Dan Taiyuan handed the white bead to Lou Qianxue: "the eye of tianwu is the most important thing. It needs the spirit beast of tianwu territory When you become more advanced, you can upgrade with Wujun spirit beast... "

"Wu Jun After tianwu state, you are the king of Wu... "

Lou Qianxue's eyes flash slightly, hesitating to see the dantaiyuan.

She lost a lot of things in this man's hands, but also got a lot of

Don't say far away

There are also broken cloud sword, jade slips with inscriptions, and the eye of tianwu in front of you

Reason tells Lou Qianxue that he should not ask for the things of Dan Tai Yuan.


Tianwu's eyes, really let her heart.

What's the function of it?

Lou Qianxue bit his lips and hesitated.

Half tone.

She took the snow-white beads, swallowed the entrance directly, sat cross legged, and started to operate according to the skill of dantaiyuan into her mind, opening up the eyes of tianwu

Dan Tai Yuan's cold eyes light, can't help but be gentle a little bit, sit down beside Lou Qianxue and look at her quietly.

Under one side of the tree, three people looked at it for a while, quietly backed out, and galloped together for several Zhang before they stopped panting.

"When will there be such a strong man in our country of Nandu..."

"It's really terrible. He killed the spirit beast of tianwu territory with one hand, and in less than a quarter of an hour, he refined the spirit beast of tianwu realm with his bare hands. Is he the king of Wu?"

"I'm afraid that I can't be better than him as the best one in the South crossing!"

Lou Qianxue never dreamed of it. In order to find the best place for her to learn this weapon, dantaiyuan directly took her out of Tianzhao empire.

Lou Qianxue sat in front of the cave for a day and a night before suddenly opening his eyes.

A flash of light from the bottom of her eyes.

Her eyes, instantly become silver white, at the same time, the whole world, in her eyes, become more clear.

Her eyes tingled slightly. Lou Qianxue closed her eyes and opened them again. Her eyes returned to normal again.

"Tianwu eye has just been cultivated successfully. It needs to be adapted slowly and can't be used frequently..."

Lou Qianxue sighed at the bottom of her heart and looked at Dan Tai Yuan: "what do you want me to see?"

Dan Taiyuan's facial features are perfect, beautiful without casting, but his face is expressionless. The black inscription on his face, I don't know when to fade away. At this time, he is definitely looking at her.

"Take the eye of tianwu and look at me again."


Lou Qianxue is suspicious. Her dark eyes turn silver white in an instant.

At the same time, the whole world, in her eyes, also changed instantly.

She looks at Dan Tai Yuan in doubt


Lou Qianxue was astonished, opened his eyes, looked down at himself, and looked at Dan Taiyuan: "how do you shine? No Your blood is shining

At the moment of Zhenwu, she is still a body of flesh, but Dan Taiyuan's blood is shining

As white as jade, crystal clear, incomparable beauty

Lou Qianxue looks at the white light on dantaiyuan with admiration, but

"Why? Why, the bones of your left arm and left hand do not shine? "

"In the eye of tianwu, you can see aura." Dan Taiyuan said in a light tone: "white light is aura. Only the spirit body can have aura Even the bones are luminous, indicating that they are congenital Spirits - "

" congenital spirits How familiar... " Lou Qianxue frowns and tries to search for memory in her mind.

"My left hand and left arm didn't shine because someone took away my spirit bone."

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