Chapter 761 Qing Yafeng is really handsome

Sha Zhixing sat down beside him and began to eat casually with one of the plates in her hand.

In fact, when she was choosing food, she was a little worried that jue ye and the others were all young masters who had grown up with golden spoons in their mouths. They might not even be able to tell the difference between grains and grains, not to mention how delicious the food would be.

What surprised her was that the food she randomly chose tasted very good. Not to mention the level of a chef, it was at least not worse than the food outside.

Sha Zhixing turned her head and looked at the group of people who were still barbecuing. Her eyes were filled with amazement.

These people were too versatile!

"Who are you looking at? " Luo Xichen looked at her from the corner of his eyes and said in a displeased tone.

"Qing Yafeng is so handsome! " Sha Zhixing's eyes were fixed on Qing Yafeng, who was busy working not far away from her. She looked at his skillful movements and sighed from the bottom of her heart.

Just looking at that scene was like enjoying a visual feast.

The corner of Luo Xichen's lips twitched slightly after she said that. He did not change his expression and asked, "am I more handsome than you? "

Sha Zhixing turned her head and rolled her eyes at him. She took a sip of the cocktail in her glass and continued to enjoy the food on her plate, occasionally feeding Luo Xichen some.

Luo Xichen's eyes were fixed on the sparkling lake under the moonlight. He pressed her head against his shoulder and suddenly asked, "Zhixing, do you like the feeling of being together with everyone like this? "

"Yes. " Sha Zhixing was drinking a glass of Margarita and answered him.

"I'll bring you here more often in the future. " Luo Xichen turned his head and looked at her. He could not help but pinch her face.

"Okay. " Sha Zhixing slapped his hand away in disgust and found a comfortable position in his arms. She turned her head and leaned into his arms.

Luo Xichen looked at her face quietly with a dim gaze.

There were actually many reasons why he brought her here.

One was to let him understand everything about him and enter his world. The other was to let her familiarize herself with everything here.

In that case, if he was not by her side one day and went on a business trip or something else, at least she would not feel lonely with so many people around her... ...

Sha Zhixing leaned on him for a while, turned her head, and glanced at the group of people who were still making a Ruckus not far away. Afraid that she would be dragged to drink later, she suddenly turned to look at Luo Xichen, who was beside her.

She pointed in the direction of the villa and gave him a look.

Luo Xichen naturally understood what she meant. He smiled lightly, held her hand, and wanted to walk towards the villa. He had just taken two steps when Ji Nanyou's teasing voice suddenly rang out behind him. "Where are second young master and sister-in-law going? "

His words caused the backs of both of them to stiffen at the same time.

Luo Xichen turned his head and glanced coldly at Ji Nanyou. His thin lips spat out two words. "Nosy! "

Ji Nanyou acted as if he had not heard what he said. He walked towards Sha Zhixing and put his long arm on her shoulder. He half-pushed her and half-dragged her towards the Party area. As they walked, he said, "sister-in-law, it's rare for you to come here. You've just appeared and you've disappeared. Everyone is looking for you right now. "

Sha Zhixing furrowed her brows after hearing what he said.

Why don't you look for me so that you can continue to tease me?

She understood, but Sha Zhixing did not say anything. She followed him silently into the crowd.

She was not a person who could not have fun. Besides, wasn't Luo Xichen there?

Luo Xichen actually did not want to go, but he could not go back now that she was gone. He followed the two of them slowly... ...


Qiqi explained that this was a series. Every one of these people could be the protagonist of the next book.