"His highness promised to cede Liangcheng, Lincheng and Fengcheng to Nandu Kingdom after he ascended the throne." Liu Mansheng looked at the crowd coldly: "Your Highness, in order to save your life, you have to repay your highness in the future."


The crowd was stunned: "what do you say?"

"Cede three cities?"

"Why do you do that?" A general was furious: "our heavenly light is not weaker than Nandu kingdom. Why should we cede the city to them?"

"Even if there are only 700000 troops, we may not be able to defeat them!"

"Too much!"

Chu Pengfei was even more angry: "Liu Mansheng! You treason with the enemy! Did you have a good talk with Nandu! Join hands with each other intentionally to kill your highness


Chu Pengfei's words, like thunder, instantly awakened everyone!

"Yes All this happened so fast! People were caught off guard. We didn't even know what happened. Your highness is dead! This is not right! "

"Liu Mansheng said so now. He must have known for a long time that the Third Prince wanted to cede the city Oh, my God! They are really treason with the enemy! Sell the city for glory

All the generals and soldiers exclaimed in succession. At the same time, they glared at Liu Mansheng.

Especially the generals who have been guarding Liangcheng for many years are unable to accept this outcome.

Even Liu Jiajun, looking at Liu Mansheng's eyes, is full of blame

The 200000 reinforcements who had been agitated by Liu Mansheng before and opposed the crown prince and zhenguogong were also full of remorse!

The anger of being deceived almost burns the people's minds.

"Liu Mansheng! Are you not afraid of your Majesty's blame for treason and death of the prince? "

"Yes! Liu Mansheng, in any case, we will not be in the same boat with you! "

"Liu Mansheng, you traitor! We're going to kill you! "

"We will bind you to your Majesty's face for your guilt!"

"Ha ha..." Liu Mansheng was not afraid at all. He looked contemptuously at the crowd: "among the people present, except the Duke of Zhenguo and Chu Jiajun, which of you did not join me in opposing the prince?"

“!” The faces of the people changed suddenly, regretful and resentful. They looked at each other in disbelief.

"You bind me to your majesty? Good! Then, I will say, you are all accomplices! If your majesty suffers from the loss of his son, it is impossible even if we are all to blame? "

"As long as you want to die, just tell me!"

“…… Damn it

"Shameless!" The crowd glared at Liu Mansheng, but none of them wanted to report Liu Mansheng.

Chu Pengfei sneered: "Liu Mansheng, you wait! I will go back to the capital and report you to your majesty! "

Chu Pengfei strode away.

Liu Mansheng scoffed at him and said coldly, "if you want to die, just let him go."




Brush, brush!

Several generals strode forward and stopped Chu Pengfei: "second young master, this matter is of great importance, please consider it again!"

"You Chu Pengfei's whole body trembled: "you are all standing over that traitor! What a nuisance

Everyone was silent, except for the anxious Chu Jiajun, no one pleaded for him!

Chu Pengfei was shocked and disappointed and looked at the crowd. He was so sad that he could hardly breathe.

Liu Mansheng arrogantly stepped forward, staring at his young face full of resentment and disappointment, and sneered contemptuously.

Then he looked at the crowd: "what to do? All of us are on the same boat, only Chu Jiajun is not You say, what can we do if they turn a blind eye to us

Other generals frowned and looked at each other.

"Dad, I have a good idea!" Liu Lei stepped forward excitedly and looked at the pale faced Chu Pengfei and the Chu family members with pride: "only the dead will not reveal their words. I suggest Kill all the Chu troops

"Dare you

"Be bold! It's so bold! "

The other generals turned pale.

Bang! Bang!

Li Wen and Li Wu, however, drew a sword and threatened to look at the public: "who dares to question the decision of Mr. Liu?"

Li Wen, Li Wu, on behalf of the 400000 army!

The generals were cool in their hearts and looked at Liu Mansheng angrily. They knew that today, whether they agreed or not, they could not change all the things Liu Mansheng wanted to do!

Liu Mansheng chuckled twice: "don't get excited. We are all on the same boat. We have something to say However, general Ben also felt that only if all the Chu's troops "died in battle" would we be safe

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