"Basoromi bear, now deprive you of your identity under the king qiwuhai!"

In the chaotic field, the flying squirrel held a long knife and stared at the bear.

The bear didn't speak and attacked directly.

"Never let fire fist escape!"


"Go away."

In the distance, many major generals and lieutenant generals rushed to AIS and imazuna, while the pirates and the revolutionary army tried their best to stop them.

"Open the handcuffs for ace."

"How can I open it without a key!"

"Damn, I can't split it."

At the moment, many pirates are holding ace's hailou stone handcuffs and burning with anxiety!

Now the top experts on both sides can't get away. Ace's rescue completely blew up the Navy.


There was a roar, lava bombs fell with fire, and the whole field was bombarded for a long time.

On the other side of the battlefield, the red dog kept spraying lava bombs with his hands in an attempt to prevent imazuna and ace from leaving the battlefield.

"Red dog, don't want to leave, rubber ape King gun."

Luffy in the ruins in the distance got up, his face was white and roared, and appeared over the red dog in a blink. His right hand kept squeezing and gathering strength.

"I don't know what to do. In that case, I'll deal with you first."

The red dog's face was dripping with lava, and the lava of the whole arm soared. Finally, it formed a huge fist of lava covering the sky, forming a volcanic eruption, mountains and earth cracks, and rushed towards the road.

The strong wind and waves swept in an instant. Luffy just deadlocked for more than ten breaths, and then screamed and flew out into streamer. At the same time, the mountain sized lava fist split into a meteor shower, covering the whole battlefield.


"Damn, it's a red dog!"

"Be careful."

Most of the site was occupied and turned into a sea of fire. The magma from the lower part of the red dog ejected to form a volcanic bomb. His right arm was like a hell dog, biting and flying to Lu Fei at one fell swoop.

"Dogs bite red lotus."

The fatal crisis came in vain. Luffy's eyes reflected the lava dog, getting closer and closer!

It's too late.


The great power was stopped, and the hot magma splashed everywhere. A diamond man with crystal clear and attractive curve formed a diamond shield with his right hand wrapped in armed color, and his hands were deep in the ground and retreated continuously.


Luffy was stunned, then quickly climbed up and bounced over Zhang Yue and punched the red dog.

The blow was wrapped in an armed red dog, who flew straight out.

"All right!"

With Zhang Yue as the center, the earth's surface within a radius of 100 meters has been rapidly diamond shaped. She has always been vigilant against the red dog without looking back. The blow just made her very uncomfortable.


Luffy shook his head with lingering fear. He almost died.

"Ace has been rescued. It's time to retreat now."

Zhang Yue looked at the red dog rising from the ground and felt great pressure.

Her telepathy is difficult for some stubborn people. It just happens that the red dog is that kind of paranoia. It is unrealistic to control the red dog like ordinary people.

Now there is no need to continue fighting. Retreat is the most correct.


Luffy didn't insist, which is very inconsistent with Luffy's one track plan.

"Still want to go."

Lu Fei and Zhang Yue want to leave, but red dog won't agree.

It was like a vicious dog biting behind him. Obviously, Luffy would not stop until he killed him.


The atmosphere behind it was shaking and a deadly crisis broke out.

Zhang Yue's face was cold. She turned and raised her slender right foot in bright red high heels. She stepped on the ground with a bang. The wall was diamond shaped and wrapped in armed color, firmly blocking the attack of the red dog.

"Rubber jet snake gun."

Luffy had a strong fighting consciousness. He jumped over the diamond wall for the first time and attacked the red dog from a commanding position. Unfortunately, the red dog was ready this time.

The elementalization flew into the air in advance, and the magma in the right hand kept expanding and buzzing.

"Big fire."

The giant fist of lava covering the sky is like a meteorite, covering the whole area.

In an emergency, Zhang Yue put her hands on the ground, and rows of diamond walls stood in front of Luffy, again resisting the attack of red dogs.


The incomparable power destroyed the withered and decayed, and the diamond wall was knocked down one after another. At the same time, a trace of blood overflowed from Zhang Yue's bulletproof mouth.

"Dragon claw."

The sound of breaking the air came. The red dog looked at Saab in front of him with magma dripping all over his face. With a cold hum, his left hand was wrapped in armed color. After resisting, he flew out upside down and his feet were deep in the ground.

"Luffy, you go first."

Sabo turned his back to Luffy and Zhang Yue and looked at the red dog with a dignified look.


Luffy doesn't want to leave. After all, his opponent is too strong.

"Luffy, trust him."

Zhang Yue won't care so much. She just needs to keep Luffy's life.

"Chief of staff of the revolutionary army."

With a gloomy face, the red dog looked at Luffy, who was pulled away by Zhang Yue, and ACE, surrounded by many pirates in the distance, was trying to remove the shackles of the hailou stone.

"Red dog, your navy has lost."

Saab's hands were wrapped in armed color and his face was dignified.

From the moment ace was rescued, the navy was doomed to failure!

"I haven't lost yet. As long as white beard, Gore D. AIS and munch D. Luffy are killed here, this war will be a naval victory. I will never allow you criminals with heinous crimes to leave marinfando."

Red dog flew into a rage, sprayed magma all over to form a magma man, and attacked in horror with unstoppable power.

"Dragon hook claw."

"Red lotus with canine teeth."

The powerful storm swept around, Saab turned white and his feet were deep in the ground with a dull hum.

"Get out of here."

When the magma soared for the second time, Saab opened his mouth and vomited blood, which turned into streamer and shot out. Instead of pursuing the victory, red dog turned into a magma troll and rushed to Lufei and Zhang Yue.


Saab got up from the ruins, coughed up blood and trembled with his right hand. After being forced down, he was ready to continue to rush towards the red dog. However, a sword light swooped over and forced Saab to stop.

"Prospective navy general, peach rabbit."

Looking at the woman in front of him, Saab's face sank.

"You'd better stay here!"

Peach rabbit holds Jin Kunluo. He looks a little embarrassed because he has fought with revolutionary army cadres and white beard captain, but he is still heroic and women are not men.

It can be said that she is one of the most brilliant women in the whole battlefield.

Saab didn't speak. He looked in the direction of Luffy and ACE, and then shot.

There is no pity for jade.

The red dog kept chasing, and many revolutionary army cadres and pirate captains came out to stop it, but the major general and lieutenant general of the Navy were not vegetarian, so they all stopped them one by one.

"Big fire!"

The red dog does not distinguish between the enemy and us. In his eyes, he only has Luffy, and the big move is a relentless bombardment.

"What a vicious dog."

Zhang Yue's pretty face is cold and frost, so she can only stop and resist again.

The diamond wall stood up, the surrounding crust tilted one after another, the blood in Zhang Yue's mouth moved out, and a big purple wave and long hair danced.

"Rubber Black Mamba."

Luffy shot with anger and steam sprayed all over, but a closer look will find that Luffy's face is very abnormal, which is a sign of too much consumption.

Since he came to marinfando, he has been fighting and maintained in fourth gear mode. Both physical strength and armed color consume very fast. This is also Luffy. If others had been lying on the ground.

In the face of Luffy's attack, the red dog didn't avoid at all. The lava in his right hand expanded and resisted hard..