different?" He questioned and chuckled when she remained silent.

"They both belong to me anyway." He revealed another part of his life which not many people were aware of even to this day.

Lina's eyes widened in surprise at his revelation but before she could utter a single word in response, she found him leaning away from her as he returned to his earlier seating posture.

"So not only the penthouse but the entire apartment building is yours?" She tossed him a question to make sure that she had gotten it right and gasped when she saw him nod his head.

'Oh my Lord! That building is his so this only means that…' She stopped and stared at him with wide eyes.