It was just dawn.

On a soft big bed.

Morgan woke up from his sleep on time.

The moment you open your eyes.

Morgan woke up from a deep sleep.

But it was just a moment.

He woke up.

He realized that he was no longer in Middle Earth.

But came to the new Westeros.

Three days ago, he stood out from a group of mercenaries and became a temporary swordsman of the stark family.

Today is his fourth day in Winterfell.

Turn over and get up.

The upper body with beautiful and strong muscle lines.

Morgan got out of bed in shorts and came to the window.

Open the big window.


The cold air pouring in front of Morgan made Morgan's spirit very clear in an instant.

Took a deep breath.

Feeling the awakening of his body, Morgan looked up into the distance.

On each roof, there is still white snow that fell two days ago.

Between garden square and major buildings.

You can still see a large number of attendants and servants busy.

The news of his Majesty's coming from King's landing reached Winterfell more than half a month ago.

Winterfell also began at that time.

All kinds of cleaning have been carried out in order to welcome the king with the best attitude.

Until now, his Majesty's motorcade is still missing.

However, the cleaning up in Lindong city has not been relaxed at all.

In short, the cleaning up of Winterfell will not stop until the king arrives.

Stand in front of the window.

Morgan simply moved naked, then returned to the house and began to wash.

After washing.

Stand in front of the glass mirror, trim your beard, and tie your black ponytail higher and more backward.

Instead of putting on the cold lock armor as usual, Morgan picked up a beige soft leather armor and put it on.

It's no better inside Winterfell than outside.

Morgan won't refuse appropriate changes.

Although for him, the weight of wearing an extra lock armor is no different from that of a leather armor.

But wearing soft leather armor is much more comfortable than cold lock armor.

The lower body is a black tight suit, the upper body is leather armor, and then put on a black luxurious fluffy coat, with a high elf sword around the waist.

Morgan, dressed up, opened the door and went out.

First, I went to the kitchen in Lindong city and had a fairly rich breakfast.

Morgan then walked to the training ground.

His current job as a swordsman is to teach Duke ed Stark's two youngest sons fencing and archery.

But the youngest ricken Stark is too young to make do.

What he really needs to teach is Brandon stark.

"Good morning, Morgan..."

Just near the training ground, Jon Snow, who was practicing fencing chop in a tight suit, greeted him from a distance.

"Good morning, Jon."

Entering the training ground, Morgan smiled and greeted Jon Snow.

These days.

Because Jon Snow wants to make friends with the powerful Morgan.

Morgan is also willing to communicate with this "illegitimate child" with good character.

Therefore, the relationship between them is much more familiar than others.

He said hello to several soldiers who knew each other and were training at the training ground.

Morgan looked around, but he didn't see the two stark students who had arrived at the training ground early in the past few days.

"Looking for bran and ricken?"

Looking at Morgan, Jon snow stopped his training, picked up a towel to wipe the sweat on his forehead and asked.

"Well, they arrived early at this point."

Morgan looked back and nodded.

"I heard that ricken had a stomachache yesterday. I'm afraid he can't come today."

Jon Snow continued.

"Well, that boy won't come today..."

Morgan smiled at Jon Snow.

After a few days of contact, he has learned about the characters of the two little stark.

Ricken Stark is active, rebellious and wild.

Although Brandon stark looks beautiful and quiet, he is not. He has a hidden sense of adventure. His favorite thing is to climb the wall of Winterfell.

There are also Elia stark, the same Duke Stark's child whom Morgan met and who is called "Erya" in his memory.

The character is more lively and vibrant.

If it weren't for the fact that she was a girl, aliya stark would have trained under Morgan at this time.

Several stark children have unstable thoughts in their characters, which may be related to Duke ed Stark's genes.

"Here comes bran."

Jon Snow put down his towel and looked at the distance and suddenly opened his mouth.

Morgan turned his head and saw a small figure in a tight brown suit striding here from a distance.

