Chapter 1047 kept thinking about you

When the father and son walked down the stairs, Sha Zhixing and the baby were in the kitchen.

The baby obediently stayed by Sha Zhixing's side, like a little conductor, constantly guiding her.

"Mommy, this won't do. Daddy doesn't like it. "

"This won't do either. He won't eat it. "


She was very talkative and kept on talking a lot.

Sha Zhixing frowned slightly, the corners of her lips curled up slightly. Slowly, she said casually, "do you understand or do I understand more? "

The baby stuck out his tongue and said in a muffled voice, "this is how daddy eats these days. "

Sha Zhixing was speechless

Did she notice this?

Luo Xichen stood at the door and leaned against the wall quietly. He looked at the back of the mother and daughter. He felt a warmth in his heart as he listened to the four-year-old Baby.

Sha Zhixing knew him the best, but the baby was telling the truth.

He had been taking medicine regularly recently. He was afraid that food would restrain him, so many things had been restrained.

The baby was young, but it was much more heartwarming than he had imagined.

Luo Xichen felt that he had not pampered her in vain when she was still in her mother's womb.

Sha Zhixing did not know about this, but with the baby's reminder, it was easy to think that it might be related to the poison in her body.

Thinking of the scene of him falling to the ground at the wedding, Sha Zhixing's nose was sore. She picked out the coriander segments that she had just thrown into the pot with her chopsticks bit by bit.

Luo Xichen walked into the room step by step, stuck his head out, looked at the soup she had made, and gently pushed the baby out.

The baby did not understand, and looked at him in confusion.

"Baby, I'll leave this to Daddy. GO OUT FIRST! " Luo Xichen did not directly state his intentions, and pushed her out. After pushing her to the door, he closed the door behind him and locked it.

Hearing the movement behind her, Sha Zhixing turned her head and looked at him suspiciously.

Luo Xichen did not explain. He walked to her side, picked her up, and placed her on the counter. His arms supported her on both sides of her body.

"Zhixing... " his gaze slid down her delicate face, past her fair and slender neck, and finally stopped at her low-cut chest.

Sha Zhixing was still wearing her wedding dress. It was pure white. She had rushed here after Luo Xichen's accident. She had been waiting for him outside the door and did not have time to change, so she had not taken it off.

Luo Xichen was particularly annoyed by the snow-white wedding dress.

He tugged at her dress a few times and wanted to rip it off.

"Luo Xichen, what are you doing? " Sha Zhixing screamed in fear as she grabbed his wrist in a panic.

"I don't like it, " Luo xichen blurted out. He tugged at the Hem of her dress and wanted to rip it off again.

"Stop, Yafeng and the others are still outside! " Sha Zhixing pushed his restless hand away, her face a little red.

Of course, she knew that he did not like her dressed like this. She was dressed like this for another man. It would be strange if he liked her!

She had rushed straight over after his accident at the wedding. She had been waiting outside the door for his treatment and had no time to change. It was not her fault.

Luo Xichen's hands paused for a few seconds after her words. Just when Sha Zhixing thought that he would settle down, his arms suddenly tightened around her and held her tightly in his arms. His hoarse voice was filled with a deep magnetism "Zhixing, I've been thinking about you for the past four years... "