Chapter 414 - Wreaking Havoc In Her Room

Director Peter Wang had no idea that Talia had returned home in anger after what had happened inside the CEO's office.

He was busy mingling with the Heads of the Finance and Planning department to further ease the atmosphere as they would be working together closely in the future.

Thus, he was unaware of the raging Young Miss of the Zheng family who was currently wreaking havoc in her room.


Oblivious to the storm that he had created, Reuben was on the phone as he spoke to his girlfriend about what had taken place just earlier.

On the other side of the phone, Lina had just sat down to eat when she received the phone call from Reuben.

"Oh?" Amusement was evident in her voice as she continued to listen to his narration about his encounter with Talia Zheng.

'Eh? She would be a good screenwriter with her talent for cooking up such dramatic stories.' She commended this lady's talent for being able to make up things out of thin air.

"What men? I haven't had a single boyfriend before you!" She pouted as she grumbled at her lack of love life before Reuben entered the picture.

Rolling her eyes, she tossed a piece of grilled meat into her mouth.

On the other side, Reuben's lips twitched when he heard the complaints she had after hearing his summary.

"Sounds like you are regretting that I am your first boyfriend. Wanted more men before I arrived?" He questioned leisurely but the danger in his voice made her cough twice as she wiped her lips.

'Does he have to misunderstand what I just said?' Lina shook her head at her boyfriend who sounded like an insecure, jealous wife right now.

"What I meant by that is… Your dear sister Talia is making stuff up and there was no one before you." She scoffed in an attempt to divert his mind from what she had blurted out earlier.

"You are my first and only boyfriend so what's there to be sad about?" She rolled her eyes while muttering which brought a smile to the man's face.

Pursing his lips that she had managed to coax him with just a few sentences, he refused to let her know that he was fine with it.

"She also said that Benji was in your room in Yang Manor. What about that?" He raised his brows while interrogating her.

Lina pressed her forehead as she could guess the person who had leaked this information to Talia.

'That big mouth Mandy!' She rolled her eyes at the people who just couldn't leave her alone.

But now was not the time to think about them so she focused on the topic at hand.

"He had come to help me carry my luggage to the hotel and also to discuss some matters of business." She reminded him of the day when she had stayed over at his home and then come to his office to pick him up for lunch.

The result was just as he had guessed so he wasn't too surprised at this.

However, he was still pouting that Benji had seen her room before he had.

Noticing his silence, Lina did not know what to do about this situation.

"How about you come over for dinner at Yang Manor after we leave this hotel? Maybe then you can visit my room?" She offered and waited to hear his response.

Reuben finally smiled when he was completely appeased and accepted her offer without a second's delay.

"Then we shall meet after we leave the hotel." He declared and was bent on visiting her house and her room.

Lina's clear chuckle was heard over the phone at his childish behavior but Reuben was too busy admiring her voice to think about the fact that she was laughing at him right now.

The couple continued to speak for a little while about the same matters and hung up to continue their lunch.

In Ming Enterprises' CEO's office, Reuben gazed at the phone that he had disconnected and then recalled something that he had heard during their call.

'She discussed business matters with Benji? What business matters?' He wondered while tilting his head.

Then remembering that she was also the famous designer LY, he shook that thought out of his mind and then ordered Trigger to bring him his lunch.

In her hotel room, Lina was eating the detectable spicy garlic butter linguine that the hotel staff had brought up for her.

She was right now seated on the dining table in the main hall while all of her work was left inside the study in this hotel room.

"I will surprise him when he returns tonight." She smiled as she continued her meal.

While eating, she was glad when she recalled that the one who had come to serve her was the same staff who always came to bring her meals to this room instead of the waitress who had come over this morning.

'My appetite would have died if she had brought my lunch over.' Lina scowled at the thought of that waitress.

But when she thought of something else, her anger faded and concern pooled her eyes.

'Poor Manager is sick…' She sighed as she had heard about the Manager's sick leave when she met this staff member.

He even told her that the Deputy Manager was unaware of their presence in the Hotel thanks to Reuben's strict instructions on maintaining their privacy.

Due to this, no one knew which room they were residing in other than the few people that Manager Lang brought with him every time he came over to this room.

Thus the Deputy Manager had randomly sent out the waitress who had been free at that time.

Lina did not mention anything to him about the incident that occurred in the morning when she quizzed him about these details.

She had thanked him for sharing this information with her and just as he had left, Reuben had called her.

Now that she had finished talking to him and also completed her meal, she decided to get back to work so that she might end her cultivation period as quickly as possible.

"When will that Talia woman learn that she needs to give up?" She sighed while shaking her head and returned to the study to concentrate on her work.


As hours passed, the situation in Zheng house only went from bad to worse.

The Madam and Master were not at home but the two Misses of the family were.

The servants on the ground floor could hear constant noises of things being broken coming from upstairs which only made them anxious about what to do.

Therefore, they sought the Butler of the family and he did the first thing that came to his mind.

"Master, Eldest Miss had been thrashing her room ever since she returned home." He called Henri Zheng, his Master over the phone and informed him what had happened.

However, unlike the concern or even anger that he had expected from the other man, the Butler only heard the sound of constant beeps which indicated that his Master had hung up without a word.

Looking down at the phone, Butler could only sigh and place it down.

Then turning towards the servants who worked under him, he gestured for them to go about their work and ignore the noises.

"Make sure not to fall in the eyes of the Eldest Miss." He warned and sent them away.

The servants were well aware of their elder Miss' temper which raged in no time so they would not ignore this warning if they wanted to stay alright until the end of the day.


In the Chairman's office of the Zheng Groups, Henri Zheng's eyes darkened after he hung up on the phone call he had received from home.

'What exactly happened now!?' He wondered through gritted his teeth.

He knew that today was the day of the important meeting with the Ming Enterprises so the first thought that came to his mind was the status of this collaboration.

If his daughter was mad enough to thrash her room then something big must have happened for her to do so.

He also knew that there was no use talking to her right now as he would only lose his temper for what she had to say.

Therefore, he decided that it would be best to contact the other person who had gone with her to this meeting.

Tapping the screen of his phone a couple of times, the sound of ringing was soon heard.

Placing the phone close to his ear, Henri waited for the other person to answer it.

It did not take much time before his call was answered.

"Hello, Sir? Is everything alright?" A worried voice came from the other side of the phone.

Henri finally released the breath that he had been holding in subconsciously after he heard the other person's voice.

"Peter, what's the status of the collaboration?" He went straight to the point without any greetings or small talk.

Director Peter Wang was still in the lunch meet that he had gone with the Heads of departments when he had received this call.

He had excused himself from the private room and come outside to answer the call.

Therefore, when he heard this question, there was a wide smile on his face.

"The CEO was impressed both with our presentation and with Young Miss' portion of the presentation, Sir." He revealed everything from beginning to end.

Hearing this, Henri's worries faded as he was expecting to hear bad news considering how his daughter was behaving right now.

However, his foul mood transformed into a good one after hearing that today's meeting was a success.

Henri spoke a few more words, congratulating him on the hard work he and his team had done for this project, and then hung up as he rubbed his chin.

'What could have caused that outburst?' He wondered about the reason for his child's huge tantrum which was still ongoing right now.