Chapter 1075: The baby's plan to abduct the second young master

He simu was in a hurry. He just wanted to keep him. He didn't think too much about it. He retracted his hand uneasily.

He calmed himself down and was thinking about what reason he could use to keep him. Suddenly, he walked over.

Actually, Luo Xichen had met him before. They had met several times before.

"It's a rare opportunity for the second young master to come here today. Would you like to have a few drinks with me? " He walked over with a bottle of wine in his hand. He sat down beside the two of them and handed the wine to he simu.

He Simu was worried that she wouldn't be able to find a reason to keep him here. It was just in time for him to come over. He took the bottle of wine and poured a glass of wine for the three of them. He took a drink and said, "Dad, it's your birthday today. Let me propose a toast to you first. "

He finished his sentence and downed the wine in his glass in one gulp.

Since she had already taken the lead, Luo Xichen had no reason to be disrespectful. He raised his glass and offered a toast to papa he as well.

Papa he was very satisfied with him. Even though he knew that he was already married, what did marriage mean in today's society?

Papa he dragged him to sit down and started chatting with him.

He simu stood beside them and poured the two of them a glass after glass. After one bottle of wine was finished, she went to change another bottle.

Luo Xichen was a good drinker. However, he simu did not know what kind of wine she was holding. After drinking it, the effects were very strong and it slowly started to show.

In the dead of night, Sha Zhixing helped the two children wash up and was about to arrange for them to sleep when Noah suddenly said, "Mommy, why is daddy not back yet? "

Sha Zhixing took out her phone and looked at the time. It was ten o'clock. It was not very late, but under normal circumstances, he should be back by now.

Thinking of the words she had said before she parted with him, her brows slowly furrowed.

When he told her not to go to bed so early, did he mean that he would be back late?

"WHERE DID DADDY GO? " Noah continued to ask.

Sha Zhixing was also very confused by this question.

The baby sat at the head of the bed, his two short legs swaying. After thinking for a while, he suddenly exclaimed, "daddy couldn't have been held up by some woman, right? ''

Sha Zhixing choked on her words

He already knew all this at such a young age?

She patted her head lightly and scolded with a smile, "what are you thinking about? "

"I was just casually talking. " The baby rubbed his hair, stretched out his short arms and hugged her neck intimately, his voice sweet, "Mommy, why don't we call Daddy? "

"Okay! " Noah leaned over and echoed.

"What are you talking about? " The two children started a nonsensical conversation.

Noah thought for a moment and said seriously, "tell his mommy and uncle Qino that they haven't come back yet. "

"will daddy come back as soon as he hears about this? " The baby looked at Noah with admiration. "brother, YOU'RE SO SMART! "

The two children were talking very seriously, completely ignoring Sha Zhixing, who was frowning beside them.

"You two can go to sleep now! " Sha Zhixing knocked the two children's heads on the left and right. Sha Zhixing removed the hand that was hanging around the baby's neck and carried her to the bed.

The baby was excited to play tricks on Luo Xichen. He did not want to go to sleep yet. As soon as he touched the bed, he jumped up and continued to discuss with Noah, "brother, why don't you tell him that uncle Qino is going to stay at our house tonight? "


Sha Zhixing,"..."