Chapter 1364

According to the memory of the emperor of war, the Tianxing Pavilion is almost as old as the God of war hall.

The old guy who controls Tianxing pavilion has a very high position in the God of war hall.

The old man was at odds with the emperor of war, so he took a group of people away from the God of war hall and hid in the star pavilion that day.

This time, LAN Shishi and Shangguan are invincible to assassinate themselves, which is also their secret promotion.

After refining Taotie's essence and blood these two days, Shen Lang is not afraid of those old guys.

However, this will cause great trouble if it affects all parties to kill their guns.

Shen Lang's fingers gently tapped rhythmically on the table.

He does this every time he has a problem.

He will do the same every time he hasn't found the answer to the question.

Now Shen Lang is the triple heaven of Emperor Wu territory.

The ten divine beast particles have all become Danying. Tens of millions of incarnations have cultivated at the same time, and their cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds.

In terms of the blood essence of the ten divine beasts, we have obtained and refined the blood essence of Qilin, green dragon, poor Qi and Kui ox.

There is Taotie essence in hand, which has not been refined.

The more you go up, the greater the power of the gods and demons you need.

Even if the gluttonous blood essence is refined, without the continuous supply of the power of gods and demons, it is impossible to ascend to the quadruple heaven of the great emperor's martial realm in a short time.

The power of gods and demons is now Shen Lang's biggest headache.

"Brother Nan?" Hua yourong called twice.

Shen Lang recovered and said, "hmm? Ah, I was just thinking about something. I was a little distracted. I'm sorry."

Hua yourong smiled and said, "I see brother Nan's eyebrows are locked, but he's in trouble?"

Shen Lang smiled and said, "Oh, I'm here alone. I don't know much about the assessment of Tianxing Pavilion, so I'm a little uncertain about the future."

Shen Lang is just a casual excuse.

He doesn't care about the so-called assessment.

Joining the assessment is just to easily enter the inner layer of Tianxing mountain.

"Then you're looking for us!" Lian Xiuer raised her head and said.

Lianxiu'er didn't know that Shen Lang's words were a random excuse. Her eyes lit up and said, "this assessment of Tianxing Pavilion is very strange."

"The first level is a trial. The people participating in the assessment form a team of six at will, enter the Tianxing mountains from the South Gate of the night city, and go all the way to the Dream Corridor two thousand miles away;"

"This section of the area is a primitive jungle, which is shrouded in the ancient prohibition of Tianxing Pavilion and can't fly."

"In the meantime, there are organs and poisonous weeds, full of dangers."

"It is said that the most dangerous is not those organs and poisonous weeds, but other teams who are the same assessors!"

"Because this team is completely regardless of cultivation level, the formation is extremely chaotic and unfair... For example, some teams may be all Wang wujingwu, while some teams may have strong quasi emperor wujingwu!"

"The most powerful team like us is our two martial uncles. They are all accomplishments in the middle of Huangwu territory. If we meet a team with strong quasi emperor martial mirror, it will basically be the destruction of the whole army!"

Hearing this, Shen Lang frowned slightly: "so, the so-called trial rules are no rules?"

"The Tianxing pavilion was inspired by the ice emperor to absorb all the world's weapon refiners and medicine refiners in order to form a coalition of ten thousand nationalities to deal with the blood clan."

"What's the reason for letting these people kill each other before they really start the assessment?"

Hua yourong hurriedly answered and said, "in fact, Xiuer missed a little. There are rules for this test."

"The rule is that one team has only two places to kill."

Shen Lang's eyes moved: "two places to kill?"

Hua yourong nodded and said, "yes, it's two places to kill, and it's calculated according to the whole team."

"That is to say, no matter how strong your cultivation is, in this trial, you and your team can only kill two other teams at most."

"If you kill three people, the team will not only lose the examination qualification, but also be severely punished by Tianxing Pavilion."

"With this rule, the survival probability is still very high. In fact, it is not as cruel as brother Nan thought."

Shen Lang said coldly, "hum, Tianxing Pavilion likes to play this trick of treating people as monkeys."

"Many years ago, they liked to release some semi-finished products they studied, let many families taste a little sweetness, and then willingly become their experimental products."

"A group of guys who don't treat people as people, but keep saying that they are making contributions to the development of refining tools and medicine."

Hua yourong was stunned. After looking at each other, they all smiled bitterly.

Now I come to Tianxing Pavilion for assessment, and the night city is the territory of Tianxing Pavilion. There may be ears and eyes of Tianxing Pavilion everywhere. It's not a smart thing to ridicule Tianxing Pavilion now.

Those who dare to speak like this are either superior in strength and deep in background, or stupid and ignorant.

I just don't know what kind of Nansen belongs to.

But since he knows such things as Tianxing Pavilion, I'm afraid it won't be the latter one?

Hua yourong said tentatively after pondering for a moment: "did brother Nan say he came here alone? The three of us plus two martial uncles are five in total, and the six person team is just short of one."

"I wonder if brother Nan is interested in joining us?"

Shen Lang nodded slightly and said, "if your martial uncle is willing to accept me, I will naturally."

Hua yourong seemed relieved and said, "that's great. With brother Nansen, our six person team will take shape!"

