"I think we can only use the last move!" The screen's oglis executives said in a low voice.

As soon as Lott heard this, he felt a thump in his heart.

These guys have backers?!

"Wiki, what else do they have in their guild? Show me all of them. " Lott frowned and ordered to AI.

"After scanning, these are all their armed systems and military deployment. In addition, the level, strength and corresponding skills of pet elves carried by each of their members are as follows. If you need to, I can list their today's clothes as well... "

"Forget about that."

Lott looked at the big screen in front of him. In a small window, all the information in the orgris guild was listed. The details of the data were amazing.

Everything inside and outside of "adventure home" has been searched by AI, and even a few cockroaches have not been let go. However, no hidden backhand has been found. Even the crotch of senior executives has been scanned by the system several times, and no hidden mines have been found.

It can be said that as long as anything is in the underground city, there is no secret for Lott.


"Now there's a backhand I don't know?" Lott frowned and looked at the big screen of oglis. When the senior managers heard that they were going to play the last card, their brows stretched out.

What on earth is that?

And when Lott saw it, he was shocked on the spot.


D "Audience friends! This is the most exciting moment, please look here

The camera moves from the excited Mr. d to the side.

A large number of guild members were all in neat square array, following the rose guild, marching forward in the fierce BGM sound.

"In the past more than an hour, the major guilds have made great efforts to arrange this uniform pace. They said that they must show their bravest and most handsome side in front of the enemy!"

D Mr. Wang looks very excited. The hooligans in the camera are even more excited. They are all stepping forward and sweating. They are immersed in it. They don't realize that they have wasted a full hour in the same place.

It was only after the rock guild leader nearby could not bear to roar at all the mobs that they planned to continue to waste their lives in the same place. Now the rock guild leader just wants to finish the task quickly and get the SSR as soon as possible. The people in his guild also want to take a picture with the SSR.

It took another half an hour of ink to get the major gangs to move forward. If it wasn't for the sake of building momentum, the two families would have left long ago.

Now, under the leadership of the second leader of the rose guild and the power forward of the rock guild, a total of 18000 hooligans are marching towards the ring castle with an area of 30000 square meters.

The leaders of orgris spent a lot of money on this guild castle alone, such as the 50 automatic arrow towers on the outer ring wall and the 10 catapults on the higher part of the inner ring.

In fact, normal local guilds don't make these things, so only novices can make them.


"Pikachu! Use thunder

"Wonderful frog grass! The sun is burning

Boom! Boom! Boom!!!

Countless dazzling lightning beams came down from the sky and smashed the automatic arrow tower on the outer wall.

Then, a thick beam of flame bombarded the catapult above the inner ring wall at an oblique angle, and then swept to the side, and the catapults in all areas were blasted to pieces one by one.

At this point, the aogris spent a lot of money to build a defense weapon, a mask was destroyed by the two strongest fighting elves.

"Pikachu! Use 100000 volts! Card exchange, powerful components

"Wonderful frog grass! Use the flyleaf blade! Card exchange, frequency module SR! "

The rapid flash current and the thick wheel blades bombard the outer wall.

After destroying each other's fortifications, the two pet elves began to tear down the wall again

Why not go through the gate?

Don't you think it's easier to tear down the other side's wall and go in?So far, all the hooligans are cheering outside.

As the physical strength of the two main forces was almost exhausted, the two leaders invited the people of other guilds to send a elf to attack each other's wall on the principle of sharing happiness. Later, even if the orgris came to find trouble, they would form an alliance again on the ground that they had pushed the other's wall together.

This is the "alliance under the city" which was talked about by later people - the alliance of jointly pushing down the wall under the wall of others

To paraphrase: the alliance under the city generally refers to the surrender peace treaty that the enemy was forced to sign when they were in the city

Now, with the collapse of the outer walls, The hooligans, led by a large group of elves in front of them, rushed in one by one.

There seems to be no army here.

The top management of orgris only brought a few hundred people from the main city. These people just acted as the bodyguards of the big men.

Garrison the city wall? There's no need for that. Let the local adventurers guard after they are recruited.

I just didn't expect that all the local adventurers who were recruited ran away, and then turned around and became the main force to attack here.

This tells us a truth, in this world, the most can not believe that this group of two sides with the wind of the smelly hooligans.

"Steal money! Grab food! Grab territory! "

The hooligans who stormed into the city screamed wildly. Then they found that the guild was so clean inside and outside that it was "spotless", let alone a treasure. They didn't even see a single person.

After kicking open the doors of empty rooms, everyone felt cheated. Didn't it cost 500 million?! Where's the money?! Where's the object?! 500 million to buy air?!

Just as the hooligans were wantonly smashing and venting in the guild facilities, the guards, who were in charge of standing outside to watch the wind at the front door of the conference hall, were trembling with fear as they listened to the shouting and swearing outside.

Then one of the younger brothers couldn't stand it and ran to the conference room.

At this critical juncture, those big men above should have a way out, right?

"Chief! chief! No! Here comes the adventurer

As he cried, he forced the door open. Then, his face immediately showed the same shock as Lott's.

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