Not generally good, but very good.

This car has just been out of the factory for a few days and has not been officially put on sale. At present, there are no other places except this main exhibition hall.

But in the past few days, more than 100 sets have been reserved.

"More than one hundred?"

Father rabbit, they are shocked. Are they so popular?

"Yes, overlords are very popular."

Robot employees looked at a group of furry overlords in the holographic window, and two hearts appeared in the electronic eyes. He said, "before that, although the flying car industry had animal types, it was mostly ordinary animal forms with lovely appearance“

Ordinary animals are not in the ranks of intelligent species because they have no wisdom. Naturally, they do not enjoy the rights and benefits of intelligent groups. The right of portrait can be used freely without worrying about the defendant.

But also because it is an ordinary animal, the main function of flying car is to be cute and safe. These two properties are convenient to get close, and are not favored by adults.

The audience groups are mostly children and teenagers.

Speaking of this, his mood was obviously excited, "and with such a powerful and domineering appearance as overlords, the audience group covers all ages."

"Believe me, once the flying car goes on the market, the sales will definitely be hot."

Hearing the sound, the rabbit father smiled out of sight and said to Jian Yan, "cub, do you hear me? We're making money again. We're making a lot of money. "

"I hear you!"

In short, he gave them a thumbs up and praised them severely, which made a group of overlords laugh and excited.

"So, do you want to buy a flying car for you?" When Papa rabbit had laughed enough, she smiled.

"Don't buy it."

Rabbit father, they directly refused her kindness, and then told her that they were going to hang up and contact the boss. As for the purpose of contact, it was very simple to ask the boss for a flying car.

So, when he hung up, he looked at Lu Jinxiu, "father rabbit, they have a flying car. Do we want to buy it?"

"Buy what you like."

Then, in short, I bought five flying cars with extreme shapes and colors.

The robot staff contacted the person in charge and gave a discount, which was a lot cheaper.

The car was not taken away, but directly sent to DIDU star for Grandpa Butler to pick it up.

Not to mention the expression of the housekeeper grandpa when he saw the five cars that completely did not meet his old man's aesthetics. In short, after they left the exhibition hall, they received a phone call when they started.

"They are leaving now. When can they arrive?"

"No accident. Tomorrow night."

"Take military routes."

From DIDU star to Ziyun star, it takes months to take a normal interstellar route. It can't be reached day and night, but military routes can.

Because there are many jumping points in the fixed-point space, it can save time to the greatest extent.


Lu Jinxiu answered and walked out with Jian Yan's shoulder. "Let's go back to the hotel and have a good rest for the night and wait for Hou Shanbai to arrive."

"What if he doesn't come?" Jane asked with a smile.

Lu Jinxiu was silent for two seconds and smiled, "no, the situation of the twelve regions of the black star is not good now. Although I haven't dealt with Hou Shanbai, I still know a little about him."

"A very responsible person, he won't come. This is his only chance."

In short, he sighed, "a star thief has a sense of responsibility. It sounds ironic."

Lu Jinxiu nodded. It was really ironic,