At this time, Lian Xiuer sent a message to Hua yourong: "elder martial sister, although elder brother Nansen is good, we don't know his details, and we don't even know the degree of his cultivation. If you invite him so rashly, martial uncle won't agree?"

Hua yourong immediately said, "Xiu'er, you also said that we don't know the extent of his cultivation... Since we entered here, until now, we can't see through him, or even feel his breath at all."

"With this alone, brother Nansen's cultivation is probably above the Huangwu realm."

"And being able to come to Zhongzhou alone from the West wasteland is not something ordinary people can do!"

"The two martial uncles took us, and there were remote portals used many times, but they fought with people no less than six times on the way... If our Tianqing sect's sword skills were not unparalleled, could we sit here and eat, but it's still something they said!"

Lianxiu'er said in a surprised voice, "Oh, yes, it's still your considerate senior sister."

"In that case, brother Nansen is really not simple!"

Hua yourong said again, "as for the details of brother Nansen, there is no need to find out. His eyes are very clear. He is definitely not that kind of evil generation."

"And I don't know why. Getting along with him always makes people forget their tension and troubles, and become very relaxed and feel very safe."

"I don't think there is any problem with such a person."

Shen Lang heard their voices clearly, but he drank tea lightly, pretending not to know.

After the sound transmission, Hua yourong smiled and said to Shen Lang, "after the first level, it's a more orthodox assessment of refining utensils and medicines."

"Ordinary weapons, spiritual weapons, mysterious weapons, imperial weapons, imperial weapons, sacred weapons and heavenly weapons respectively correspond to the level of a weapon smelter."

"This assessment is not trivial, so tianxingge does not recognize the level identification of the tool refiner trade union and the medicine refiner trade union. All participants in the assessment should be re assessed according to their requirements."

"After this assessment, all contestants will receive corresponding rewards... Many contestants actually come for this reward."

"It's said that Tianxing pavilion has taken out many miraculous drugs and magic tools as rewards, including miraculous drugs that haven't been seen in the world for tens of thousands of years and earth shaking magic soldiers!"


When Hua yourong left, it was already late at night.

Shen Lang entered the Inn room arranged by Xia yuekong and immediately set a boundary around the room.

Then, Shen Lang immediately entered the fengtianding, turned his wrist and took out a collection.

Star Moon Bodhi beads.

Speaking of the star moon Bodhi beads, Shen Lang hasn't used them for a long time.

It has always been placed in Danying's body, using this pure Buddha power to warm up Danying and kill hostility.

I'm afraid Shen Lang would have forgotten if he didn't urgently need the power of gods and demons.

When he left the crack in the earth of the valley of poverty, the clearance master of Ruyi Buddha once sent a message to Shen Lang and told Shen Lang the secret of the star moon Bodhi beads.

"Shen Lang, the star moon Bodhi beads on you are not ordinary Buddhist beads, but boneless relics from the Buddha world."

"The outer layer of the package is a seal. It is sealed by the strong man of the legendary sect and the Buddha sect. If you can untie the seal, this Buddha bead can destroy the sky and the earth!"

"All evils do not invade, and all demons retreat!"

At that time, Shen Lang was surprised.

"The boneless relic from the Buddha world and the Buddha, doesn't it say that the boneless relic contains... Also divine power!"

Buddha world is one of the six highest planes coexisting with heaven, demon world, demon world, spirit world and Pangu world.

The so-called power of gods and demons is actually just a general statement.

The power of the gods in Pangu is the power of gods and demons;

The power of the spiritual world is the power of gods and demons;

The power of all Buddhas in the Buddha world is also the power of gods and demons;

When he first knew the secret, Shen langxiuwei was still in the quasi emperor's martial mirror, so he put it aside for the time being.

Today's Shen Lang cultivation is already the triple heaven of the great emperor's martial realm. The false silver eyes are broken and the layers of seals on the Xingyue Bodhi beads are immediately manifested!

Shen Lang bent his fingers a little and broke the seal arranged by the surging Buddha power.

At that time, within the array of fengtianding, the Buddha's light was swirling, and countless lights and shadows came out, colorful.

Dancing in the sky, Sanskrit bursts.

At this moment, the Xingyue Bodhi beads turned into a small Buddha's virtual shadow with closed eyes, and slowly turned in the void.

There are countless giant Buddhas in heaven and earth. Recite the Buddha's name together!

"Buddha's boneless relic..."

At the moment when Shen Lang was shocked, the Little Buddha suddenly opened his eyes!

Then the Buddha said in a compassionate voice, "Amitabha, I have condensed millions of years of cultivation on this boneless relic just to help you plant the seeds of origin."

"The origin of life and death, the origin of truth and falsehood, the origin of cause and effect, the origin of reincarnation, Wu Zun, everything is up to you."

As soon as the voice fell, thousands of Buddha lights converged on the virtual shadow of the Little Buddha.

The Buddha's virtual shadow released a pure and extreme Buddha light, and in an instant, it escaped into Shen Lang's forehead!

Shen Lang's expression moved, and he immediately sat down cross legged and entered a state of calmness.

"Create thousands of evil consequences and realize that all things are in the same place. Who can reach the other side; the only life, in one breath and one breath, I can become a Buddha."

Thousands of Buddha lights are winding around Shen Lang, and thousands of flying stars are dancing around Shen lang. at this moment, Shen Lang is the Buddha