Chapter 435 - Provoking The Little Demoness

'She is trying to oppress that Demon's daughter with just that weak glance?' Director Stuart Bai scoffed in silence at what had just taken place.

He had known Lina's father, Simon Yang throughout his youth days so he knew just how scary that man was.

So to try and suppress that Demon's spawn in such a weak attempt, he felt sorry for Mrs. Tong for what would happen next as she was provoking the little demoness without restraint.

Just as he had assumed, Lina was finally in a bad mood after everything that she had experienced since the moment she had entered this conference hall.

She had been silent until now for the sake of the purpose they had all gathered here.

Not to mention that Mrs. Tong was someone who worked to bring in a profit for her company.

However, none of those reasons justified the words that had just been directed towards her.

'Just who does she think she is to talk to me in this way?' Lina tilted her head, wondering what was bringing such confidence to Mrs. Tong that she had even dared to sneer at Wade who was their VP.

Her gaze was relentless and her eyes were narrowed.

The flecks of gold in her hazel eyes sparkled when light reflected on them but Mrs. Tong did not have the time to appreciate their beauty.

Being at the center of the stern gaze directed at her, the older lady felt a droplet of sweat forming on her forehead.

However, ignorant of the little demoness seated before her, Mrs. Tong blamed the faulty air conditioning in the conference hall for this.

Contrary to the single droplet of sweat on her forehead, Wade was sweating buckets after noticing the look of annoyance currently on his sister's face.

Lina was pampered by everyone she knew and there were rarely any instances where people managed to infuriate her.

At such times, the daughter of the sassy woman, Diane Yang, was taught to not lower her head and bear disrespect which she did not deserve.

Lina was taught to stand up for herself and those around her and right now, the fury blazing in her eyes proved that this was exactly what she was planning to do.

On the receiving end of that fury, Mrs. Tong did not figure out the hot mess she was in and instead even raised her chin in disdain at the other person.

The older lady had taunted her without concealing her disgust and was hoping to see Lina's embarrassed face at what she had just encountered.

However, Lina's face was neither distorted due to hatred nor bright with embarrassment as she had been expecting to witness and enjoy.

Right now, that same young lady had her eyes set on her but there was a strange sense of calmness and serenity permeating from her.

'There is no need to get angry and let wrinkles form on my pretty face.' Lina rolled her eyes inwardly as she decided that Mrs. Tong was not worth that effort.

While she had decided to not anger herself over this matter, there was no way that she could let this disrespect slide.

Therefore, looking at the woman before her, Lina tilted her head before leaning forward to rest her elbows on the table between them.

"Mrs. Tong's memory seems to be failing her already…" She muttered while pretending to not have seen the widened eyes of the woman.

The implication behind her words was that Mrs. Tong was too old and her memory was fading already.

If that wasn't enough, Lina went a step ahead to make her point clear to everyone in this room.

"I thought she looked sixty but maybe I was wrong…" Her next whisper was heard as she glanced at her neighbor.

Director Bai had lowered his head to hide the fact that his lips had curved into a wide smile after hearing Lina's snide remark.

However, when he felt her gaze landing on him, he looked up only to find her innocent and confused expression.

'Look at her acting as though she is truly wondering about that woman's age.' He scoffed but had no other choice than to go along with her theatrics.

Therefore, he turned his gaze towards the older woman who was touching her face and shot her a searching glance.

When Lina noticed that he was going along with her pretense, she gave him a big thumbs up as she waited to see what he might say next.

She knew that she was wrong to point out a lady's age and even make a derisive comment, but if the other person wished to play dirty then she would match her pace at any time.

Right when that momentary guilt appeared, she heard Director Bai's voice.

"Mrs. Tong's skin is too nice… So I cannot say, considering how much science has advanced these days." He answered seriously while rubbing his chin.

At the side, Leon was trying his best to hold in the chortle but on the other side, a nerve was beginning to pop on the older lady's forehead.

It was not hard to decipher the meaning hidden behind the Director's words.

While he was praising her for having great skin, he was also reminding them that science had advanced too much and anything could be possible.

Mrs. Tong was just fifty-two and people often praised her for looking in her forties and some went even as far as to say that she appeared to be in her late thirties.

However, these people here were calling her sixty and the Director had even hinted that she had gotten work done on her face.

This was enough to infuriate her but before she could make her dissatisfaction known to the people who had just mocked her, she was interrupted by the same person who, in her sights, had initiated this mess today.

"Well, even if your age is getting in your way, how could you forget something you had said just a few moments ago?" Lina inquired as her eyes narrowed ever so slightly.

There was confusion not only on the older lady's face but also on those seated around her.

"It was Mrs. Tong who initiated the conversation." Lina's lips curved into a slight smile.

To further explain her words, she reminded everyone what the old lady had said earlier.

Mrs. Tong had called it laughable that Lina believed that she could speak to the older woman.

Yet it appeared that the older lady had forgotten why Lina had done so.

She had only answered the questions being tossed at her from the moment she had entered this room.

"If it weren't for that… Why would I wish to speak to you?" Another question was tossed over to Mrs. Tong.

The two ladies had not met each other before today and it was reasonable that Lina would not speak to someone she was not familiar with.

However, it was Mrs. Tong and her constant inquiries along with her rude behavior which had caused Lina to retort yet the next moment, she was taunted for speaking up.

'This is laughable to me.' Lina scoffed in her heart yet had a straight face as she was not done with what she had to say to her opponent today.

Mrs. Tong had been irritated from the moment she had seen Lina entering the room at her leisure and without a care.

Later, she was mad that even after realizing who she was dealing with, Lina showed no sign of fear or even anxiety.

Instead, the young lady was calm and collected which was getting on her nerves.

Therefore, she had called Lina's shameful way of entering the company and even her confidence in talking to her as being laughable.

But now, her logic was proven wrong, and taking a secret glance around the room, she could sense that the rest were siding with Lina in this matter.

If Mrs. Tong had not provoked Lina, asking her to respond then she never would have answered but when she did, she was ridiculed once again.

This made the senior members present in the conference hall shake their heads at her in disappointment for trying to bully a junior in the company.

Lina had sensed this too but she did not need them to shield her as she could fight her own battles.

"Now shall we move to the next aspect that you were so kind to point out for everyone's attention?" The heiress of the Yang family declared as she displayed a devilish smile.