It's Brandon stark.

In half an hour.

"Stand up straight..."

"Relax your arms, how many times have you said..."

"Look at the arrow, then at the target..."

"To form a line..."

"Aim more for a while so that you can calm down..."


"Breathe, breathe and relax..."

"That's it..."

On the training ground, in the bow and arrow practice area, Morgan stood next to Brandon stark with a bow and arrow, guiding in a calm tone.

Looking at bran, the whole person calmed down and continued: "yes, that's it."


Morgan's voice fell.


The arrow immediately shot out of Brandon Stark's Longbow.


A dull noise.

The arrow is straight at the center of the target tens of meters away.

Brandon Stark's face immediately showed a bright smile.

Morgan also smiled.

To tell the truth, Brandon Stark's talent in fencing and archery is not very good, not even compared with his brother ricken stark.

But he is willing to learn and can bear hardships.

That's why Morgan has the patience to teach him and regards him as half a student.

"Yes, I finally see progress."

"And great progress..."

Jon stark, a onlooker, came forward and looked at his brother bran with a smile.

Some soldiers from other training around also gathered around.

Brandon Stark's freckled and beautiful face immediately blushed, and some embarrassed said, "it's good taught by Mr. Morgan..."

"No matter how well I teach, it's useless if you don't work hard."

"Bran, good progress..."

Morgan answered with a smile.

From a few days ago, at least one of the three arrows will hit the empty target to now.

Brandon Stark has made great progress.

Morgan deserves praise.

Just then.

"Coming, your majesty is coming..."

An excited voice came from the watchtower above the wall from afar.

Morgan and the people at the training ground immediately looked in the direction of the watchtower.

He saw several soldiers coming down from the wall where the watchtower was located and running towards the main castle where Duke stark lived.

"Your Majesty is coming. It seems that there is no need for training."

Jon Snow looked at the running soldiers in the distance, turned to Morgan and his brother bran and smiled.

"It's going to be lively next."

"Bran, that's all for today's training."

"Go back, take a bath, change your clothes, and see your majesty sweating all over..."

Morgan looked at the student bran and said.

Brandon stark nodded. Although he wanted to turn over the wall to see the rumored figure of his Majesty the king of China, it was too late.

Brandon stark, who said hello, quickly ran to the main castle.

Morgan looked at Jon Snow and said, "why don't you go?"

"In time..."

Jon Snow shook his head. "I saw his Majesty's motorcade on the watchtower. It's still a distance from Winterfell."

"There's still time..."

"Morgan, let's try again!"

Jon Snow looked at Morgan and said.

Morgan immediately smiled, "why, unconvinced?"

"Do you want to try again?"

Two days ago.

Morgan trained Brandon and ricken brothers.

Jon Snow suddenly offered to compete with Morgan.

Then, it's completely predictable.

Morgan easily defeated him in front of a crowd.


"There's nothing unconvinced."

Hearing Morgan's words, Jon Snow shook his head and continued, "but I feel I've made progress recently. Let's try again."


Morgan nodded. Since the other party was looking for abuse, he was naturally happy. He raised his hand and pulled out the elf sword around his waist.

Five minutes later.

Jon Snow flew backwards again and fell firmly on the training ground.

Morgan came forward with a smile, ready to pull each other.

Several soldiers strode to the training ground, went straight to Morgan and Jon Snow and said, "Your Excellency Morgan, your excellency Jon..."

"Mrs. Caitlin wants you to be ready."

"Your majesty will come soon..."



The sky became gloomy.

Heavy lead clouds enveloped the sky.

The cold wind howled.

Looking at the weather, it seems that the wind and snow that stopped only yesterday shows signs of continuing.

In the winter city.

The gate of the outer city wall and the inner city wall is wide open.

A large number of attendants, servants and soldiers were busy.

His Majesty's motorcade will arrive soon.

