Ka Ka!!

I saw the Golden Dragon gun rubbing the arm of huyanli, making the sound of metal ore friction, and there were bursts of sparks. Once again, the situation was quite the same.

This scene, it can be said that everyone was stunned, just like the battle between the strongest spear and the strongest shield, none of them had the upper hand.

Neither side belongs to a disadvantage.

It's really flat

However, Hu Yanli sneered disapprovingly and said, "ha ha... Little sister, the strength is good!! he is even with me again... But what about the persistence?"

"My arm is now as hard as a diamond. It's impossible to shake it just with a long gun... I also understand your ultimate limit..."

"Then next, it's my turn to dominate this battlefield..."

"The third soul skill: gravity kill!!"

"Since it's flat, I'll increase my efforts to make gravity and balance out of balance. In this way, how should you deal with it? Little sister!! hahaha!!"

Suddenly a purple soul ring appeared on the back of huyanli. When the soul ring was printed, it was enlarged and a burst of mantra appeared, which was dense.

It's totally different from ordinary soul prints.

Even more complex than ordinary soul prints

However, with a burst of laughter in the mouth of Huyan force, I saw that the surroundings centered on Huyan force became a universe like losing gravity.

Let Shrek's side, including Yunchen, not stand firm for the first time.

The three eyed Golden Dragon retreated involuntarily. Obviously, this time, the three eyed golden dragon was like under great pressure and had to adjust his state.

There is no way to continue to be equal to the call extension force

Moreover, flat is not a long-term plan.

Yunchen said that we need a second kill, we need to beat huyanli as soon as possible

Ruthlessly give xiangjiazong a big mouth to let xiangjiazong understand what a gap is. Even the gifted young patriarch is just a lump of mud in front of Shrek.

Elephant beetles on this side have been prepared one by one. They appear one after another with layers of diamonds as their support points, so as to prevent them from tilting due to the imbalance of gravity

"Everybody, don't continue to stand foolishly and teach Shrek college a lesson!!" huyanli reminded his teammates.

The teammates naturally nodded one by one and said, "understand!! the first soul skill, diamond hardness!!"

With the order of his teammates, the arms changed as much as the expiratory force, and a layer of diamonds grew slowly in the arms.

Diamonds are like their skin

It's winding all the time. It's impossible to take it off.

And the hardness and strength have also been improved to a certain extent.

On the side of xiangjiazong, in fact, it can be said that they are all relatives and friends of huyanli. Martial spirits are all diamond mammoths, but diamond mammoths also have some differences.

Different soul skills

The effect is naturally different.

These team members are all soul sects. Although they don't have the excellent soul skills of Huyan force, they rush out all at once, which really has the characteristics of a group

Yunchen looked at these crazy elephant beetles and said, "fight!! fight as soon as possible... The gravity is out of balance. We only need five dunjia to break the so-called gravity..."

"I see!!"

"Five door dunjia, the first door, open the door, open it for me!!"

"The second door, the rest door is open, the third door, the students door is open!!"

On Shrek's side, in addition to Yunchen, one by one had been prepared and decisively broke out his biggest limit, the first three of the eight dunjia.

A few days before this competition.

Dai mubai and Ma Hongjun have made some new breakthroughs in the five door dunjia.

Wearing mubai can open 4 doors.

Ma Hongjun can open three doors.

As for Xiaowu, the five have already been captured, but the five dunjia, which was transformed from the incomplete eight dunjia, can't continue to break through.

This is a limitation of small dance.

In fact, this little dance also plans to find some Godfathers in a few days after the competition and ask the five door dunjia if there is any way to continue to break through.,

I have reached my deadline

If you don't grow up all the time, it's a shame.


Xiaowu can't wait and continue to be Tang San's vase... She vowed that she must be independent even if she can't save Tang San.

Don't hold back

Everyone opens the third door together, students, and students will understand a new skill.

Lillian Hua.

Dai mubai, the first of them

Dai mubai's muscles also expanded, but it was a perfect match without the exaggeration of elephant beetles.

"White Tiger King Kong changes!!" Dai mubai shouted angrily.

While opening the third door, add your own third soul skill to change the White Tiger King Kong.


The next moment, Dai mubai's speed reached a new height, a flash, and directly came to a student of the elephant beetle sect

Gather strength and punch the student in the stomach.


With a loud noise, the student was directly beaten out and suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood.

The clothes on the abdomen are blown open directly.

Expose the muscles of his abdomen.

There is a certain twist in the muscle, as if it had been rotated and stabbed by a spiral machine.

Very distorted

At the same time of distortion, there is a thick layer on the abdomen, like a diamond, which is actually crushed

Yes... This is their first soul skill, diamond hardness.

Diamond hardness can improve the arm, so that the arm can reach the same hardness as diamond, and the whole body can also be improved to diamond.

It is equivalent to a skin soul skill of defense system.

But, unexpectedly, it was smashed this time

It's equivalent to Dai mubai's fist and directly smashing the diamond

What is the hardness of a diamond?

How could it be broken??

"What!! impossible!!" huyanzhen in the audience changed his face and shouted.

This scene happened too suddenly.

Caught off guard, the diamond's skin was broken and badly hurt.

In particular, the student fell down because of an old blood eruption, his face was pale, his spirit was depressed, and he passed out with white foam at the mouth

Just a moment!!

How did this happen?

Huyanzhen can't understand

However, in fact, Dai mubai's punch looks very simple, but it is Li Lianhua, which completely smashes the target viscera and makes the viscera have big problems.

Had to spit blood

Yunchen did an experiment. The eight door dunjia came to Douluo to learn and master for these soul masters. The table Lianhua may be the same.

But Li Lianhua is different.

Lillian Hua is different because of her martial spirit.

Before Xiaowu, Li Lianhua was used. Like maitekai, the original user of Li Lianhua, he kicked the sky first, and then operated for a while.

Knock it down.

Finally, a hard blow.

Dai mubai is different. Dai mubai is not so fancy. His Li Lianhua is very simple. He only needs one punch to hit the target, which can be established and produce all the effects.

That's 108 combos

Dai mubai's fist contains Dai mubai's 108 heavy blows.

You look simple, but in fact it is not. At that moment, the student has been hit 108 times by Dai mubai and will naturally spit blood.

Skin under diamond hardness

It is always skin, and there is still some gap between real diamonds.

It will break naturally.

When a student fell down, Huyan earthquake became a little nervous, because this development was completely different from what I expected. I had planned to let my grandchildren.

Winning by array

But now one student has fallen, and the effect of the array will be greatly reduced.

Use it now, and you'll still have a chance to win Shrek.

If one or two more students fall, the effect of the array will be lost by half.

It doesn't make sense.

Huyanzhen was a little flustered. His grandson seemed... Some were too arrogant and arrogant to despise the enemy

If you don't correct it right away

Then you're in trouble.

"Ali!!!" huyanzhen had to use his sect's secret method to spread the sound from thousands of miles... To call huyanli, otherwise huyanli would continue to be stupid.



Just when I planned to spread the sound thousands of miles, there was a burst of noise, accompanied by bursts of screams

This frightened Huyan.

I have to look at my grandson.

My grandson... Actually