Later, the biologist named the giant salamander after his own name, and then called it open.

The imperial people who have eaten Zerg for several years are no strangers to the Yuri bug, but the Yuri bug in the twelve regions of the black star makes them feel strange. How strange is it?

They can't help but suspect that the pictures uploaded by black star netizens are not Uli insects at all.

It's another inedible new insect with toxic whole body.

[ah, I don't know what to say. Sympathize with the netizens of black star. If you have the opportunity to invite you to our food exhibition, coordinate DIDU star.]

[sympathy, black star netizen! Upstairs, did chef Jane attend the food exhibition this year?]

[yes, it closed a little more than two hours after it was sold out. I went late and didn't eat the food made by chef Jane.]

[I ate it. Chef Jane's food is as delicious as ever. She's too stupid. She doesn't say anything about the number limit in the store. She also has a limit in the food exhibition. I really convinced her!]

It seems that if you don't accept her, she will satisfy you. That's a person with good skills and extreme willfulness

[this is a fact. It's no exaggeration to say that I don't want to talk to her many times, but considering the taste of her food, I can only sigh and squat in Jane's house day after day. It's also very hard!]

[I coordinate Akata star here, because it is too far away from DIDU star, I have never had a chance to go there. I sincerely ask the Internet users of DIDU star, is the food cooked by chef Jane really so delicious? Doubt. JPG]

[friends upstairs, chef Jane's food is really so delicious. Let me tell you this. I can't eat the food made by others after eating the food made by chef Jane. Let me show you the picture and see our chef Jane's craft.

Picture. JPG, picture. JPG, picture. Jpg ··]


[that's right. Chef Jane has a great skill. Frying a powder is called a fragrance. It's really delicious. When I lined up there, I looked at the people who ate it in advance and salivated. As a result, it was my turn to lose the powder and order a seafood fried noodles. It was delicious enough to cry. Let me show you a picture. JPG]

Customers who didn't eat looked at the pictures of fried noodles, fried noodles, hot and sour noodles, flower cakes, salted peanuts... Flower cakes and so on. They almost didn't cry.

Black star's netizens were really greedy to cry. They got up from bed in the middle of the night and filled their stomachs with nutrient solution. While relieving their greed, they made a decision in their heart that they should work hard and build the twelve regions of black star as soon as possible, and then hold their own food exhibition in the twelve regions of black star to cry for the residents of other stars.

A military base in DIDU star.

Because in brief, Lu Jinxiu gave Lu Jinxiu the two forging methods and spiritual cultivation methods from the divine realm. After returning to normal work after vacation, Lu Jinxiu issued two brochures and asked them to arrange exercise.

The cultivation method of mental power should be relatively simple. The method of forging body is really grinding people.

When a set of movements is done, the consumption of physical strength is almost the same as that of soldiers practicing in the gravity chamber for a day.

Too tired. At the end of the day's training, the soldiers finally had time to relax.

Then, the soldiers who could not go out due to discipline ran to the star network to see the food exhibition.

At this sight, I went down the star network with sad tears and sent a message in the internal group.