"You are so tenacious as to shine on the vitality of human beings."

LAN Lingling flies out from the ground covered with vines, and her beautiful eyes look strangely at the floor Qianxue: "I admit, I underestimated you before, and let you be a maid. It is indeed a little aggrieved you. Your ability is enough to be my bodyguard."

Lou Qianxue looks at Mao San Chong like a dead man and ignores LAN Lingling.

"Sister Qianxue?" When Lou Han saw Lou Qianxue, he had the backbone and wanted to start.

"You go and have a rest and leave it to me." Lou Qianxue repeated.

"Yes, master..." Shen Xiliang's bloodstained eyes moved to Lou Qianxue's direction, and he was worried: "this Mao San Chong, really can't be underestimated..."

"No harm!"

Lou Qianxue never does anything uncertain: "I'm enough alone!"


In front of the curtain of light, all the people who were staring at the two sides of the sword were drawing cold air one after another when they saw this scene!

"How arrogant the woman is

"In the whole eastern region, I'm afraid no one can dare to say such a thing in front of the high kingdom of Kalan like her."

"Is one man enough? Does she mean that she alone can sweep the kingdom of Kalan

"Oh, it's ridiculous!"

Originally because of Lou Qianxue's excellent performance before, the people who had a slight affection for her were not happy at this moment!

"I really have some ability, but I don't know the height of heaven and earth!"

On the platform, the ethereal queen and the four elephant monarchs, as well as the other three lower kingdoms, couldn't help laughing.

Jialan Prince's cold lips also slightly hook, looking at the eagle Emperor: "Tianzhao Eagle emperor, your Tianzhao woman, very personality."

The eagle emperor's imperious face, without fluctuation, looked at the light curtain calmly.

He is a proud emperor. In the row of the seven countries, Tianjiao, who worked hard for Tianzhao, enjoyed both prosperity and loss with him. At this time, no matter what those children did, he was willing to choose to believe!

"For many years, no one has spoken to us like this in front of the people of Kalan." Jialan said with emotion: "I hope she can bear the anger of Zhu Lingling."

The third token Office


LAN Lingling, Mao Sanchong, Xie Qiuyu, and other Jialan Tianjiao, as well as the four Xiang Kingdom and the ethereal country Tianjiao, all thought that they had heard things.

"What did you say?" LAN Lingling's face is cold, and she asks the floor to walk through the snow.

"It seems." Lou Qianxue's cold eyes passed her: "the princess is not only conceited, but also hard to use her ears."

"You LAN Lingling's eyes burst out a flame in an instant: "I don't know what to do! Do you really want to deal with Tianjiao of Jialan country alone

Even Tianzhao Tianjiao, who has always been full of confidence in Lou Qianxue, couldn't help but take a breath of air after understanding the meaning of Lou Qianxue.

They want to believe Lou Qianxue

But they also know Lou Qianxue's ability!

Maybe even better than Mao San Chong!

but Lou Qianxue chose to face not only Mao Sancheng, but also Xie Qiuyu, LAN Lingling, and more than 20 other Jialan Tianjiao

Lou Qianxue, is this crazy?

No matter how powerful a person is, his power is limited in the end!

Lou Qianxue no longer paid attention to her, and continued to urge the heaven to shine on all the people: "go and wait for them. When I solve them and take the third token, we will leave."

Her tone was flat, without a trace of waves. It was as simple as solving the people of Jialan and taking the third token

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