As one of the raw materials for making nutrients, earth balls were selected by children.

Without proper storage and eating methods, children will naturally suffer from food poisoning if they eat green germinating earth balls.

Eating a small amount of poisonous potatoes does not necessarily have obvious harm.

But if you eat 200 mg of solanine at a time, that is, about half a dozen potatoes that have turned green and sprouted, you can get sick in 15 minutes or three hours.

The children were hungry. When they had food, they couldn't control their appetite. They ate too much. The toxin broke out quickly, and it was too late to rescue them.

Later, earth balls could not be eaten and could only be used to make nutrient solution, which became a deep-rooted and fixed concept in the hearts of imperial people.

Sighed. Jane wanted to say that the earth ball could be eaten normally, but she didn't have the ability to break the inherent concept of the imperial people with words.

We can only see if we can change this concept with practical action.

Therefore, after listening to the Luoyang explanation, she didn't say much. Instead, she cooked the fried golden fish, skillfully shaped the fish on the plate, cocked up the fish tail, and then loaded the fish head.

The squirrel's shape took shape.

Then start making juice.

Whether the squirrel fish tastes good or not depends on whether the fish meat is fresh, tender and crisp, and also on the taste of the sauce.

In short, she is an expert in making sauce. The existing condiments are not enough. It doesn't matter. She has them in the system warehouse.

If asked, she was not afraid of being unable to answer.

Anyway, she lost her memory, and she didn't know why she had this.

No matter how bad it is, she can carry the pot to father rabbit. Even father rabbit carries the pot to her for live broadcasting. A little seasoning is nothing to father rabbit.

She has confidence in father rabbit.

At this time, Tang Zhen and his colleagues had handled all the ingredients under the command of Jian Yan, and looked at her making juice.

Don't need to look with your eyes, just by feeling. In short, the small spoon used to hold spices in your hand flew up and down into the pot, which made Tang Zhen and them stunned.

The bright and bright red sauce gradually takes shape and becomes thick, with an attractive aroma of sour, sweet and palatable.

But in a moment, it filled the whole kitchen.

He floated into the canteen along the kitchen door opened by Shen, which led to the rapid secretion of rabbit father's saliva. He couldn't resist the temptation to leave his seat and touch the kitchen.

Behind him was Lu Jinxiu, who also couldn't resist the temptation and was so greedy that his Adam's apple slid up and down.

Tang Zhen and their whole attention are here, but they can't find their arrival.

In short, she also had no time to pay attention to them. She was busy drenching the sauce on the fish.

As soon as the hot sauce touches the fried fish, it makes a "zizizi" sound. The original attractive smell becomes more and more rich and attractive at this moment.

The sauce is not finished. In short, she takes out the carrots dug up in the egret star and stored in the system warehouse, washes them, cuts off a section, carves a lotus flower and puts it next to the fish. A red berry about the size of the virgin fruit is put into the fish's mouth by her, like a pearl.

Then put some green shallot tips next to it.

In fact, coriander leaves look better, but unfortunately, there is no coriander here.

Rao is so. The beautiful finished Squirrel Fish also amazed Tang Zhen and them.

"I've seen it for a long time. I never knew that the flower skin fish could do this. It was so beautiful, so fragrant and so attractive." Luoyang, who is good at making fish, feels that his previous fish have been made in vain.