Chapter 151 my territory, who cares

"Who gave you permission?" Sha Zhixing gave him a cold look.

"My territory, who cares?" Luo Xichen looked disdainful.

"Get out!" Sha Zhixing shouted at him in anger.

Luo Xichen ignored her and hugged her tightly with an absolutely domineering bear hug. He rested his chin on her head and began to sleep. Their positions were very intimate.

Sha Zhixing was tickled by his hot breath and her hair stood on end. She pushed him away.

Luo Xichen closed his eyes and pretended to be dumb.

"I'll go out if you don't go out!" Sha Zhixing pried open his fingers that were around her waist one by one. She wanted to leave the room, but before she could sit up, she was dragged back to bed.

"It's late. It's time to sleep." He put his arms around her again and reminded her. Then, he closed his eyes again.

Sha Zhixing wanted to 'fight' for herself, but the moment she touched his slightly tired face, she resisted the urge.

He did not look like a person who would do bad things. Forget it, she would not argue with him.

However, her face turned red again when she thought of what he had just said in her ear.

This person was too shameless!

Sha Zhixing was very tired tonight. Now that both of them had calmed down, she quickly fell asleep.

Luo Xichen fell asleep very quickly. What woke him up was an arm that suddenly stretched across his body in the middle of the night.

He looked down and saw that Sha Zhixing, who had forced him to leave the room earlier, had taken the initiative to wrap her arm around his body.

Luo Xichen despised her sleeping appearance, but his eyes relaxed when he saw her like this.

This was the way they should sleep.

Luo Xichen even felt that their bodies were so compatible.

He smiled and wanted to go back to sleep, but before he could close his eyes, Sha Zhixing suddenly put her slender legs on his body and put them on his legs. She coiled around his legs like a snake and wrapped her body around him like an octopus.

Luo Xichen took a deep breath.

Sha Zhixing was obviously unconscious. The sound of her breathing was shallow and even. After she wrapped her four limbs around him, her head even leaned against his neck.

Luo Xichen's body tensed up.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that sharing a bed with her was asking for trouble. He was in a world of ice and fire, yet she was still sleeping so soundly.

He really wanted to do something to her, but when he saw that she was sleeping so deeply, he could not bear to do it.

He could not bear to do it, and it resulted in another sleepless night.

Both of them slept very late last night. Sha Zhixing slept until it was time to go to work the next day, but she still did not wake up.

Luo Xichen did not sleep the whole night, but he still got up very early. He ran next door and took a cold shower, then went to pull Mo Yichen out early in the morning to have breakfast.

Mo Yichen was still in a daze when he received the call. When he heard Luo Xichen's voice, he jumped out of bed as if he had been injected with stimulants. A few minutes later, he appeared at the place where they had agreed to meet.

"Young Master Shao, were you not satisfied with your desires last night or something? Why did you come out so early in the morning?" Mo Yichen walked towards him with a smile on his face.

He had always been a joker, and he was very casual about it. What he said now was pure nonsense. He did not expect to hit the nail on the head.

Luo Xichen's handsome face darkened. He threw an apple at Mo Yichen and said, "Get lost!"

Mo Yichen smiled and caught the thing that Luo Xichen threw at him. He narrowed his eyes and observed Luo Xichen's expression. He raised his eyebrows slightly.


Did he hit the nail on the head?