Chapter 669: In your name, take my surname 2

Sha Zhixing's face turned hot. She could not reply to him for a long time.


Luo Xichen looked at her indifferently, dragged her into the car with his big hand, and started the car towards a certain direction in the city.

The last place they reached was the airport.

Sha Zhixing did not understand what he was going to do at first, but when she saw him take out a few big bags from inside, she suddenly understood.

Luo Xichen came to take the wedding dress and the matching jewelry. He had prepared them for Sha Zhixing earlier, but he did not have the chance to use them later.

He decided to hold the wedding in Northern Ireland this time and had them airdropped over.

In order to save time, he had come to the airport to pick her up.

After picking up the things, he took her straight back to the hotel.

He unpacked the wedding dress and threw it on the bed. His gaze fell on her face. "Do you want to try it on yourself or do you want me to help you? "

The wedding dress had been handmade according to her size. Luo Xichen was afraid that it might not be suitable for her to wear now.

He glanced at her and his eyes finally fell on her upper body.

Sha Zhixing hadn't changed much in the past. She was still as thin as before, but her upper body size seemed to have increased a lot.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly and smiled.

Sha Zhixing felt goosebumps all over her body. She wanted to ignore him, but she had already received the certificate. What was the use of worrying about a wedding now?

She turned around and walked into the bathroom with the wedding dress in her hands.

After a long time in the bathroom, the door opened ten minutes later.

Luo Xichen's gaze turned to the side and landed quietly on the snow-white dress.

The wedding dress was very suitable for her. It was still as stunning as before, and she was now more qualified than before.

Luo Xichen looked at her with satisfaction. He smiled and took out the jewelry one by one.

These were the ones he had chosen from Shi Qinuo and given to Sha Zhixing by Shi Qinuo. Each of them was unique in the world. There was only one of them in the world. Shi Qinuo's private collection design. Each of them was stunning.

After Sha Zhixing left, Luo Xichen had kept everything intact, waiting for the day when she would wear them.

The wedding this time was as hasty as the last time, even more so than the last time. Luo Xichen did not have time to prepare a wedding dress and gown, and did not want to prepare anything else.

In his opinion, everything he had designed for her was the most suitable for her.

Sha Zhixing sat in front of the dressing table, her hair casually combed into a bun, and her fair neck was slightly raised. She tried on the jewelry that he had handed to her one by one, and quietly thought about what she should do next.

After receiving the marriage certificate, the couple's relationship had become legal. All the subsequent ceremonies were just a formality.

Now that the marriage certificate had been issued, it would be meaningless for her to resist this wedding. She might as well save some energy to fight back later.

She took a deep breath and suddenly turned her head. She looked at Luo Xichen and slowly opened her Red Lips. "Luo Xichen, I will attend this wedding, but you have to agree to some of my requirements. "

Luo Xichen's deep eyes flashed with joy after her words. He raised his eyebrows slightly and said succinctly, "speak. "