Chapter 1096: A family of four

"Daddy! " The baby snuggled in his arms and put his arm around his neck. He called out to him sweetly and suddenly buried his head in his arms, sniffing here and there. He looked very focused.

"Baby, what are you doing? " Luo Xichen was amused by her look. He put his hand on her small body and asked with a smile.

The baby lowered his head and continued to sniff while answering him, "I'm checking if daddy drove a car after drinking today. I'm also checking if mommy smells like other women. "

Sha Zhixing,"..."

Luo Xichen,"..."


The rest of the people in the room were speechless.

After a long silence, Luo Xichen could not help but Pinch Sha Zhixing's cheek. "Daddy doesn't drive after drinking. Mommy wouldn't do such a boring thing. "

What he said was true. Although he did not know where the baby learned this weird trick, Sha Zhixing would never do it under normal circumstances unless she was joking with him occasionally.

The baby looked up and looked at Sha Zhixing.

Sha Zhixing was very amused by her tonight. Seeing that she still looked a little serious, she smiled and said slowly, "mommy usually goes out with Daddy, so there is no problem. "

Luo Xichen,"..."

The baby looked at the two of them and giggled, then continued to read the book.

"Daddy, Mommy said that she wants to take me and my brother out for a few days. Shall we go together? " The baby said as he flipped through the pictures in the book.

"Sure. " Luo Xichen agreed without hesitation.

They had been back for many days and it seemed that they had not had a real family trip of four yet. It just so happened that the two children might have been traumatized by the incident last time. It would be good to go out and have some fun.

Most importantly, he had never gone out with them before.

"where do you want to go? " Luo Xichen asked gently as he picked up the baby with one hand.

The baby was not able to read smoothly. He was looking at all the pictures. One moment, he was pointing at this and the next moment, he was pointing at that. The location was also a great leap between the northern and southern hemispheres.

"Baby, just go to one country this time. Daddy and Mommy will go with you later! " Luo Xichen was too embarrassed to hit her directly, so he changed his way of thinking.

"Great! I can finally go with Daddy and Mommy this time! " He thought that the baby would feel sorry for her, but he agreed with a big smile on his face.

For a four-year-old child, having a daddy and a mommy was the most important thing.

Luo Xichen's expression darkened after she said that. He gently rubbed her head and said gently, "we will have daddy and mommy together in the future. "

The baby raised his little face and smiled sweetly at him.

The four of them discussed for a while in the evening and finally decided to go to France. The Luo family in France had their own home there. Most importantly, they heard that Qing Yafeng's family had also passed the past few days. The baby said that he missed their little guy.

Luo Xichen did not feel good about his daughter choosing a place for this reason. He felt as if he had become someone else's family before he got married.

However, after thinking about it, he felt that this was a good thing. With a child to play with them, at least it would be convenient for him and Sha Zhixing to do something when they wanted to.

With that being the case, the family of four immediately flew to Paris, France, the next day... ...

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Girls, explain. Yafeng's new article was being updated every day. The article could not see the updated ones trying to force the refresh. This was a system problem, and it had already been reported to the technology. Everyone could rest assured and follow the article. Qiqi would not give up on any book. NEW BOOK TITLE: Dangerous Trial Marriage: RICH FAMILY PAMPERS WIFE AT SKY-HIGH PRICE, author he Qingxia