Whew, whew

The sonic boom continued to burst, and a large flood of weapons shot at LAN's feet, even shining with the sound of gold and iron horses. It looked like a locust crossing from a distance. The light rain of that large piece of weapons smashed Lan's feet.

Sun zhe stood on the light boat from beginning to end. He was a long-range shooter!

Shua Shua!

The whole sky was divided into several pieces, and Tang an kicked tens of thousands of meters of LAN feet one after another, with a fierce momentum!

Sun zhe looked arrogant. Holding the rainbow sword in one hand, he kept shooting. At the same time, the golden vortex kept shooting treasure to resist. The long-range attack issued by Tang an had no effect at all.

"Dawei Tianlong!"

In a blink, a 100000 meter dragon appeared behind Tang an. He caught a chance to get close.

The sound of the dragon was like thunder, and finally, like a continuous mountain range, rushed to sun zhe with the power of the collapse of the sky and the earth.

"Do you think my melee ability is very weak?"

His eyes were opposite, sun Zhe's mouth was bent with a sneer, and his plum red pupils were full of abuse.

"Shenluo Tianzheng."

The huge energy burst, the whole magnetic field was reversed and changed, and a huge repulsive force surrounded sun Zhe to form a substantive cover to firmly block the dragon.

"You guys really like it."

Tang an's face is gloomy. Now she has a toothache as soon as she hears the name.

It feels popular.

But I have to say the practicability of this ability!


"Ang ~"

The sound of the Dragon singing rises again. With the sound of the broken mirror, sun Zhe's repulsive cover begins to crack. Sun Zhe, who originally sneered and disdained, began to look worried.

Since the exchange of Shenluo Tianzheng, no one can break it directly.

This guy has two brushes in front of him.

"The undead blade of slaughter."

There was a golden vortex at hand. Sun zhe grabbed it, pulled out a strange weapon like a sickle with a blade on the inside, and stabbed Tang an in the heart.

Shenluo Tianzheng was completely broken at this time, but Sun zhe still didn't change his move. He was completely hurting the enemy by 1000 and losing 800 by himself.

Tang an was surprised that this guy's ferocity was as fierce as he had.

"Poof ~"

The sound of sharp tools piercing into flesh and blood and spitting blood, Tang an slapped sun zhe on the chest, and sun zhe stabbed Tang an into his body with the immortal blade of slaughter.

A circular shock wave broke out, and the two were lifted out. Blood beads were like rain along the way.

Sun Zhe's gold armor had numerous cracks, his chest was sunken, his tendons were broken, and he knelt on the light boat on one knee. His face was white and his mouth and nose were bleeding.

Even if God Luo Tianzheng and gold armor were used as buffer, he was injured.

Dawei Tianlong is not so easy to resist.

"Ha ha... What a pity!"

Constantly coughing and spitting out visceral fragments, sun zhe shook up like a winner and looked at Tang an in the distance and smiled grimly.

He has won.

The immortal blade of slaughter is a divine sword in Greek mythology. It has a special shape like a sickle with a blade on the inside.

Although it is not excellent, the wound is absolutely irreparable after being injured.

This sword has the power to invalidate the undead attribute!

So far, there are at least two palms of the enemies who have died under his sword.

"Cough ~"

Tang an stood in the air, his face turning white quickly.

The stabbed heart, the cells have completely died!

If someone else, it's really possible to kneel.

Tang an's face was expressionless. His index finger spit out an armed color, like a sharp blade. He was so heartless that he gouged out a large piece of flesh and blood in his heart without blinking.

With a large mass of flesh and blood leaving the body, you can see through the scenery behind.

Finally, the flesh and blood regenerates rapidly and wriggles, and it recovers as before only two breaths.

The smile on Sun Zhe's face disappeared and finally became gloomy, even some couldn't believe it.

This guy

"The warm-up is over."

The red side of his right hand was filled with high temperature. Tang an burned the large mass of flesh and blood in his hand, and the flesh and blood body began to transform into crystal. The hard, high temperature, armed color and iron block were superimposed. The surrounding atmosphere was glittering with golden thunder, and a large amount of high-temperature steam was rising in the white flame.

The terrible energy wave rose into the sky, the whole sky and the earth began to shake, and Tang an began to take it seriously.

Sun Zhe's face was calm, and his flame was flying in the wind. His sunken chest and gold armor had also been restored.

Whew, whew~

The whole sky lit up a dense golden vortex, and all kinds of knives, guns, swords and halberds were like bullets, but Tang an stood unmoved in mid air. Those weapons filled with sparks on Tang an, and then broke or split, which could not break the defense at all.

"Are you tickling me?"

The golden torrent was pushed horizontally. Tang an suddenly appeared in front of sun Zhe. The crystal right fist was red and white fog was rising. The high temperature was like a round of sun hammering down.

"Shenluo Tianzheng."

Sun zhe did not panic, on the contrary, he was very calm.

The huge repulsive force rebounded. The meteorite hit the earth at Dayton time, and a burst of air pressure fell from the sky. The whole surface of F City tilted up one after another. High-rise buildings turned into meteor showers, and a sky crater appeared in the center.

Sun zhe knelt on one knee, stood up and looked up. A trace of blood overflowed from the corners of his mouth.

Tang an looked down from high in the sky, and then fell like a meteor with a long tail feather.


The atmosphere roared, and before it came, there was a burst of air pressure, but Sun Zhe always kept his face calm.

A golden vortex appeared in the space on the right, and a gold gear similar to a key appeared, which was grasped by sun Zhe. With the rotation of the gear above, a large piece of blood crystal spread into the sky, and finally contracted at a high speed.

A strange treasure with dark body but engraved with red runes appeared. After sun zhe grabbed it again, the reality seemed to be distorted, and the surrounding space was constantly broken and cut.

"EA liberation."

"Heaven and earth depart peacefully, the star of development."

The gear rotates, and the obedient sword is divided into three sections and starts to rotate. The whole world is bloody red in an instant. With the spread of endless thunder, the sky begins to crack and collapse, and the groundbreaking power is constantly collapsing.

The obedient sword collides with the crystal foot, and the world loses its voice.

In an instant, the extreme light lit up the world. A mushroom cloud continued to expand and stand. It surrounded the earth's crust with five light ring shock waves, and all the places it went disappeared. The whole broken F City disappeared in an instant, and millions of people were directly gasified.

After everything disappeared, the endless Tiankeng seemed to connect with hell, in which red magma erupted in the earthquake.

Tang an pulled his body out of the Tiankeng wall. The whole right leg and half of his body turned into blood mist. A large number of colorful silk threads spread, and his face looked a little pale.

With Tang an's current defense, even if a big Ivan explodes close at hand, you can't break the defense!

"You're really strong to survive under my obedient sword!"

On the Tiankeng, sun zhe spits out the blood in his mouth and holds the spiral obedient sword in his right hand. The surrounding atmosphere forms a fault, which completely distorts the reality!

"This move is still so powerful!"

Tang an breathed out and thought of Gilgamesh.

At the same time, a red light flashed in his eyes.


In a real blink, sun zhe appeared directly at Tang an's side. He obediently left the sword in his hand, forming a fault in the space and sweeping Tang an's head at one stroke.

He has seen the scene of Tang an's death.

He can move instantaneously within 100 meters. At the beginning, his life was on the line to exchange this ability.