"Really not welcome."

Lu Jinxiu interrupted without waiting for him to finish saying, "you'd better hang out with Qin Che. If you're really bored, you can find a sister or a handsome man to fall in love."

"In short, don't ruin our honeymoon."

Jane wants to laugh, but Jane can't cry or laugh.

"Even if I'm in love, I'm going to spend some time in the scientific research institute. My ball hasn't been dragged back yet."

"The ball fell to your name?"

As soon as the words were out, Jane thought of a question. She said curiously, "ah Jin, are you back, Pangpang?"

"Pangpang is still on that ball."

Lu Jinxiu smiled. "As for the ball, it really fell under Jane Xun's name. That's right."

In short, he envied, "the ball owner."

Jane Xun burst out laughing, "if you want me to let you be the ball owner, the ball is too big to be developed by personal strength alone. I'm ready to cooperate with the Empire."

"Will it work?"

"It is quite feasible. A disappearing higher civilization is enough for the experts and scholars of the Empire. When they study it almost, they will develop it into a tourist star. They are not afraid of no money."

Then he smiled and asked Jane, "what's the matter, sister? Do you feel excited? Call me, brother, and transfer it to you immediately."

"I'm not excited."

Waving her hand, she smiled, "that's your hometown. It should belong to you!

Whether your civilization is still there or not, it is always in your memory and your root!

Even if I want to be the owner, I don't want your ball. I want to buy my own ball and be the owner. "

"Have ambition!"

Jane looked for her and compared her with a thumb. Lu Jinxiu didn't say anything, but smiled and looked at her and said, "do you have a fancy ball?"


In short, he shook his head, "I liked one some time ago, and the money was enough, but it was too far away from the Imperial Star and was close to Lingxi.

In the past, it took more than two months to run on the road by taking a large commercial ship. It took too much time and had to give up. "

Lu Jinxiu said softly, "don't worry, the ball will have some."

Jian Yan's heart trembled and looked at him warily, "don't tell me that you count all your private industries and are ready to transfer them to me."

Lu Jinxiu, "···"

The sensitivity of his little wife really convinced him.

The expression on his face was unnatural for a moment. Jane was surprised. "Have you really turned?"

What immortal man is this? He is so generous to transfer all his property to his wife.

As a man, he can't do this.

"It hasn't turned yet. It's really turned. I'll receive a message here. It should still be in the state of counting." In short, answer calmly.

Seeing that she was right, Lu Jinxiu didn't continue to deny it, but said with a smile, "there are too many properties. It takes a little time to count them all. Don't worry about your words. I'll definitely let you be the ball owner."

In short, she doesn't have any obsession about whether she can be a ball owner. She wants to buy a ball to be a ball owner not for herself, but for the rabbit father.

At first, father rabbit went back to the abyss and fooled Fu to follow them. He promised that the black leopard overlord left in the abyss would go back to pick them up.

However, there are too many overlords. There is no place to place them all. Buying a ball can solve the problem.

Also near the Imperial Star, you can run a round-trip ball in a day.

Hearing Lu Jinxiu's words, she said curiously, "is that ball near the emperor star?"


"How big is the area?"

"It's not big. It's about 200000 to 300000 square kilometers. Medium and large life stars are not allowed to be privately owned. Jane Xun's ball is the only exception."