Chapter 733, the new director


A single name caused a commotion in the studio.

The designers'eyes were as wide as Tong Ling's. They looked at Sha Zhixing with all kinds of surprise and amazement.

She was the legendary Phoebe?

He simu's hand trembled slightly and the phone in her hand slipped out of her hand with a "PA" .

Sha Zhixing observed her actions without any expression on her face.

After that, no one in the entire design department said a single word for a long time. All of them looked at Sha Zhixing in shock, their eyes filled with disbelief.

Many people knew about her design talent when she was with Rong Xi. However, no one expected that she had become famous in the European design world in just one year!

He simu did not expect that the person Luo Xichen had been asking her to look for was actually her!

Luo Xichen's eyes swept over the scene indifferently. He watched the reactions of the group of people without batting an eyelid. His thin lips curled up slightly.

He had expected the shock of these people.

It seemed that Sha Zhixing's transformation in just one year had successfully stunned everyone... ...

He was proud of her. Although they had been separated for so long, he was genuinely happy for her to be able to carve out her own path on the path of design.

He held her hand and pushed her in front of him. Luo Xichen's clear voice rang out again in the design department, which had been quiet for quite a while "Miss Phoebe was hired by Rong Xihua with a lot of money. From today onwards, she will officially return to Rong Xi. She will work here with everyone every day from now on. She will hold the same position as Miss He Simu, the director of the Design Department "from now on, the design department will be under the responsibility of the two of them. "

These words caused the scene to be quiet for a moment. Slowly, everyone started to come back to their senses. "Clap Clap Clap" sounds of applause rang out everywhere.

If it really was Phoebe, then she would be worthy of the position of director. These designers knew this in their hearts, so no one at the scene had any objections.

Sha Zhixing quietly looked at the familiar faces and listened to the applause that came out of recognition in her ears. Her Red Lips curled up slightly, and the corner of her eyes turned slightly to the side, landing on he simu's face in the room.

He SIMU's face was a little pale at first, but after she looked at him like that, it quickly returned to normal. Her expression changed so quickly that Sha Zhixing could not tell if the glance was an illusion.

She walked out of the room and came to her side step by step. He simu smiled and held out her hand. "Welcome back, Miss Sha! "

Sha Zhixing could not reject her coldly under so many eyes. She shook Sha Zhixing's hand and said, "thank you. "

"I'll leave the design department to you. " Luo xichen looked at the two of them and said, "Miss Sha, there's only one office for the director of the design department. Your private office will be next to mine. "

Everyone's lips twitched when they heard Luo Xichen's words. They looked at him strangely.

There's only one office Is Second Young Master Shao up to no good?

Most of the people here knew about the rumors between the two of them and had witnessed their intimate actions. Luo Xichen's intention was obvious.

Sha Zhixing rolled her eyes at Luo Xichen. She understood, but she did not say anything.

He simu looked at the two of them without batting an eyelid. Her fingers that were hanging down unconsciously tightened, but her face remained calm and expressionless... ...