For this reason, the winter city, which has been busy for more than half a month, naturally needs to do everything to welcome the king when he arrives.

Time passed slowly.

The whole winter city, whether it was the people in the inner castle or all the people in the winter shelter town in the outer city wall, all stood on both sides of the avenue under the command of the stark family.

The soldiers in Lindong city welcomed out of the king's Avenue outside Lindong city and waited neatly for the king's arrival.

Inner castle.

In front of the huge and magnificent main castle and the wide square.

Ed stark, the "guardian of the north" and "Duke of Winterfell", is standing at the front of the huge team with his wife Caitlin Tully, his eldest sons rob stark, Brandon, ricken stark, and his two personal daughters Elia stark and Sansa stark.

Standing in the second row behind a group of stark members are adopted son theon grejoy, illegitimate son Jon Snow, and the University of Winterfell, Rowan, Jon, and theon's injured old coach Roderick kesso.

Finally, Morgan, the new swordsman, stood in the second row.

Then there are other guards, soldiers, leaders, other servants of the stark family, and a large number of servants.

A large area of Ukraine stood on the wide square in front of the main castle in Lindong city.

Quietly waiting for the king.

Outside the winter city, on the wide wilderness King's Avenue.

A huge team was slowly driving along the muddy road.

A few days ago, the heavy snow with winter turned the whole northern territory into an ice and snow world.

What followed was that King's Avenue became a muddy Avenue.

This is also the reason why the whole huge King's team moved several days slower than expected.

Fortunately, it's finally coming.

With the endless pangran team approaching Winterfell.

In the eyes of the soldiers waiting on both sides of the Avenue outside the city, a number of powerful cavalry troops with yellow background and printed with a golden crown stag flag in the shape of black deer.

After the first team.

Then the cavalry team followed with a gold lion flag with a red background and a roaring lion on it.

After two teams holding flags.

In pangran's team, an important figure from Junlin city finally began to appear.

Finally, a huge, exquisite and luxurious carriage pulled by several horses slowly drove into Winterfell.

In the winter, the gate outside the city was closed again.

Outer city, inner castle

When the huge motorcade from Junlin City drove into the inner city and went straight to the main castle.

All the servants and attendants standing on both sides of the road paid attention.

At this time, on the wide square.

A group of stark family members and courtiers led by ED stark, Duke of Winterfell, are waiting.

Finally, the huge carriage stopped in the square, and a group of cavalry guards quickly dispersed and escorted around.

When a middle-aged fat man wearing a wine red luxurious fluffy cloak and riding a tall horse steadily came to the stark family.

Ed stark saw the figure coming, bowed his head, squatted down and knelt on one knee.

After the Duke of Winterfell on his knees, all the people around him knelt down.

But Morgan is not going to kneel.

He did not even kneel before the Supreme God iluvita in the Middle Earth.

At the foot of Westeros.

Naturally, it is even more impossible to kneel to a mortal king.

Not even on one knee.

At this moment, Morgan bent down and pulled his wide black robe to block all in front of him.

Then he knelt on one knee in the black robe, but his feet didn't fall to the ground.

The middle-aged fat man with leather armor inside and wine red luxury robe cloak outside, and a long sword hanging around his waist stepped on the foot box moved by the attendant and got off the horse.

Holding the waist sword in one hand, the middle-aged fat man with a big belly strode to ED stark, who knelt on one knee, and raised his hand at will.

Ed stark stood up slowly.

As soon as he got up, all the people who had just knelt down in the whole square immediately stood up.

Morgan got up and saw the king of seven countries sitting in King's landing city at this moment.

Tall and bloated, black and gray mixed with messy long hair, bright eyes, ruddy and shiny complexion, and once handsome traces can be seen on a slightly obese face.

This is a person who can tell the other person's personality at a glance by his appearance alone.

In front of the team, King Robert baratheon and his old friend ed stark hugged the bear, then let go and laughed: "ha ha..."

"Ed, you're fat..."