Chapter 422: The arrogant trio

The waitress did not come back to her senses for a long time.

How powerful was the Luo family in C city If Luo Xichen got married, it would be a sensation in the city. However, she had never heard of it.

The waitress was not sure. She asked tentatively, "really? "

"Don't you know? " Hai Luo and Hai Cao replied in unison. They took Sha Zhixing by the hand and left.

When they entered, Luo Xichen had already found a seat in the corner. He was reading a magazine in his hand. It seemed that he was waiting for someone.

Sha Zhixing led Hai Luo and Hai Luo into the room. They tiptoed to a window seat not far behind Luo Xichen and sat down.

Not long after they sat down, another waiter came up to her with a menu in his hand.

He glanced at Sha Zhixing's cheap casual clothes and opened the menu for her.

However, his attitude was much worse than when he had smiled at her. It was very discriminatory. "Miss, are you here to visit or to order? "

Sha Zhixing was speechless.

Was she being looked down on again?

She was in a hurry when she went out today, and did not have time to change her clothes before she came out. In addition, she did not pay attention to any famous brands. She only needed to get comfortable with her clothes. She did not expect to be looked down upon twice Not long after she left the house, she was looked down upon twice.

She thought of the card that Luo Xichen had given her and wanted to take it out arrogantly to destroy this person's arrogance. However, when she reached into her bag, she found that... ... There was nothing in it ...

Sha Zhixing froze.

"What's wrong? Didn't you bring your wallet? ''Thee waiter looked at her with a mocking smile on his face.Hiss tone was obviously sarcastic. Misss, we've seen a lot of freeloaders like you.Nextt time, try something smarter. "

Sha Zhixing looked up and looked at her coldly. Her face was expressionless. "How do you know that we're freeloaders? "

The waiter was shocked by her sudden coldness. He was dumbfounded and did not respond.

Hai Luo slowly sat down next to Sha Zhixing. She touched her pocket and took out a golden card from her purse. She handed it to the waiter with a generous look on her face. "This is mine. Is it enough? "

The waiter's eyes lit up when he saw the card. He changed his previous sarcastic attitude and respectfully opened the menu for the three of them. "What would you like to order? "

Hai Luo snorted in disdain. She stood up and ordered a lot of things in English. Her fluent speed of speech stunned the waiter.

Sha Zhixing's lips twitched a little when she saw his flamboyant look.

Ha, I didn't know this kid was so awesome!

The three of them ordered a few drinks and sat in a corner quietly observing Luo Xichen.

Luo xichen leaned lazily against the back of the SOFA, his long legs lazily crossed. He would occasionally raise his hand to look at the watch on his wrist. No one knew who he was waiting for.

Seaweed Lay on the Sofa and looked quietly for a while. Suddenly, she said in a childish voice, "brother Xichen isn't waiting for some woman, is he? "


Sha Zhixing choked on her drink and almost spat out the drink she had just drunk.

She turned her head stiffly towards Luo Xichen and frowned slightly.
