"This is the color of the Imperial Star mountains, rivers and oceans!" In short, Yan explained with a light smile that, unlike the blue earth she had seen before, Emperor star is a colorful planet.

The colorful mist like gauze belt flows slowly on the surface of the planet, and the speed is very slow, like the streamer on the fairy's colorful clothes.

The planet looks really beautiful.

Yes, looking down at the Imperial Star from space, in short, the adjective beauty only comes to mind.

The two cubs were surprised, but as the Huaxia was far away from the Imperial Star and drove into the vast universe according to the entered track, the scenery outside the window became dark. They lost interest in the desire to continue lying in front of the landscape windowsill, but took a brief speech out of the bedroom to play outside.

After a long flight in the closed and dark space, intelligent creatures are vulnerable to autism, eventually become world weary and have serious mental diseases, which need to be solved by professional psychologists.

In order to avoid this situation, today's long-distance spaceships will be equipped with a lot of entertainment measures, and Huaxia is no exception.

In addition, psychologists are also standard.

Huaxia has been expanded, and now its internal space is amazing. It is said to be a mecha warship. In fact, it is similar to a small town. Even if it accommodates 60000 people, it has more than enough space, and there is no crowding.

The two cubs looked here and there like explorers. Finally, they wandered to the breeding area and were surprised to see several small dinosaurs raised inside.

"Sister, why are there dinosaurs here?" Yao Yao is confused. In short, she doesn't understand. She can understand raising pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and fish. She can kill and eat meat.

Keep dinosaurs. If you remember correctly, this thing is to protect animals and is not allowed to eat.

"Really not edible!"

In the evening, Lu Jin, who was busy, went back to her room and laughed when she heard about Jian Yan. "The purpose of raising dinosaurs is not to eat, but to explore."



Lu Jinxiu explained, "we don't know what's in the unknown galaxy. For the sake of safety, we'll let dinosaurs and artificial intelligence exploration machines go down and investigate it together."

In short, "I thought you would use Zerg." But I don't want to be dinosaurs and artificial intelligence exploration machines.

Lu Jinxiu drew at the corner of her mouth, "the Zerg are too adaptable to the environment and have strong reproductive and destructive ability. Our purpose is to explore and develop, not destroy."

The implication is that Zerg are not suitable.

In short, it makes sense to think about it. We can't turn the alien system into a wormhole for their exploration.

We should know that the Zerg reproduction ability of spiral cloud galaxy is really strong, especially those inedible Zerg as terrible and ferocious as aliens, which is a big killer that has no gender and can change the independent reproduction of male and female with environmental changes.

One worm can make a big pile of worms.

If you really use that thing and miss an egg when recycling, you can trigger a Zerg crisis.

Thinking of those alien Zerg, they were habitually nauseous. They didn't want to continue on this topic and asked, "how long can we leave the spiral cloud Galaxy?"

Lu Jinxiu, "no accident, according to the calculation, the time is almost two months!"

Compared with the area of spiral cloud galaxies, this time is not long, but it is not short.

In short, the days on the spacecraft are not divided into day and night, but the biological clock can be controlled according to time.