"Yes!" Ronglao is not polite. He feeds the bamboo shoots directly into his mouth. It's also delicious and delicious.

The bamboo shoots dug out of the soil have the hardest armor and bamboo shoot shells layer after layer.

When the bamboo shoot shell is removed, the light, clean, white and tender bamboo shoots inside will be exposed.

The tip of the nose will also smell the light aroma of bamboo shoots.

Wash it with water, then put the bamboo shoots contaminated with water droplets on the chopping board, lower the knife, lift and drop the knife by hand, and the bamboo shoots with the same thickness and thickness are laid in a neat line on the chopping board.

In the process of cooking, you don't need too much seasoning. Just fry in oil, sprinkle some salt, and throw a few scallions in when you get out of the pot. It's very fragrant and crisp.

And this fragrance comes from the natural origin.

Any food material, no matter what pattern is made, comes from the original food material.

Only the taste of natural origin is the purest and can best reflect the taste of a fresh word.

"It's so delicious. Yan Yan won't feel tired no matter how much she eats."

After swallowing the food in her mouth, kokona couldn't help sighing, "it will make people want to stop. After eating this meal, they will think about the next meal and have no intention to do anything."

In short, "...."

Uh, exaggerated.

But forget it. If kokona wants to feel like this, just feel like this.

The rabbit father asked with a smile, "my baby is going to open a restaurant back to the emperor star. Remember to come and join us at that time. How about opening a member for you?"

In short, "!!!"

Great, my father!

Now even members know.

It's a rabbit with only business mind. That's right!

Kokona, "... Really? OK, OK, I want to open a membership. I've decided. After Yanyan's restaurant opens, I'll eat three meals a day. "

"No three meals." In short, she ruthlessly and cruelly broke her illusion, "sister Na, I'm still a student who hasn't graduated. I don't have so much time to run a restaurant. Breakfast is not provided. Chinese dinner depends on whether mood and time are allowed or not."

"That's OK. Children should focus on their studies."

As she spoke, she turned around and said curiously, "what major did you study? Would you like to consider learning materials from me? "

In short, I trembled and almost didn't cry. Materials can't be materials in my life.

She finally got away from the mecha manufacturing department. She didn't want to learn materials unless she was out of her mind.

"Sister Na, my talent and skills are all in the esophagus. I'm sorry I can't accept your kindness!"

"It's true that everyone has different talent and skill points. Choosing a major that is good at himself will be like a duck to water. If you're not good at it, you're not like a fish in the water, but you want to drown yourself. "

When it comes to the topic of talent skill points, kokona is very sad. At the beginning, because she didn't know what her talent skill points are, she applied for the command department of the Imperial military academy according to the wishes of her family.

The family wanted her to be a good commander.

She thought she could do it.

As a result, she has no talent at all.

For more than a year in the command line, she almost didn't get crazy.

Fortunately, she later found her own talent and skill points, made a quick decision to go through the transfer procedures, and entered the material department where big guys gathered.

Then, she really glowed in the material department. Instead of feeling pain, she was as happy as a fish in water.

Now, she is also the leading material boss of the Empire.