The mouth sounds good, but the whole body is not eager.

The pair of glass like transparent red eyes also stared at Jian Yan. In this case, it's strange that she can eat slowly.

Fortunately, she had almost eaten.

Five minutes later, she put down her dishes and chopsticks and came to the cabinet to choose the ingredients for carving.

"Dad, are you going to eat or collect the carved rabbit?"


Want to eat, also want to collect.

After two seconds of silence, he said, "I'll have a good look first, and then eat it."

In short, "... OK."

Since you want to eat it, you don't have to consider the release resistance. Go straight to radish and tofu.

These two ingredients are more suitable for carving and the coat color of rabbit father.

As for eyes, red pepper can replace.

Quickly selected the ingredients and, in short, started.

Tang Zhen, who refused to let go of the stewed vegetables, came one after another with the rice that tripped over the stewed vegetables, eating and watching.

Seeing tofu, several people stared in shock and almost forgot to chew the rice in their mouth.

I thought it was carved with radish, but I didn't want to say that I chose tofu. This fragile and difficult to form food material, how to carve while maintaining its integrity?

I'm afraid the knife will break when poked!


In short, with different knife holding posture and knife moving strength, she can cut, cut, carve, dig, spin, poke and other skills on the tofu, move rapidly on the fragile tofu, and the tofu with fine pieces such as snow foam and flakes such as snowflakes fall from her hands.

The original four square tofu gradually appeared the prototype of a rabbit.

"Shape, shape actually appeared."

"Under her toss, the tofu didn't break and took shape according to her wishes."


Tang Zhen's comments revolved around Jian Yan's actions. They didn't care about food and stared at her hand.

Lu Jinxiu, who came over for lunch after finishing his business, heard several people's comments as soon as they arrived at the kitchen door. They looked at each other in wonder.

"Old Tang, they are talking about tofu. Is it difficult to have tofu today?"

Without anyone answering, Li Shaofeng said to himself, "don't say, the green vegetable tofu soup made by Jian Yan is very delicious. It's tasteless and full of bean smell. She can make it so delicious. She's a little powerful."

"... she has something better."

Instead of rushing in, Lu Jinxiu, who asked Xiao Jinlong, who was carrying a baby cat, to explore the situation first, whispered, "do you know what she is doing now?"

The tone is full of music, and the eyebrows and eyes are full of pride.

Qin Che, who saw his appearance, said to them, "

This man is hopeless.

No matter what Jane is doing, it has nothing to do with you.

You're not doing it. I don't know what pride is.

Qin Qin, who did not have the courage to make complaints about it, was afraid of being beaten, and dared to speak quietly in his heart.

We have to cooperate with Lu Jinxiu's desire to perform and pretend to be a look of what Jane is doing. You tell us.

Slightly raised his chin, Lu Jinxiu's expression became more proud.

"She's carving food."

"Food, food carving?"

Qin Che shocked them. "Is it the food carving we know?"


Nodding, Lu Jinxiu said, "the lost food carving in ancient books is made of fragile tofu."

A blood red bullet screen popped up in Qin Che's mind——

God, this old man is great.

Knowing that Jian Yan's food is delicious, I never thought she had this skill. She even knows the lost food carving.