Chapter 1222: Acting Cute as a family

Without noticing Hai Yue, Sha Zhixing was still laughing and joking with Shi Qinuo "Master, aren't you afraid that I won't be able to improve after you leave? There's no one to teach baby and Noah French. When I wake up in the morning and can't find daddy and mommy, there's no one to help me make breakfast. "

"Yes, mommy is right. BOOHOO... " baby and Noah were very cooperative with her words. The two children hugged Shi Qinuo's thighs on both sides and buried their heads in his legs. They nodded desperately and even "whimpered" twice. Their expressions were extremely pitiful.

Shi Qinuo's lips twitched.

TSK, the little black belly that he had taught had learned to trick him?

Luo Xichen looked at them with disdain.

It was too embarrassing. If he was going to cry, he should have hugged him instead!

Shi Qinuo could not stand the two children's crisp voices. He picked them up and said, "alright, uncle is only leaving temporarily. "

"What temporarily? It will take two years! " The baby retorted on the spot.

"France is not far away. Come with daddy and mommy when you miss uncle. You are welcome anytime. " Shi qinuo kissed her face affectionately.

"still not good, SOB SOB... " the baby hugged his neck and acted coquettishly, burying his face in his neck and pretending to cry.

Shi Qinuo was tickled so much that the corners of his lips could not help but twitch. His hands gently patted her shoulder, but he did not say anything.

Hai Yue stood not far away from them. From beginning to end, she quietly listened to this scene. From time to time, the conversation that she had just heard echoed in her ears.


Two years?

He was going to leave soon... ...

Today's Party was basically a farewell party for him, right?

Hai Yue's eyes suddenly turned sour. She turned around and ran out of the lawn.

Shi Qinuo quietly watched her back as she left. He lowered his eyes and thought about the meaning of her reaction. He put the two children down and followed her in large strides.

Hai Yue held her skirt and ran out of the lawn, heading straight towards the direction of the villa.

When she walked on the road, she met Mo Yichen. She saw that there was something wrong with her expression and asked in puzzlement, "What's wrong? The party has just started, why are you leaving already? Are you feeling unwell somewhere? I'll bring you there to take a look! "

Hai Yue acted as if she did not hear his voice as she quickened her pace and left in a hurry.

Mo Yichen's face was filled with confusion. Just as he was about to chase after her, Shi Qinuo's figure suddenly brushed past him and he took large strides towards the direction where Hai Yue had disappeared.

"What's wrong with each and every one of them? " Mo Yichen stood on the spot and stared in the direction where the two of them had left in a daze. He was even more puzzled.

Why did they act like they were in love?

After Hai Yue left the party, she went straight back to the villa and entered the garden. She was about to close the door of the inner room when Shi Qinuo's figure suddenly squeezed into the house.

"What are you doing here? " Hai Yue raised her head and when she looked at him, her eyes suddenly heated up and warm liquid gushed out uncontrollably.

Hai Yue was in a sorry state. She turned her head and was about to hold back her tears when her slender body was suddenly pulled into a warm embrace.

Hai Yue's body suddenly stiffened. She raised her head in shock and her eyes were filled with confusion.

Shi Qinuo retracted his arms and tightened them around her. His Smooth Chin gently rubbed against the top of her head.

"My guess that day was correct, right? "

She liked him!

Hai Yue kept her head down and didn't say a word.