That is, the mimicry has no entity. Otherwise, if such a fat wolf rubs around her waist, she must be rubbed upside down.

Luoyang will adjust the flavored egg liquid with water according to the brief instructions, put it into the steamer, and don't return when hearing the sound, "the mimicry of the second division teacher is a wolf who likes to run to the kitchen."

"Well, I also like watching beauty."

Thinking of the wolf's brilliant achievements, he burst out with a laugh, "regardless of men and women, as long as it is beautiful enough, the wolf likes to come up and act as a spoiler and have a virtue with its master."

In short, he smiled, "didn't the second division teacher get beaten?"

"Why didn't you get beaten?"

Josh took the stewed chicken out of the pot and put it on the table on the other side. He smiled and said, "Marshal Qin and them have beaten the second division commander.

But the worst hit was regimental commander Li.

You know, his appearance, character and mimicry are too different.

At the first meeting, the second division commander was fascinated by his beauty.

He ran up to pursue and was so angry that the regimental commander later saw him beat him once. "

"Don't worry about that, commander Li said. He can't hear people talk about his beauty." Luoyang faintly answered, but the smile in his voice was not hidden at all.

This is also a schadenfreude.

He shook his head. In short, he continued to work. The fat wolf was not a quiet wolf. He saw that she ignored herself and hung on her.

In short, I was helpless. During the interval when the braised chicken came out of the pot, I looked down and looked at my fat head with amber eyes. "I'm making delicious food. Can you be quiet?"

The White Wolf, whose face was like a big dish, opened his round eyes to her and rubbed her again.

"You can't be coquettish."

In short, he scratched his fat chin with a smile. Naturally, he didn't scratch anything. He regretted that he took back his hand and said with a smile, "I tell you, if you want to quarrel with me again, I won't be able to make dinner. Xiao Jinlong will beat you."


As soon as the little golden dragon's big killer came out, the fat wolf jumped away from her like a ghost, jumped to the door with his tail in his hand, and squatted down and shouted at Tang Zhen and them.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you."

Listening to its howling sound, Murong Qiang, who couldn't bear its disturbance, said coldly, "this is your Marshal's girlfriend. Guess, he wants to know if Xiao Jinlong will swallow you alive if you take advantage of his girlfriend?"


A frightened, ghostly howl, accompanied by a white and fat figure, jumped out like an arrow.

Along the way through countless tables.

"It's a shame to be so fat and move quickly." With a sigh, Yan took back his sight and continued to focus on braised chicken.

In the conference room of the Zerg Research Center, the second division commander who was attending the meeting suddenly covered his face and howled in his heart, killing him.

Originally, I just wanted to see what kind of person chef Jane, who is famous in the base these days, is.

But he didn't want his mimicry. After seeing the little girl's beauty, he rubbed it directly.

Originally, mimicry has no entity. As long as we grasp the measure, rubbing is not a big deal.

However, the object that was rubbed was the Marshal's girlfriend, so we have to say otherwise.

With the temperament of Marshal···

If he knew about it, he would die miserably.

Well, now the problem comes. Did he die early and surpass his life and confess himself?!

Or as soon as the meeting is over, run away and avoid the marshal!

This is a difficult choice.