Chapter 746 rich people are different

"Good evening, here are the Paella and roast lamb you ordered! " The waiter's voice rang out.

The scene that was going on in the room suddenly stopped after the voice rang out.

Sha Zhixing's face turned red. She pushed Luo Xichen to the side uncomfortably, turned her head, and looked out of the window.

Luo Xichen's good deed had been ruined. His eyes were cold, and his handsome face was as dark as a dark cloud. The atmosphere around him was heavy.

The waiter looked at the scene in shock. The awkwardness on his face was worse than Sha Zhixing's. When he looked at Luo Xichen's eyes, his nerves were about to collapse.

It seemed that he had come at a bad time... ...

He had forgotten to look at the ALMANAC when he went out today. If he ruined the second young master's good deed like this, would he be banned from the catering industry some other day?

The waiter shivered with cold. He put the dishes on the table and forgot the basic etiquette. He put the dishes down and left.

It felt like he had done something shameful.

The door was closed and there were only two people left in the room.

Sha Zhixing looked at Luo Xichen from the corner of her eyes and her lips twitched. She looked at Luo xichen calmly.

Luo Xichen's face was still cold. He turned his head and looked at her. He lifted her neck with his long arm and kissed her lips again.

"I won't come here anymore, " Luo Xichen said as he handed her the cutlery.

"Why? " Sha Zhixing asked, confused.

Luo Xichen looked at her from the corner of his eyes and said expressionlessly, "you don't know the rules! "

Sha Zhixing pursed her lips and was speechless.

She took a spoonful of the food on the plate and smiled. "I don't want it. I like the food here. "

Luo Xichen replied coldly, "if you like it, why don't we just poach the chef to our house? "

Sha Zhixing turned her head and looked at Luo Xichen with approval.

Only he could think of such an awesome idea.


Luo Xichen did not eat much tonight, but he did not have much of an appetite when he thought of Luo Yi.

The rest of the family was easy to deal with, but he could not figure out what the old man was thinking.

Although he believed that Luo Yi would not do something like forcefully separating his own grandson and his wife, he did not know how long it would take for Luo Xichen to calm down.

Sha Zhixing turned to look at him and guessed what he was thinking, but she did not expose him.

She scooped up a spoonful of seafood rice with a spoon and brought it to his lips with a sweet smile. "have a taste? "

Luo Xichen looked at her smiling face quietly and leaned forward, swallowing all the food she had brought.

Sha Zhixing watched him silently and scooped another spoonful for him.

Luo xichen swallowed it in one gulp and said Lazily, "continue. "

Sha Zhixing was about to follow his instructions out of habit, but the spoon suddenly stopped when it touched the plate.

Was He enjoying himself?

"HELP YOURSELF! " Sha Zhixing handed the spoon to him and started to finish the other dishes.

Both of them ordered Spanish cuisine. The head chef of the restaurant had specially invited them over and the taste was very good. Sha Zhixing had been eating her own dishes and did not pay attention to him.

Luo Xichen looked at her quietly. His eyes darkened when he thought of what had happened tonight... ...