With Tang an's current strength, the firepower is fully open and has stood at the top of the world.

If one move of the Dragon loses its strength, it will suffer endless blows and will not have the slightest chance.

Eight black and red thorns bound the dragon, and the blood was constantly injected. Slowly, the Dragon lost resistance and twitched, and the body was turning into a ghost.

"Marshal, what should we do!"

A lieutenant general came to the Warring States period and looked at the chaotic battlefield with a dignified look.

Lieutenant general Kapp is being besieged by white beard, kaiduo and bigom, and it seems that he will not be able to support it.

If it's one man, general Kapp can deal with it, and two people can support it for a day or two, but if it's three, it's a little difficult. It's completely a unilateral siege.

In addition, the Yellow ape doesn't have to be much better than Karp.

Blackbeard cooperated with Quinn and van Orca to use the gravity of dark fruits to hold down the Yellow ape. Then Quinn fought hard and van Orca attacked from a long distance, which can't last long.

The rest of the Navy did not suffer.

"Don't act rashly first."

It's hard to make up your mind when you meditate for a moment in the Warring States period.

And his face is ugly.

Now it seems that the navy is watching the tiger fight, but who knows if it will be their turn when the revolutionary army is destroyed?

Who is that man? Even white beard, kaiduo and BigMom have fallen, not to mention beard, Magellan and others.

Silver dragon stood in mid air, with blue pupils all cautious.

In terms of power, it is estimated that no power on the sea can compete with white beard and others except the world government.

What is the purpose of this fellow?


Belo Betty flew upside down and smashed into the ruins, bleeding from her sexy red lips, looking at klockdar and bashas.

At present, the strong members of the revolutionary army are either besieged by two or three people, and all the people besieged and beaten are named on the sea.

The bottom and middle-level battles have been completely occupied, and the number of revolutionary troops alone is not comparable, not to mention those who are all elites.

Especially those criminals who came out of the propulsion city are like wolves and tigers. They are all crazy.

You can see many prison guards and animals, pushing from the west to the East, and then from the east to the West. Behind them, a large group of bloodthirsty madmen began to bite and inject ghost blood when they caught people.

Soon after that, the bitten Revolutionary Army soldiers began to get up and join the crazy army to kill each other.

In this way, the snowball became bigger and bigger, so that the revolutionary army retreated and fell. Only the top-level battle was still struggling to support, but it was only a matter of time.

"Pa Ka!"

The golden lightning appeared in the air. Tang an stood in the flame and watched the audience. A group of hurricanes appeared around him. The dragon has been transformed into a ghost, which is higher than the top level of kaiduo, just a little behind white beard.

So far, white beard is the most powerful ghost under Tang an's hands, followed by the dragon, and the third is kaiduo.

The golden lightning disappeared and Tang an stared at the Yellow ape.

"Damn it."

At the moment, the Yellow ape was holding the Tiancong cloud sword, his heart beating to his throat and eyes, and his whole body was cold.

"Dawei Tianlong!"

There was no time for elementalization. The ten thousand meter dragon roared on the back of the Yellow ape.

Ten thousand meters around, the mountain collapsed and the earth cracked. The Yellow ape was lying in the Tiankeng with blood all over his face. The blood had been dyed red and the ground was not human.

Tang an stood out of thin air and kicked out to form a thousand meters of LAN feet. At the critical moment, Huang ape hid.

"Dark water!"

Unfortunately, Blackbeard was ready. With the pull of gravity, the Yellow ape flew out of control. Quinn turned into a Brachiosaurus and smashed his head, making the Yellow ape dizzy on the spot.

As the heart was penetrated, the Yellow ape's face was full of blood. He looked down at his chest. Where one, two or three thorns pierced in, he only felt a heat flow injected into his body, and then began to twitch uncontrollably.

Blackbeard and Quinn have long supported others.

A crystal finger pierced the Yellow ape's forehead, and Tang an began to modify his memory.

"Dragon, why!"

Lindbergh, commander of the southern army of the revolutionary army, lay on the ground covered with blood and looked at the futile longan.

The Dragon attacked him!

"It seems that you have become one of us."

Lafite put his top hat on his head and looked at the expressionless dragon.

With the defeat of dragon, yellow ape and Lindbergh, the rest followed suit one after another.

Bellobetti, commander of the eastern army, Murray, commander of the Western army, Karas, commander of the northern army, Ivankov, ahilu, imazuna, kerla, Tali, Haku, Barney Joe, mysterious swordsman, Hercules

All fall.

It is worth mentioning that the mysterious swordsman is no other than Geng Siro.

Because of the sunflower Scripture, gengsilang is a little feminine and cunning, and a little less masculine.

I want to study sunflower scriptures.

Karp was also badly hurt. Now he was dragged to the ground by kaiduo, leaving a shocking blood path.

Tang an left the ground and stood in front of everyone. Behind him stood the white beard pirate regiment headed by white beard, the beast pirate regiment, bigom pirate regiment, black beard pirate regiment, the prison guards and criminals of pushforward City headed by Magellan. Now we have to add the revolutionary army headed by dragon.

In addition, there are dorfermingo, Xiong, klockdahl, Shiping and others.

A huge crack separated the ice sheet, and Tang an opposed the Navy led by the Warring States period.

"Go and bring the three!"

Tang an's head was on his side. Molya, mihok and Hankuk in the distance!

Now these three people are a little dazzling.


More than ten people, including kaiduo, dragon, yellow ape, gengshiro, Jin, kataculi, Blackbeard, Marco, Kriger and Owen, rushed out. Molya and hancook turned white at the first time, and even mihok was shocked.

This is not one, but more than a dozen strong people.

One person faces four or five, who can bear it.

Tang an ignored the battle that was destined to end soon. The thorns of the caudal vertebra stabbed into Karp's body at one stroke, and the ghost blood was continuously injected like a surging river.

Not surprisingly, Kapp suffered the same blood as white beard.

As the body was transformed into a ghost body, the injury recovered quickly.

"Who the hell are you!"

The Warring States period was calm and could only watch Kapp twitch at the man's feet.

Can this guy control people?

Even people like white beard can't bear it.

"You can call me Savior!"

Tang an's face was full of pondering, considering whether to take action against the Navy.

Especially the silver dragon.


The Warring States period, cranes and even the whole world are looking for them, but they have never heard of this name.

But it doesn't matter, because from today on, the title of Savior will go down in history.


Hankuk, molya and mihok hit the ground and were covered with blood.

The battle ended quickly.

Tang an lowered his head and looked at his clothes torn to reveal the white spring light. Hankuk exuded a sad and pitiable breath all the time, and the thorns of his tail were rolled up in front of him.

"Hancock, the woman I love."

The index finger raised his smooth chin, and Hankuk, who breathed like orchid, was reflected in the star eyes of Tang'an pattern. Now this posture is really exciting.

Thorns pierce into the heart and inject ghost blood without pity.

Moria followed suit.

But just as he was shooting at mihok, an accident happened..



No one greets me now!

You're shooting at me. You're the most shameless to be cold and violent to me.

If you see it well, if you don't, leave a message. In this way, you can at least increase the heat. Now you're cold and violent to me and don't feel angry at all.

Dear dad, please continue to love me!!!