Chapter 108, "see, I'm so good to you. "


This was a blatant flirting!

How shameless must one be to say such a shameless thing in such a casual tone?

Sha Zhixing's face turned red. She was shocked beyond words.

Luo Xichen seemed to enjoy her expression. He had taken care of most of the small Tiramisu and left a small portion for her. Then, he said something that made Sha Zhixing almost go crazy. "Actually, I don't like cocoa."

His voice was lazy and even a little disdainful.

If you don't like it, why are you snatching it from me? If you don't like it, why are you eating it?!

"You should have said that before you ate it." Sha Zhixing's face turned cold.

"Didn't you leave some?" Luo Xichen pushed the dessert in front of her without thinking.

Sha Zhixing was furious. Was he deliberately provoking her?

Luo Xichen turned a blind eye to her change of expression and added, "Girls shouldn't eat too many sweets at night. They'll get fat."

His tone was very calm, as if he was thinking of her when he stole her food. After that, he gave her a look that said, 'see, I'm so good to you'.

Sha Zhixing was so angry that she gritted her teeth. This person was so hateful!

Luo Xichen patted her face gently to appease her. "Can't you just make us something else?"

"Us?" Sha Zhixing bit on his words. Did he mean that she had to cook something else for him?

"Yes." Luo Xichen smiled and pulled her hand towards the kitchen.

"Luo Xichen, you're squeezing the labor force!" Sha Zhixing said resentfully.

"I'm taking care of my subordinates and myself," Luo Xichen said calmly.


Sha Zhixing was speechless by his words. However, it had not been a day or two since she had met his scoundrel, so she did not continue to waste her time with him.

She opened the fridge to get some ingredients and decided to make spaghetti.

Luo Xichen was very confident in her cooking. Although her cooking skills were not top-notch, it was good enough to catch his eye.

Sha Zhixing busied herself in the kitchen and did not even bother to look at him.

Luo Xichen leaned lazily against the door and looked at her back quietly.

Sha Zhixing was wearing a suspenders skirt. It was a very comfortable skirt. The skirt was short and made of chiffon, which accentuated her slim figure.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly. His gaze was unbridled as he looked at her.

Sha Zhixing was not the most beautiful woman he had ever met, but she was the one who could trigger all kinds of impulses in him. In the past, both of them were young and he had never faced this problem.

But now, he was a man, a mature man with normal physiology. When he had such a desire for a woman, he only needed to calm down and think about it, and Luo Xichen would know what it meant!

Without noticing his gaze, Sha Zhixing turned her back to him and busied herself. Her clear voice sounded especially clear in the quiet night.

As she moved, the lake-green hem of her dress was gently lifted by the wind, swaying in a series of arcs. The scene was a little seductive and charming.

Luo Xichen had been tortured by her for a long time tonight, and now seeing such a scene, his eyes darkened again...


See group for unmodified parts.