Chapter 723 - Running Into Shizu

Name:Stealing Spree Author:
Given that it’s only a matter of minutes before Shizu showed up, Satsuki eventually let go after venting what she bottled up from the teases she received from me.

Her vented emotions included her inability to be completely honest and how she’s feeling bad from the words that were thrown by her.

How did I deduce those? Well, that’s the mystery of emotions. You can easily convey what you want by actions rather than words. That’s why there’s the popular saying that ‘action speaks louder than words’. Even though it didn’t particularly pertain to conveying one’s feelings to intimate actions such as kisses, it’s still right on the money.

Anyway, you could feel it yourself, unless it’s just a simple kiss without any hidden meanings and just a show of affection.

While catching her breath and staring at me heatedly, Satsuki pinched my lips so as to not let me say anything else. I simply smiled at that and embraced her tight.

Minutes later, I successfully dropped her off at the Student Council.

On my way down, I ran into Shizu. She’s as beautiful as ever that I instinctively stopped in my steps just to take a moment to admire her stunning appearance. However, as I had expected, her lips curled up meaningfully. In just a moment, she deduced the reason why she ran into me.

She crossed her arms making her front slightly emphasized. Being the pervert that I am, that’s still the first thing I noticed. I quickly cleared my head and faced her gaze. Those seemingly cold and incorruptible eyes were now having a hint of playfulness and jealousy.

“You seem to have a very soft spot when it comes to Satsuki, Ruki. Is that favoritism I see?”

She stepped forward, grabbed my collar and pulled my head down. I could see my reflection in her eyes and surely, she’s the same.

Nonetheless, my expression remained the same. Enthralled by her beauty rather than the expression she’s probably expecting from me.

I took into account that I would be running into her after all. So, the beating of my heart remained stable.

Ah. No. It raced a bit upon seeing her.

Anyway, her question could possibly be attributed to everything she observed starting from the time when we’re not even acquainted with each other yet.

She caught me leaving the school with Satsuki and that led to the events where I got closer with Nami wherein she admitted her love for me and… the chance I received to get to know the Shizu behind that mask she created for herself.

Then she got assigned as Satsuki’s mentor. I even specifically asked her to go easy on her.

And now, I escorted the girl to the Student Council.

Saying that I have a soft spot towards Satsuki is a valid question. And I can wholeheartedly admit that I am.

However, it’s the same for everyone. Just that, the chances to do the same for the others were hard to come by.

“Perhaps. But do I look like someone who will play favorites? I’m also hoping to run into you like this, you know?”

“Hmm… What for?”

“Thank you for the lunchbox. It was delicious. I’m kind of hoping to eat more of your cooking, especially right out of the pot.” I grabbed the hand holding on my collar and I lowered my head further to the point that there’s only a few centimeters left before our lips touched.

Shizu’s eyes instantly wavered, leading for her eyelids to close on itself but to prevent her from stepping away from me, my free arm already did its job, circling to her back.

Her warmth was instantly transferred to my senses and her minute struggles and racing heartbeat were conveyed.

“Also, before I forget… I missed you, Shizu.” I whispered to her ears before nibbling her earlobe.

Shizu let out a subdued ‘Hng~’, clearly tickled by what I did. However, her eyes quickly opened and glared at me in slight resentment.

“Y-you and your unusual attacks. Step back, blockhead.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

Yep. The same as with Satsuki, I was now teasing this diligent Student Council President of ours. My lovely Shizu.

I haven’t seen her in two days. Although we had a running conversation through Messenger, that’s not enough to abate this longing I have for her.

“I’ll do what you taught us. Grab your family jewels and squeeze them before running away to that room.” Shizu threateningly said as she even made a gesture of lowering her eyes. “Someone can easily see us here, you blockhead!”

Though I was happy that she remembered that, I didn’t want to be the first poor victim to that unimaginable pain.

