Therefore, they gave the same answer as in short - elimination!

The competition continued, but as groups of contestants came on stage, in the end, they, the judges and all the audience were a little desperate.

What is not the worst, only worse, in these seven days is displayed incisively and vividly.

There were thousands of contestants who signed up for this event. Lu Jin said that they didn't say anything about soy sauce, nor did the group of contestants who had a lot of experience in dark cuisine.

For the rest of the players, they were stunned and only selected 17 talented ones.

The last female contestant from bocana star Zhou Qianjin successfully won the first place with a puff tower and won the championship.

Two or three of them are residents living in DIDU star. Two men won the second and third place with a braised meat and a self-made pickle respectively.

All the 17 contestants were pocketed by the Food Association.

After the announcement of the third runner up, all the qualified players gathered together. Under the high-definition camera, a player who was rejected by the Food Association and by Jian Yan cried loudly, learned from the pain and shouted to Jian Yan, "Chef Jane, wait for me, and I will come back next year! I promise, you will beg to take me as an apprentice! "

"This kid is so confident, but my kid is more confident. I beg him to be an apprentice. Oh, I think this kid wants to fart..."

"Xiaozi is just a child. We should encourage him!"

"I watched the game for seven days and felt lonely!" Grandpa rabbit sighed.

It's better to farm. At least there's a reward for farming. Come and watch the game···

Oh, my God, it's just a torture from taste.

Seven days. He has to taste so many strange foods every day. He doesn't know how their cubs survived.

In short, I can't hold on, but with money, the enchanting beauty hangs her in front of me. If I can't hold on, I have to hold on.

Fortunately, the event was finally completed!

Next time, if Jane Zhou's brother asks her again, the reward must be doubled.

What a pain.

What a pain!

Needless to say, the key is that the finished product tastes too strange. The audience of five senses experience can't stand the right to turn off the experience device, but they have to eat realistically.

Even if each finished product only tastes a taste, it can't stand the large number of finished products to taste.

I can't bear it for seven days.

In short, he was about to be liberated. He couldn't help showing a bright smile on his face.

The host saw the smile with sharp eyes and immediately said, "Chef Jane, do you have anything to say about the 17 outstanding players?"

The original hilarious meeting hall, because of his sentence, focused on Jian Yan. At this moment, Jian Yan attracted the attention of the public.

Unexpectedly, he was standing in the corner and was pulled out by the host. He glanced at the host.

Host, "··"

I don't know if it's his illusion. How do you feel that chef Jane is very unhappy.

In short, she was really unhappy. She just wanted to squat quietly in the corner and wait for the live broadcast to end. As a result, the host pulled her out. What could she do?

You can only enter the business state with a smile.

"I have a few words to say to the 17 contestants who are about to enter the Food Association."