No matter meat or vegetable, it was just a simple original taste at the beginning.

Maybe crisp, maybe fishy, maybe astringent... But they all belong to the purest taste and taste of ingredients.

Any food material, no matter what pattern it is made, comes from the original taste of the food material.

However, after cooking, other flavors will be integrated on the basis of the original flavor.

Maybe fresh, maybe fragrant, maybe spicy, maybe sour···

Then, because a spoonful of clear and mellow soup bottom, these tastes quietly and quietly merged together, forming an amazing taste storm.

One mouthful after another, filled with a large bowl of snail powder, with the rabbit mother's rapidly wriggling three valve mouth disappearing at a visible speed, holding the bowl to drink the last mouthful of soup, she sighed contentedly.

"This powder is really fragrant!"

Then she turned her head and looked at Jian Yan with a pair of bright black eyes. Her thick long eyelashes blinked and blinked, which made her heart melt.

"Cub, do you have another bowl? If so, mom wants another bowl“

"Yes." Jane was so fascinated by the big eyes of mother rabbit that she faintly took her bowl and got up to the kitchen.

But as soon as she entered the kitchen, she saw a white shadow passing in front of her and jumped into the big pot on the burner in an instant.

In short, he was stunned in an instant, and the whole person couldn't return to his mind in that long time.

Bastard Tuanzi, after hiding food, it ruined her soup.

Snail powder soup is the essence. Without the soup, the snail powder is not authentic.

Now, her pot of soup has become the bath water for Tuanzi, ah···

She's going to die.

In short, he came to the pot crazily and looked inside. There was no shadow of soup. At the bottom of the empty pot, there was a belly bulging, with all his hair wet and tightly attached to the little meat.


A loud burp fell into his ears. Jian Yan looked at his little paw on his belly and looked at his ball with his dark eyes open.

Endure again and again, finally picked up the wet dumpling with the smell of soup and shouted, "dumpling, you bastard!!!"

A loud voice of anger pierced the sky.

"Ah, you bastard dumpling, let you make me lose snail powder. I Rua kill you." The rabbit father, who was attracted by the cry and learned what had happened, was so angry that he went crazy and carried the dumpling for a meal Rua.

Rabbit mother looked funny at him bullying the loveless Tuanzi. "Take it easy Rua, be careful that Tuanzi takes off his sweater and runs away."

"Take it easy?"

The rabbit father was so angry that he poked his paw on the small pink nose of the dumpling, "you said how you can do so, how can such a small body hold such a big pot of soup, you tell me honestly, did you hide the soup?"

Tuanzi's answer was a provocative squeak at him.

Anyway, I can't run away from being beaten Rua by this big rabbit today. If so, what if it gets hurt.

The rabbit father who understood his eyes was even more angry. "I knew it. I knew you were hiding. I want to Rua kill you."

Before the words fell, he would stagger Tuanzi Rua's head with his claws and scream in horror.

Grandma rabbit was funny and came forward to save Tuanzi. "OK, it's still a cub. It's natural to protect food and hide food."

"I'm a cub, too. I don't have such a bad habit."

Before the words fell, he thought of something, and his eyes lit up, "bastard, little dumpling, quickly take out the soup you hid."