But before that… “Alright, alright. Calm down. But it’s true. I missed you and… I really appreciate the lunchbox. As thanks for that…”

My voice trailed as I moved quickly to seal her lips with mine. Shizu was for sure, wide-eyed in surprise but before she knew it, I already held her tight and pushed her at the closed door at our side making it rattle loudly. Satsuki couldn’t hear that from inside the Student Council Room but if there’s someone ascending the stairs, it would surely be audible.

Nonetheless, I slid open that door, pushing Shizu inside before closing it behind me. It’s another unoccupied clubroom but at least, it’s not as dusty as the other ones.

Noticing that change in scenery, Shizu tapped on my back as if saying she gave up which I surely didn’t ignore. I let go of her lips to let her catch her breath, leaving a string of saliva that extended between us.

Her lips were now glistening from how much I sucked it but her face clearly contorted into a rather upset frown.

“Preposterous, what came inside your mind, you blockhead. You even pushed us inside here…”

“Uhm… I’ll assume full responsibility. I just can’t help it. Different emotions melded together. I miss you enough that I’m happy to see you after two days. Moreover, seeing your slightly jealous expression urged me to erase that. Add to that, my gratitude for that sumptuous meal you prepared for me. Tell me, will you prefer words for that or…?”

I scratched my head as I released her from my embrace. But still, my eyes remained watching her. Although the sun was still a bit high up in the sky, it’s already about to set, making a ray of sunshine shroud her visage. Her flowing black hair sparkled beautifully from behind her. It’s another picturesque scene that I wanted to commit in my memory.

I know. I could be seen as fickle since just a few minutes earlier, I was also entangled with Satsuki. But that’s just how I am… I love all of them and… with the too valuable time I have where I can be alone with them, it’s a lot better to make the most of it.

Shizu eventually clicked her tongue and closed our distance again. “You win. I’ll take this fully affectionate gesture of yours anytime… I’m not jealous, alright? Don’t misunderstand. I just thought of teasing you back, after everything…”

“Alright. If that’s how you want me to see it…”

“I’m telling the truth! Haa… There’s no winning against you, huh?” She let out a sigh in the middle but soon afterwards, she pulled my head down and our lips met once more. This time, on her own initiative.

Minutes quickly passed as we got lost to each other. By the time our lips separated, Shizu’s face had long turned crimson. Her uniform was also a bit disheveled because of how my hand crept inside it, copping a feel of her pleasant softness but the same could be said with mine.

I helped her fix her uniform before hugging her once more, this time I didn’t do anything else but only feel her warmth and sniff her addictive fragrance.

“See you later, Shizu. You can call me a scum with this but… you know how much I love all of you. I will never play favorites. I really hope you two will get along.”

“… Shut it. I explained myself earlier. That’s over. You’re just too bad, blockhead. Let us tease you sometimes.”

“Uh. You’re doing that aplenty, aren’t you? Anyway, about our date.”

“Have you prepared?” With the mention of our date, Shizu perked up her ears. That’s what I promised last Friday. Her excitement for it was undeniable.

“More or less. But I want to know when you want to go.”

This was one of the things that should be scheduled first. She’s busy enough with the Student Council and her studies, I shouldn’t decide on the date and time alone. It should be handed to her.

Besides, although what I planned wasn’t that extravagant, it’s still technically our first date. I want it to be memorable for her, not a rushed one.

Shizu contemplated for a while before answering, “Hmm… Let’s talk about that later. Satsuki has been waiting for too long by now. Because of you.”

“Ugh. You’re right. You go first... Just in case.”

“Look at this coward. I’m more than prepared to announce that you’re mine.”

“You’re still on that, huh? Stubborn girl.”

“I’ll never give up on making you mine alone, remember that.”

After declaring that, Shizu giggled cutely before strutting out of the room.. I knew she’d say that but at this point, it’s kinda useless, right? She already acknowledged my other girls while still continuing to be intimate with me. She’s just holding onto it for the sake of her… stubbornness?