Chapter 702 little flower cat, how dirty

A few meters away from her, a young man was holding a wine bottle in his hand. The bottle's mouth was aimed at her. He looked at her with an awkward expression and apologized in English, "I'm sorry! "

Sha Zhixing was very angry that she had been innocently implicated. However, the other party's gaze was very innocent. It was obvious that he did not do it on purpose.

She took a deep breath and the corner of her lips twitched. "It's okay. "

A smile bloomed on that person's face. The few freckles on his nose bridge were very cute.

He looked at her shyly, then turned around and ran towards his companion.

Sha Zhixing casually twisted the wine on her clothes, then raised her hand to wipe her neck.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly, and his gaze fell on her neck.

Her fair neck was slightly tilted up, and a few drops of wine-red liquid slowly flowed along her smooth and delicate skin, and then merged into her clothes through the collar.

However, this scene made him feel that there was something wrong with his whole body. He tugged at his collar a little impatiently, and his throat was very dry.

He wanted to walk to her side, but there was a "whoosh" around him. His vision was then filled with a wine-red color. Then, he was completely drenched from head to toe.

Luo Xichen's face darkened for a few seconds, and his eyes were full of frost.

He turned his head stiffly, and his gaze fell on Sha Zhixing's hand.

Sha Zhixing was holding a wine bottle in her hand. It was obvious that she had sprayed the wine directly at him.

She had done it on purpose!

Luo Xichen's expression was a little twisted.

"It's too hot. Lower the fire. " Sha Zhixing put the wine bottle aside as if nothing had happened. She glanced at Luo Xichen's lower abdomen and turned to walk away.

However, she had only taken two steps when she felt a chill at the back of her head. Then, her back was completely drenched.

Sha Zhixing's body stiffened. She stood rooted to the ground for a long time. She turned her head slowly and looked at Luo Xichen behind her. She sounded a little angry. "Luo Xichen! "

Luo Xichen walked over to her side and helped her tidy up her long wet hair. He sounded a little disgusted. "You've become a little flower cat. You're so dirty. "

"GET LOST! " Sha Zhixing slapped his hand away. She wanted to push him away and leave, but just as she moved, Luo Xichen pulled her into his arms.

"where are you going? " He asked calmly as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

Sha Zhixing's lips moved. Just as she was about to answer, another wave of wine-red rain sprayed over.

Compared to the previous two times, this one seemed more spectacular. There were many of them, covering a wide area. It was as if it was raining, covering the two of them completely.

"welcome to FEHRA'S NIGHT! " Not Far Away, a few young men threw the wine bottles in their hands to the side and warmly greeted the two of them.

Sha Zhixing's head slowly turned to the side, and her gaze turned to the group of people.

There was no malice in their eyes. It was obvious that their actions just now were just a way of welcoming them. There was no other meaning.

All of Sha Zhixing's anger was extinguished.

It was just a game. Forget it.

She turned around and wanted to leave. However, a rain of red wine started to fall from the sky. It was hazy and foggy.

A few young men stood a few meters away and smiled innocently at the two of them. "have a good trip to Santorini's honeymoon island! "


One word reminded Luo Xichen of his excitement.

He looked down at Sha Zhixing who was beside him. He did not care that there were still so many people present. He pressed his hand on Sha Zhixing's body and leaned over to kiss her lips... ...