The next day, Allen's trial was held in the wall of sina.

After being beaten up by leewell, he officially joined the Investigation Corps.

At the same time, because Allen joined, Elvin began to prepare 57 off wall investigations.

"Mr. Tang an."

Near noon, a carriage appeared in Tang Anju's residence.

The shop owner smiled into the yard and looked at Tang an, who was naked and wearing only a pair of elastic boxers. His expression seemed a little hypocritical.

Tang an stood upside down with his right hand on his waist. He was just doing handstand training with one hand. The muscles full of line feeling were dripping hot sweat, especially the six abdominal muscles, so that Tang an exuded a male smell all the time.

"Why are you here?"

Tang an didn't stop. He was still doing handstand training up and down.

"Tut... Tut... How did you do it?"

The shop owner had a big stomach and looked at Tang an's training with envy and shock.

Seeing that Tang an didn't speak, the shop owner coughed, "thank you for reminding me last time. If I hadn't gone to the wall of sina in advance, I might have been eaten by the giant."

"I just reminded you."

Tang an continued to practice with her right hand.

"How did you expect the giant to break the wall?"

The shop owner is curious about this. If he can know the news in advance every time, he can transfer the goods in advance. It's all white money.

"Did you get the news from the Investigation Corps?"


Tang an said casually.

"I heard that you were personally invited to join the Investigation Corps by Elvin, the head of the Investigation Corps. You must be in a high position in the future. I've always made friends. Remember to inform me of any news in the future. I'll give you this house.

I'll send someone to repair it later. "

The shop owner said his previous purpose.

Although he has a wide range of contacts, he can see from his eyes that Tang an must not be an ordinary person in the future.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with investing or making friends now.

"No problem."

Tang an didn't refuse either. After all, they got what they needed.

"Ha ha..."

The shop owner is very happy. He just likes people like Tang an. It's refreshing!

"Then I'll have the house repaired right away."

"Whatever you want."

Just as the shop owner was about to call, a uniformed investigator fell into the yard in the distance.

"You are Tang an!"

The visitor looked at Tang an at first glance.

"What's up?"

Tang an turned a back somersault with one hand. Tang an stood on the ground and looked at the investigator.

"Captain Elvin asked you to go."

Tang an frowned slightly and looked at the shop owner.

"You go first. I'm responsible for the house."

The shop owner patted his chest.

"Give me three minutes."

Tang an swam around the river, then returned to his room, changed his clothes, and left with the investigators.

At the same time, the shop owner also began to have the house repaired.

Almost half an hour later, Tang an followed the investigators to Elvin's office.

Go in and have a look. There are still a lot of people.

Elvin, leewell, Allen, Han Ji, Mick, oluo, Petra and other elites of the Investigation Corps are all there, with a total of 89 people.

"Report, Tang an has brought it."

"Go down and have a rest!"

Elvin nodded to the investigator, who went straight out and closed the door.

"Oh! Alan. "

Tang an is completely familiar with herself. She sits in a chair and greets Alan who is nervous.

Allen was a little embarrassed. After all, Tang an didn't help him when he was blocked by chiz. On the contrary, he stood with others in fear and pulled out the blade.

"Sorry yesterday."

Without too much explanation, Tang an turned to Elvin and Liwell and others, "what's the matter with calling me?"

Now the time to kill Alan hasn't come yet. It's safer to step by step. I can't run anyway.

"The time we agreed has come."

Elvin crossed his hands on his chin as if to see through don Ann.

"I feel that the Investigation Corps is too dangerous. I still think the garrison Corps is more suitable for me."

Tang an pretended to hesitate.

"You and I are the same kind of people."

Leewell's face was cold. He didn't think Tang an was afraid of danger.

With Liwell's words, the elites of Han Ji, Mick, oluo and Petra began to move and guard the door, with their hands on their waists and can pull out the blade at any time.

"Hello! What does that mean? "

Tang an leaned back and knocked on the table and chair with one hand.

At first he didn't understand, but after looking at Elvin, he understood.

This guy doesn't think he is the same as Alan. He may be the armor giant and the super giant!

"Let me guess, do you doubt that I can become a giant like Alan, maybe a giant or a giant in armor, so you must control me under your nose?"

Don Ann slowly crossed her legs and looked at Elvin funny.

Sure enough, the latter's face changed.

Han Ji looked at Tang an fanatically. He wished Tang an was a giant.

As for Mick, oluo, Petra and Allen, they all looked at Elvin in amazement.

Elvin just said to surround Tang'an before, and didn't say why.

Can this guy become a giant like Alan?

Everyone's eyes hovered between Elvin and Tang'an, and their muscles tightened and became highly vigilant.

Elvin waved to Mick, then frowned at Tang an. "It seems you're not."

"Trust me?"

It's Tang an's turn to be surprised this time.


Elvin just said sorry.

From all kinds of evidence and the conversation just now, Elvin has preliminarily determined that Tang an can't be a giant, which is his judgment.

Of course, there must be more suspects.


"You seem to know something?"

As Elvin spoke, everyone's eyes focused on Tang an again.

After all, Tang an's words can't stand speculation.

"From Allen, I can probably guess that the giant giant and the armored giant may have been transformed by humans, maybe in the garrison corps, maybe in the constitutional corps, and even in this office, everyone present is suspected, including you."

Don Ann looked around at everyone, not even Elvin and Liwell.

"Everyone must have thought so!"

There was a silence in the office, and everyone's face was uncertain.

As Tang an said, as Allen became a giant, they all thought of giant or armored giant, or human beings.

"Alan's giant, super giant and armored giant are really different from other giants, just like... Like wisdom."

Mick hesitated to speak.

"Now you can be sure that this guy is definitely not a giant."

Leewell still pulled his face and pointed to don Ann.

"You don't doubt me, but I still have to doubt you. You... Or you... Even you may be a giant."

Tang an skimmed his lips and pointed to Mick, oluo, Petra and others, as well as leewell.

"You fart."

"You are the giant."

Mick was so angry that they were suspected in turn.

"That's possible. It doesn't mean that Captain Elvin is."

Tang an held his shoulders in his hands and sneered. Anyway, he just opened the map gun.

Mick tried to refute, but Elvin stopped him.

"Tang an is right. Everyone is suspected, including me."


"Today you officially join the Investigation Corps! Wait a minute, leville, Han Ji, you'll go to the new stronghold. In addition, it's confidential. "


Mick nodded.

Tang an didn't speak this time, obviously by default..