The waiters who were already waiting at the door filled in with energetic men and women in waiters' clothes.

With a tray full of dishes, the fish went out to serve.

At this time, in the banquet hall, the eldest brother Lu Jinxiu and they are chatting with several civilized high-level leaders, and the atmosphere is very pleasant.

But the atmosphere peaked with the waiter who appeared with the tray.

"Lu, is it going to open?" Victor, his father, spoke loudly and looked forward to it.

Lu Jinnian, whose ears were buzzing with vibration, showed a decent smile and nodded, "yes!"

Shelley's father poked his hand and said excitedly, "I've been looking forward to your Chinese food for a long time. Today I can finally satisfy my appetite. I hope I won't be disappointed."

Lu Jinxiu bent her lips and said slowly, "the chef of the state banquet is chef Jian who led the Zerg feast and promoted the Zerg economic market. You can put your heart into your stomach and concentrate on enjoying the happiness brought by the delicious food!"

"I'm looking forward to what you said." Shelley's father smiled happily and looked at the dishes put in front of him by the waiter.

The first cold dish is Shuangwei raw shrimp balls.

The cold dish was made by Uncle Tang and uncle Luo.

Shuangwei raw shrimp balls are the work of Uncle Tang.

In the white porcelain plate, the exquisite double flavored raw shrimp balls attracted the attention of all guests as soon as the waiter opened the cover to reveal his true face.

The shape is really beautiful.

The golden shrimp balls are matched with two flavors of ingredients, namely dry burning and slightly spicy and shepherd's purse. The former well awakens the taste buds, and the latter tastes sweet. Together with the full shrimp balls, they capture a group of high-level stomachs of foreign civilization at the moment of entrance.

"Delicious!" Shelley couldn't help feeling that two shrimp balls were delicious.

His father agreed and nodded, "it's just that the amount is too small. Neither of the two balls is enough for me to plug my teeth."

No one answered him, because everyone began to eat the second cold dish fried and braised snow cow.

The dark brown snow cow is almost black. It is fried with black pepper brandy and then stewed to taste. It is fresh, tender and juicy. It is the ultimate enjoyment with appetizers, sour cucumbers and strawberries.

All the dishes, whether cold or hot, or snacks, are delicious, and people can't wait to swallow their tongue.

Everyone was eating. Originally, they wanted to take advantage of the banquet atmosphere and several big brothers of civilized high-level Lala. When they saw that these people did not lift their heads and had no image, the corners of their mouths twitched, touched each other's eyes, and then silently joined them.

After the last dish is served, it means that their task is completed, and it's time for feedback.

But they couldn't get to the banquet hall, so they had to squat in the kitchen and wait patiently.

Father rabbit, they ate it. There were state banquets, and they all had them.

However, compared with the atmosphere of chewing and exclamation in the banquet hall, the atmosphere of the little banquet hall where father rabbit and them are located is called lively.

Food without words, sleep without words, does not exist here.

The smell of a piece of Dongpo meat said, "this Dongpo meat is delicious, soft but not rotten, oily but not greasy, with a faint smell of wine. It tastes unique in one bite!"

Before his voice fell, Grandpa said, "I like this roast duck. The meat is fresh and juicy, the skin is thin and crisp, and the faint aroma of fruit and trees makes people want to stop!"

Then he took a slice of roast duck and put it into Grandma's bowl. "Try it and see if you like it?"