In short, Zhang Qin was shocked. She even had difficulty supporting herself. Why didn't she send her child to the orphanage?

It is true that the environment of the orphanage under the condition of black star is certainly bad, but no matter how bad it is, there are children raised with joint funds from major forces. At least they don't have to worry about survival.

It's okay to eat badly. Just survive.

Zhang Qin can't even get food and has five children. She doesn't know how she insisted.

"Just live like this. It's a day to last."

As if she knew what she was thinking, Zhang Qin poured the boiled water into a gourd like shell container and broke off the distributed compressed biscuits to soak.

"These children are all patients with genetic diseases. The orphanage doesn't accept them. I can't watch them..."

The word of death turned around her mouth. She still swallowed it and said faintly, "their parents took care of me when they were alive. They entrusted their children to me before they died. I have no other way but to support them."

With that, she broke a biscuit into four pieces and gave it to Xiaoyi, who was so greedy that she swallowed saliva. Then she took a smooth thing and stirred it in the gourd ladle. After the biscuit crumbs fully absorbed the water and became mushy, she picked up Xiaowu, took the gourd ladle and blew it, and put it to her mouth for her to lick.

I don't worry if the child will burn.

This scene was so simple that he almost suffocated. He quickly took out a spoon and took over the feeding work. "You hold Xiao Wu and I'll feed."

Zhang Qin also knew that this feeding method was wrong, but she couldn't help it, so as soon as she opened her mouth, she immediately handed her the gourd ladle, and then held Xiao Wu in a different position.

The baby was hungry. He was licking hard, but the food suddenly flew away. The little guy opened his mouth and wanted to howl, but there was suddenly something in his mouth.

Subconsciously, the taste of food made the little guy loosen his frown and enjoy it happily.

Black star's children are really tenacious, and their survival instinct is also quite strong. In fact, six-month-old children can eat complementary food, but Xiao Wu has never eaten it.

On weekdays, most of the food is mainly cheap nutrient solution. If the taste is not good, I won't say it. It doesn't happen every day.

The little guy immediately opened his mouth and shouted like a starving bird. The meaning of urging was quite obvious.

Spoon after spoon, I fed seven or eight spoons continuously. In short, I didn't dare to feed.

"Are you full?" She asked Zhang Qin.

Zhang Qin touched Xiao Wu's stomach, "you can also have two spoons."

In short, I don't know what her judgment standard is, but as a person who hasn't had a baby, she can't compare with Zhang Qin pulling five children in taking care of children.

So she fed two spoons to Xiao Wu.

After two spoonfuls of food, Xiao Wu still doesn't know how satisfied he is. He continues to open his small mouth and wait for Jian Yan to feed. Jian Yan shakes his head, "no, Xiao Wu is full. If you eat again, you will eat."

Such a small child must not understand her, so Xiao Wu stared at her with clear big eyes. Ah, he said twice, as if he were saying, hurry up, feed, I'll wait.

"No, I can't."

Jian Yan couldn't bear her eye attack. Seeing Xiaoyi, they looked at the remaining biscuits in her hand and hurriedly said, "come here and help your sister finish them so that she won't miss them."

The four children suddenly brightened their eyes and shook their heads,