
Lott opened his eyes to the ceiling, his arms numb.

AI found that the Lord didn't respond, so he said again, "my Lord, through the whole night of the human health department..."

"Got it, wiki."

Lott slowly pulled his arm away and sat up.

"What did they find?" Lott sat up to ease his breath.

Wiki: "according to the latest research results, due to their long-term wandering in the sea, each one of them is more or less malnourished. Their physical fitness and immune system are excellent, and their health level is high, so their prevalence rate is low.

Wiki: "these 5000 are all females. In fact, the whole tribe is all females, and there are no males. Some biologists and physiologists have come into contact with them and learned that there are a lot of diaoers like them on the mainland of ruby, and their way of life is in the form of settlement in the wild. "

In ordinary times, birders don't pay attention to them and let them live on the grassland. Once they need to, they will try to select some excellent settlements to serve as slaves.

Generally speaking, it's equivalent to people and animals - let them run on the prairie at ordinary times, and catch some when necessary.

Birdmen's power in their continent is equivalent to the existence of hegemony level, in that land, no creature can resist them.

It's like the dungeons on the mainland of Elinor. No one is a match between the Scarab and the undead.

In this huge world, every continent has a big power.

In those areas where there is no big boss or the big boss is weak, when faced with the invasion of foreigners like the sheep's head monster, they can only let fate decide.

The probability of a hegemonic force appearing on a continent is quite rare. After all, there are so many creatures on the land that no one can agree with. After a long period of scuffle, only the most powerful force has the right to speak.

However, it's useless to be powerful alone. You have to have the ability to make all competitors submit. Otherwise, there will be large-scale rebellion one after another on the territory. If you want to be invaded by foreigners at the same time, it will be the rhythm of direct collapse.

Therefore, it is very important to have strong strength and convincing cohesion.

Rifle in the right hand, code in the left - this is the strength symbol of the big guys.

Of course, some land tribes also exist in the form of Grand Alliance.

Lott was a little surprised when he heard that AI showed that there were only females in the tribe.

"They only have females?" Lott looked down at the two beauties lying beside her, with their backs exposed, sleeping. They were breathing steadily, their faces were reddish, and their white and charming faces made people feel a little impulsive.

Lott reached out and gently plucked their hair on their cheeks. He asked AI, "if there are only females, how can they breed? Do you drink the water from the river

Wiki: the Zimu river

Lott: nothing. Go on

Wiki: "according to the analysis of anthropologists, this group of 兎 Er people will live in the form of tribe when they are in the wild. When they find that there are male travelers going in, they will turn each other into the tribe * * the females who need to have children to mate. After they are sure to conceive, they will drive the males out of the tribe. No matter what they mate with, The final offspring must be female

Lott: no reproductive isolation

Wiki: "it's mainly human species, like elves, dwarfs or other orcs. The phenomenon of reproductive isolation will appear in the alien race such as lizard monster. Their chief is to identify this kind of existence

Lott: "so..."

Wiki: "also, their reproductive period is very short. According to DNA analysis, it is estimated that the period from conception to birth is about 4-5 months, and there are about 3-4 women in each fetus."

Lott "..."

Lotton had a bad feeling when he heard this.

In nature, each animal has its own specific ability. Human beings rely on wisdom, wild animals rely on claws, and small animals such as rabbits and mice rely on huge fertility.

Without the threat of natural enemies, rabbits will reproduce faster than cell division, and at the end

"In the end, there won't be only rabbits left in the dungeon, will there? After all, they only have rabbits. " There's a sense of uneasiness in Lott's heart about limiting their fertility? This is against human rights and natural morality.Why didn't the Yi'er people flood in the mainland of Birdman?

The main reason is that they are far away from the cities where people gather, and the probability of catching one or two lost human travelers in the wild is very low.

And now

Human beings live less than 800 meters away from them. What will happen?

"Can we change their gene sequences? At least let them have the same fecundity as human beings. The time from conception to childbirth of the elves is too long, which forms two extremes with the children. " Lott said to himself.

But at least the half elves born after the combination of elves and human beings are beautiful in appearance, excellent in intelligence, strong in learning and creativity, and have a long life span. The most important thing is that they are not easy to grow old, which makes it a great honor for every human to marry or marry elves.

The only drawback is the low reproductive capacity.

And the most important thing is that the life span of human beings can't reach the standard of choosing a mate of the elves at all. Only excellent ones can do it.

"Now there are more Zoe tribe. The offspring of these rabbits can only be female rabbits, which is a headache." Lott shook his head. In fact, he thought to himself: how effective are the rabbits in bed?

If it's very strong, will it make people attracted to them and lose interest in themselves and other races?

That's the problem of the extinction of the dead race

"Well... There's a sense of species invasion... I don't know if it's a blessing or a curse to introduce these rabbits..."

Forget it, use time to prove it, if you really find a problem, then let the human beings, elves and witches work out the corresponding countermeasures.

By the way, the witch comes from mutation, not reproduction, just like Tina's future daughter is not necessarily a witch. Although she can also have the ability of a witch under her guidance, it is not born after all - of course, this is just a guess. Who knows if her daughter is a witch.

However, in order not to miss the chance of finding the witch, Lott specially built a large child welfare home in the back to adopt the children abandoned by their parents. Maybe we can find some little guys with witch constitution.

Lott quietly ponders over the future of the dungeon and the bunny monster, and then feels as if Maria's curly thigh has touched something.

That thing's up.

Wiki: "my Lord, there's something wrong with the Horde. Vickers suggests you go over and have a look. "