"So you must fight?" Lou Po Tian's face was gloomy and incomparable. At the same time, behind his hands, he made a gesture towards the nine elder Lou Changfeng behind him.

"Hum, Lou Po Tian, you look after it. Today is the day of your family's extermination!" Mrs. Mo lost her patience and gave her life with malice: "kill! Not one of them


As soon as her voice fell, the attack of the master of Mo's family started immediately.

"The children of the Lou family are obedient, go up - fight with them!" The Lou family also rose to resist.

Bang! All the people in the field quickly fight together.

All of a sudden, the sound of killing, the sound of scream, the sound of weapons contact, deafening!

The first ones to move were cold and silver faced killers.

Two people fly forward, trying to contain each other's five Xuanwu realm.

Silver face voice is very cold: "Zhu Luo, you think well, kill me, is provocative seven kill building, do you bear the Revenge of our seven kill gate?"

Seven kill gate, the biggest killer organization in Tianzhao, no one wants to be watched by killers day and night, and Zhu family is no exception.

"Don't worry, we won't kill you. As long as you don't, when we kill all the family members in the building, we will naturally retreat!"

While they were talking, the other experts of the Xuanwu realm, who were covered with black cloth on both sides, were also like wolves entering the sheep, and they quickly killed the family members of the building.

They were surrounded by all the people in the building, and they were like living in a state of no one. But in an instant, the whole body was covered with blood and killed several Lou family members.


"Three elders!"

"Old city Lord!" In an instant, the front yard of the Lou family was filled with sad voices one after another.

In the midst of blood and flesh, the city Lord's house was flooded with blood and soon became a human purgatory like a mountain of corpses

Even Lou Po Tian was seriously injured and in a mess of blood.

Leng qianhan looks cold and stern, and is not afraid of life and death. After uncovering the white cloth, he does not hesitate to cut down the two masked Xuanwu states with a knife and stop them.

Yi -

when weapons meet, sparks are created.

Cold thousand cold with one enemy two, actually does not fall behind.

After cold qianhan blocked Lou Qianxue's sword, Lou Qianxue gave him the second layer of pithy formula of "Fu Tu Dao Fa", so that this set of inferior martial arts skills of heaven level can already exert the power of ground level.

But a few face-to-face, domineering, sharp blade, will be one of the two people on the face of the black cloth cut.

After seeing their faces, lengqianhan looked stunned: "it's you! I've met you at the County Hall contest! You are from Liuyun County

"Sheriff's office!"

Seeing this, a blood color flashed through his eyes, and he was extremely sad and indignant: "so Hiding behind the Mo's, not only the Zhu family, but also the prefectures

Seeing that their identities were exposed, they no longer covered them up. They took down the black cloth directly and said with a sneer: "yes, it's our prefectures. But what if you know? Knowing it will not change the fate of your family! "

"I'll give you the treasure of the house and the snow of the building. I'll give you a good time."

"Treasure? What treasure? "

"Stop pretending. In one month, Lou Qianxue has never been able to refine Yuanli to Lingwu Bazhong. If there is no treasure to help, who will believe it? "

Lou Po Tian laughed: "treasure? Ridiculous! Is this the real reason why the Zhu family and the prefecture magistrate's office started? Just, even if my house falls down, you can't get any treasure! Because we have no treasure at all

The two prefectures in Xuanwu area sneered: "the building breaks the sky! Don't try to deceive us. Miss star told us about the treasure in the Lou family. How could there be a fake

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