Chapter 119 pushed him to someone else

Sha Zhixing brewed a pot of tea and poured four cups. She first handed them to Luo Xichen and Mo Yichen, then another cup to Mo Ningyu.

Mo Ningyu looked at the steaming hot tea quietly. Her gaze fell on Sha Zhixing's hand, and her eyes darkened. Just as Sha Zhixing was about to put the cup in front of her, she suddenly reached out to take it, and her hand touched the teacup. Suddenly, the cup tilted.


The hot tea splashed all over Sha Zhixing's hand.

The tea had just been brewed, and the cup was made from a porcelain cup the size of a coffee cup. Sha Zhixing's skin was delicate to begin with, and the amount of hot water splashed onto the back of her fair hand. Within a few seconds, the back of her hand had turned red and swollen.


Sha Zhixing took a deep breath, and her eyebrows furrowed. The pain had numbed her nerves.

"Ah, are you okay? I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to..." Mo Ningyu stood up in a panic, grabbed a tissue from the coffee table, and began to wipe the water droplets for her.

Luo Xichen and Mo Yichen also came back to their senses from the sudden accident, and their eyes fell on Sha Zhixing's hand.

"Ningyu, why are you so careless?" Mo Yichen was defending Sha Zhixing. He could not help but scold Mo Ningyu when he saw the red and swollen back of her hand. However, she was his biological sister after all, so his words were not too sharp.

"Go and treat your wound first!" Luo Xichen was more rational. He pushed Mo Ningyu's hand to the side expressionlessly, grabbed Sha Zhixing's wrist, and led her to his office.

Mo Ningyu's face instantly darkened under his action.

Was he that concerned about her?

Sha Zhixing followed behind Luo Xichen. As they walked, she recalled the scene of the accident in her mind.

Mo Ningyu's small actions could be hidden from Luo Xichen and Mo Yichen's eyes, but she had seen her actions with her own eyes. Why did she do this to herself?

Was she jealous of her because of Luo Xichen?

Realizing this possibility, Sha Zhixing's gaze fell on Luo Xichen's back in front of her.

He was indeed a disaster!

Sha Zhixing's wound was not feeling well after being splashed with a cup of boiling water for no reason. Naturally, she did not feel well either.

She had never been bullied like this by anyone since she was a child. Luo Xichen and Luo Rongci had protected her in school, and her family background was not bad. She had never suffered this kind of injustice before.

She had to get revenge for this. Why should she be bullied like this for no reason?

Luo Xichen brought her into his office and found a medicine box. He pressed her down on the sofa and sat her down. He raised her hand and quietly helped her apply the medicine.

"I can do it myself. You can accompany her." She suddenly spoke when she thought of the phone call at the hospital last time.

Luo Xichen was stunned. Her?

However, he was a quick-witted person. He reacted within a few seconds.

Based on Sha Zhixing's understanding of him, she must have thought of a lover relationship when she saw a woman coming to him?

Luo Xichen's eyes darkened when he understood her words.

Was this girl pushing him to another woman now?

Thinking of this, Luo Xichen's face darkened, and he tightened his grip.

"Ah!" Sha Zhixing screamed in pain. Was he trying to stab her in the wound?

"Luo Xichen, what are you doing?" Sha Zhixing was furious.

Luo Xichen snorted coldly, put away the medicine in his hand, and pulled her into his arms. His tone was ambiguous. "What do you think?"